"You, you, what are you doing... Why are you doing this to me..."

"Shouldn't your bounty hunters be killing demons? Why are you targeting me?"

"Slave, slave, please let me go, I'll give you all the spiritual tea."

The owner of the tea house felt as if he was tightly entangled by a python, unable to move at all.

In desperation, he immediately pretended to be a weak woman, with tears in his eyes, looking pitiful.

Li Xiao couldn't help but sneer: "Don't pretend, you are a demon, why are you pretending to be innocent?"

Just now, he had already felt that the resistance of the demon he had entangled was extremely terrifying.

You know, his physique is also very terrifying.

Along the way, few demons could withstand his punch.

If he hadn't used the white snake to entangle it directly when it wasn't paying attention, it would have been difficult to subdue it directly.


The owner of the tea house choked and cried, saying: "How can I be a demon? My Lord, please don't wrongly accuse a good demon. Could it be that you don't want to get rid of the demon, but want to plunder in this way..."

Soon, the people in the tea house heard the noise and ran over.

When they saw the owner of the tea house being pressed to the ground by a child, their faces changed drastically.

These women are all tea pickers in the tea house.

They live in the Ten Thousand Mountains, so they naturally know that the child who can press the owner to the ground is definitely not ordinary, but a powerful demon.

They knelt down one by one and begged for mercy:

"Let the owner go, she is not a demon."

"The owner is a good person, please let her go."

"Sir, we have lived here for generations, and the owner has protected us and is our benefactor."

"If you want to kill, kill me, please let the owner go..."

"Please let the owner go, he can't be a demon."

"The real demon is five miles away, and several bounty hunters have been eaten."

The pleadings kept ringing, and these women kept kowtowing and begging for mercy.

They firmly believed that the owner in front of them could not be a demon.

It must be this demon, who had evil intentions.

"I was dizzy for a while, and the king pressed the owner to the ground?"

At this moment, Ling Lingqi also woke up from the dizziness and was a little confused to see this scene.

But he did not speak to dissuade.

Even if the king really made a mistake and killed the wrong demon.

There are not so many rules outside the Ten Thousand Mountains.

At that time, all the people who knew about it will be killed, and the crime can be covered up.

The human women kept kowtowing, and Li Xiao was a little speechless.

It seems that these people don't know.

They thought that the owner of the manor was the original owner.

And why does this scene feel a little familiar?

Yes, in a novel I read in my previous life, there was a monkey who recognized the person who was transformed by the white bone spirit. After beating him to death three times in a row, the monkey's master didn't believe it and ended up chanting a spell to tickle him.

It's a pity...

Li Xiao sneered.

He doesn't have a stupid master, let alone a tight hoop curse!

"Do you think you can get away like this?"

Li Xiao looked at the fox demon owner coldly, clenched his right fist, and smiled: "Even if I really hit him by mistake and killed him, the worst thing is to destroy the whole mountain villa. No matter if you have a backer behind you, who can know that it was me?"


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Xiao used [Heaven Tiger Strike] and attached martial arts energy to his right hand.

He hit the beautiful woman owner's head directly.

The mole cricket demon that controls the fox demon's body is using words to delay time.

Brewing a powerful magical power.

It wants to use these tea-picking girls in the tea house to use morality to kidnap the bounty hunter demon.

As a result, this bounty hunter demon did not play by the rules?

Then, it felt a strong breath directly approaching it.

It felt death.

It is unimaginable that a ginseng fruit spirit can have such a strong power! ! !

The terrifying force was like a sky-dou pressing down.

If it hits the head, it will definitely be blown up together with the head.

Maybe the other party is pretending to force itself.

But it dare not gamble.

If the bet is lost, the gain will not outweigh the loss....

A mole cricket drilled out of the fox demon's ear, jumped to the ground, turned into a three-inch Ding, and finally revealed its true face.

The cricket disaster cursed: "Damn it, this is the righteous demon, hehe, the master is right, you demons, you are full of benevolence and morality, but in fact you only have your own interests!"

Bang! ! !

With a loud bang, Li Xiao's fist pierced the ground. With the fist as the center, the bluestone slabs on the ground were smashed to pieces, spreading like water waves, and the terrifying force spread over ten meters.

