"My most holy Lord Demon God, I respect you here and save all peoples."

"Remembering the Passion, my heart is filled with grace. You have left us a pledge of eternal glory in the hereafter."

"Lord, forgive me and bless the departed souls..."

In the Great Hall of the Holy Church of Light, a group of demons were surrounding a demon core and praying.

Candles lit up the space, melodious musical instruments sounded, and prayers echoed loudly.

For Guangming Holy Cult, everyone who joins the Holy Cult is family.

To be more precise, only those who have practiced "Tianpeng Transformation" can be considered family members.


Whether it's a human, a monster, a demon, or even a disaster...

It's just the food for their growth.

In their words, sacrifice a small part first, and then you can save the whole world.

The demon core surrounded by demons is the demon core of the demon that was killed in the Holy Cult branch.

"Anyone who harms the holy religion will not be forgiven."

The Holy Cult branch leader spoke out.

"Sins are unforgivable!"

All the believers shouted in unison.

"Our compatriots went out on a mission and were killed by monsters. Let everyone see who the monsters are who hurt our families..."

The leader of the Holy Cult branch took out something that looked like an eyeball, which was a strange magic weapon.

Then he injected mana, and the eyeball turned red, shooting a ray of light into the magic core.

Above the magic core, a picture appeared out of thin air.

In the picture is the last picture of the master of the magic core before his death.

"This is the second transformation of the canopy transformation... After practicing to the second transformation, if you are killed, what happened before your eyes before death will be left in the magic core... Hatred can still be Pass it on like a fire..."

The branch leader explained: "In the future, no matter which family member suffers, please don't worry. The Holy Religion will definitely find its enemies, and the Holy Religion of Light will take revenge..."

in the picture.

What appeared was a person who looked like a one-year-old child, flying in the sky, and then punched him down.

Suddenly the sky collapsed, the earth shook, the mountains and rivers trembled, and then the picture turned dark...

After reading it, all the saints were stunned.

They thought that their compatriots from the holy sect might have been killed by disciples of the sect.

But I didn’t expect that the person who killed his compatriots was actually a one-year-old child?

What kind of monster is this and why is it so powerful!

"It's him!!!"

Xiong San stood up suddenly, extremely shocked!

The child in the picture is none other than the baby adopted by the demon tiger.

Xiong San originally thought that he had turned into a demon, entered the first level of magical power, and had the ability to compete with him.

Unexpectedly, the kid named Li Xiao became more and more powerful!

Now he actually has the strength to defeat the calamity of the second level of supernatural power with one punch...

"Why, Zhu Huxing, do you know this person?"

The sub-ruler looked over.

"Yes...he is my sworn enemy!"

Xiong San said fiercely.

When entering the Holy Religion, everyone must abandon everything in the past.

Renaming means becoming a demon again.

The sub-rudder's name is Sirius Moon, and he is a Sirius demon.

In the Holy Religion, ordinary believers are named after stars to represent the stars in the sky.

The helm master level is named after the month, which represents the moon.

The door master level is named after the day, which represents the sun.

The leader is named after the sky, which means light...

However, no one knows the name of the leader...

Stars, moon, sun, sky...just like the sky illuminates everything, this is the teaching of the Light God Religion.

Xiong San learned privately that the strength of this sub-rudder, Sirius Yue, was unfathomable.

His true body is a heavenly wolf, his cultivation is the fourth level of supernatural disaster, and now he is also the body of disaster.

But now he looks like a middle-aged man with a very kind face.

Sirius's eyes brightened slightly, he looked at Xiong San, and then said loudly: "Zhu Huxing, please tell me about your past..."

Xiong San nodded slightly, and then said: "I am a simple-minded black bear demon, and once I went out to ask for a wife... This kid stole my treasure house, killed my brothers and feet... and forced me to despair... "

Xiong San talked for half an hour, describing this child as a devil that was too many to describe.

Of course, from his perspective, he is the absolute victim.

"Kill him, kill him, kill him!"

"Kill him and bring light to the world!"

"This is a demon and must be eliminated, otherwise light cannot illuminate the world..."

After listening to this, the believers were emotionally infected, filled with righteous indignation, and raised their hands to shout.

They all asked to kill this demon and bring light to the world.


Sirius Yue spoke, and the restless scene suddenly became quiet.

He took out a book.

There are many names recorded in this book.

Among them are many city lords from the demon city, and even sect elders and heads...

This book is called "The Book of Sins", and it is a list of people who have recorded serious sins in the Holy Religion of Light.

As long as you are included in it, you will be the target of Guangming Holy Religion.

Sirius Yue picked up the pen and wrote Li Xiao's name into the book.

He looked at the crowd and said slowly: "This is a human child, named Li Xiao. He has been included in the book of sins. He is the darkness of sin in the world, and the Holy Religion must get rid of him!"

After that, Tianlang Yue picked up the mole cricket magic core and handed it to Xiong San: "Xiong San, since you have a deep hatred with him, this magic core will be handed over to you. You have to inherit everything from your compatriots, as well as his hatred, and avenge him. Are you willing?"

"I am willing!"

Xiong San knelt down and took it with both hands.

It sounds like he wants to swallow this magic core...

Xiong San was excited.

This mole cricket disaster magic core has a lot of magic energy. After swallowing it, his cultivation will definitely increase greatly...

"When I reach the third level of Tianpeng, I will definitely kill Li Xiao with my own hands!"

Xiong San said viciously.

Hearing this, the branch leader Tianlang Yue nodded slightly, "Very good, I am optimistic about you!"

This "Tianpeng Change" is extremely fast to practice, but it is also extremely dangerous.

Because swallowing practice is a crooked way.

Absorbing negative energy and becoming a demon will definitely lose consciousness.

And if you want to maintain consciousness, you must use the power of hatred to suppress negative energy.

Tianpeng Transformation is such a skill. The deeper the hatred, the faster the progress of cultivation will be...

The most important thing is that if you want to cultivate the third transformation of Tianpeng, the tarsal transformation, you must transform from a demon to a disaster.

Most believers will die at this stage.

To transform from a demon to a disaster, you need to devour a large number of demons.

Then absorb them into yourself and turn them into disasters. 90% of the believers will explode and die at this time.

Tianlangyue is very optimistic about Xiong San.... He can successfully become a disaster!

Only in this way can he become the fighting force of the Holy Church of Light....

After the farewell ceremony, the demons dispersed.

In the lobby, only Tianlangyue and Nanshixing were left.

Nanshixing is Xiong San's eldest brother.

In the branch, his status is second only to Tianlangyue.

Nanshixing said: "Master, once Dihuangxing dies, the plan to seize Tianhu Demon City will fail..."

The mole cricket disaster is called Dihuangxing, and it controls the three-tailed fox demon who owns the tea house.

We should seize the opportunity of paying tribute to the City Lord's Mansion every year to seize the Sky Fox Demon City.

As a result, this cricket disaster was greedy and hunted bounty monsters, but was killed by someone...

This plan naturally failed.

Sirius snorted and said, "This Dihuangxing is so ungrateful. It took so much effort to cultivate him into a disaster, but he is still so greedy... He ruined the great cause of the Holy Church!"

Nanshixing said, "I'm afraid this Dihuangxing didn't expect that there is still someone who can kill him among the bounty hunters..."

Sirius said, "In this case... temporarily give up the plan to capture the Tianhu Demon City... If your brother Zhuhuxing can become a disaster and cultivate to the third level of Tianpeng, he can use the tarsal bone technique. At that time, first occupy the weaker Huanghu Demon City... You will become the Lord of Huanghu City, and your brother will become the deputy Lord of Huanghu City... The Lord of Huanghu City is also a direct disciple of Bixia Demon Valley. Although his status is weaker... At that time, he can also attack Bixia Demon Valley from the inside..."

Nanshixing bowed: "Yes!"

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