But Li Xiao did not blow up the fox demon's head.

But while attacking, he used the snake tail condensed by the martial arts energy used by the white snake to throw it in another direction.

Of course, if this cricket disaster did not come out.

He would also smash the fox demon's head without mercy.

"It's here, it's you who controlled the fox demon!"

Li Xiao slowly got up and looked at the demon.

This demon is a dwarf-like person.

This person looks very disgusting, with his facial features squeezed into a ball and a face full of pockmarks.

Thinking about how he had just ridden on his head, Li Xiao felt a chill in his crotch.

If the demon didn't want the woman in the tea garden to see the truth, it would have been able to attack just now, and he might have been in some trouble.

"Ah... It's really a demon..."

"Demon, demon has controlled the owner."

"How is the owner, is she still alive..."

The tea-picking girls in the tea garden only realized the truth at this moment.

"Since you know it, there is no need to stay."

The cricket disaster grinned, and many tumors grew on its back.

The tumor burst out, and countless tentacles stretched out from it, grabbing the group of women.

Soon, a woman was caught by the tentacles, and a black gas spread, and soon turned into a ball of meat paste, which was absorbed by the tentacles. After the tentacles absorbed it, they became thicker.

"Ah ah!!!"

"Devil, ghost!"

The women in the tea garden had never seen such a scene, and they were so scared that they collapsed to the ground.

"It's a disaster!"

Ling Lingqi screamed in horror: "It's incredible, this disaster can actually maintain its sanity, and just now it deceived the king's eyes and my nose!"

Ling Lingqi was also extremely shocked.

It makes sense that the demon can maintain a certain degree of sanity when eating demons slowly.

The disaster is a completely twisted thing, but its mind is so clear.

If such a terrifying thing is allowed to develop, it may be able to kill all monsters!

"No matter what it is, kill it first!"

Li Xiao immediately took out ten flying knives from his body and flew over with [Sky·Liu Guang].

These flying knives were brought by Jiang Ziling last time.

Xiao Li's flying knives never miss a target!

Tian·Liu Guang comes from the skill "Feather Sword" of "Golden Winged Dapeng".

Use feathers as swords to kill enemies thousands of miles away.

Li Xiao has no feathers, but he can use weapons instead of feathers.

And Liu Guang is a breakthrough of the sky-high skill of Feather Sword.

It's as if Li Xiao has practiced hard for hundreds of years.

Each flying knife is thrown out with extremely superb skills. Once it is thrown, it completely locks the target's trajectory and kills at an extremely fast speed.

The speed of the flying knife is so fast that steel can no longer withstand such friction. It makes a sizzling sound and burns red halfway because of the excessive friction with the air.

Ten flying knives, seven of which flew towards the tentacle that was chasing the woman.

The other three flew directly towards the three-inch Ding.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The tentacle was cut off in an instant and fell to the ground. The woman who was being chased survived by chance.

The other three flying knives hit the strange head of the mole cricket.

However, the flying knives passed through the strange head.

It seemed to pass through a layer of phantom and fell to the ground.

Looking closely, the strange thing was only a human skin left.

"My king, be careful, this is a disaster, a mole cricket monster, good at drilling into the ground!"

Ling Lingqi immediately jumped onto Li Xiao's shoulder and warned him.


Li Xiao performed the Heaven Tiger Leap and jumped suddenly on the spot, and immediately jumped out of a height of ten feet.

Sure enough, the ground where he jumped off was.

Countless huge tentacles broke out of the ground and chased after him. Each of them was as thick as a tree, with disgusting tumors growing on them.

Li Xiao jumped in the air and used his martial arts energy to transform into wings, continuing to increase his height.

The tentacles chased him to the extreme.

The tentacles stretched hundreds of meters before they could not reach Li Xiao's body.

However, the next second, something strange happened to the tips of hundreds of tentacles.

Each tip was shining with light, and the light was colorful. Each one was different, densely packed, like neon lights.

"What the hell!" Li Xiao narrowed his eyes.

"It's over!"

Ling Ling Qi was shocked and his legs went weak: "Every tentacle is releasing magical powers. This... there are hundreds of magical powers!"

If he was bombarded by hundreds of magical powers, he would definitely die without a burial place!

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