Seeing that Su Ming was about to return in disappointment, Su Nan immediately took the silent arm:

"Yes, although I am your sister, I still have to stand in silence. Second brother, you are too much. You are not suitable at all. Let's separate..."

Su Ming twitched recently, her pupils trembled, and she looked at Su Nan.

Su Qi was also stunned: "..."

Is Su Nan here to add fuel to the fire?

Su Nan snorted lightly, "I'm going to arrange a blind date for Momo soon, Cheng Yi is the first one, with a good family background and sweet mouth, no one doesn't like it, if not, it's the others, anyway, they will cherish Momo more than you! "

Silently looked at her gratefully, and tears of excitement flowed from her heart.

Su Ming gritted his teeth, his face was a little blue, and his voice was low:

"Xiao Wu, don't even think about it."

"Anyway, Momo doesn't want you anymore, and whoever she is with in the future has nothing to do with you.

Your experiment is so important, you can spend your whole life with the laboratory. In the future, when we silently get married, we will send you invitations! "

After Su Nan simply finished speaking, the surroundings felt that Su Ming's stern aura became even more awe-inspiring.

Somewhat cold.

His gloomy eyes stared at the silence, Su Nan said, but if the silence really did this, he didn't know what he would do?

Silent swallowed his saliva unconsciously, feeling that Su Nan was cruel.

She is crueler than herself.

Su Qi stood aside, his shoulders shaking with laughter.

He suddenly understood why Su Nan did this.

After scolding all those who could scold, Silent Si naturally felt no discomfort in his heart, but began to feel distressed for Su Ming instead.

What a clever little ghost!

After Su Nan finished speaking, he pulled Silent to leave here.

"Let's go, let my second brother fend for itself!"

Silently startled: "..."

Su Ming's expression changed, and he stepped forward and took Silent's hand.

"Don't go..."

There was an indescribable humility in his voice.

He opened his mouth, but still spoke with difficulty:

"Silent, before I met you, I really planned to be alone forever.

I'm not sensitive to anyone in this world except my family, I think it's all dispensable.

But after meeting you, I want to be with you forever, you are as important as my experiments.

No, you are more important than the experiment. I am ashamed that I forgot to make an appointment with you that day, but please believe in my loyalty to you.

Please don't give me up easily, I don't know all kinds of relationships, but I will learn.

With your parents, I will come to the door to apologize in person, can you...can you give me another chance? "

Su Ming, who has always been a scholar and despised all living beings, also had such a humble day.

It's awkward to say that.

But if speaking out can make Silent change his mind, he is willing to say it!

Even if it is many times.

Su Nan looked at him and then at Si Si.

Finally, he stopped scolding him.

If she continued to scold her, her second brother would cry.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

Silently lowered his eyes, the surface was light and cloudy, and he couldn't see anything.

But my heart has long been overturned.

They have known each other for so long, and they have always reached out to him silently and took the initiative to communicate with him. She mustered up the courage to say what she said.

She always thought that Su Ming married her, but she didn't hate her, and didn't like her much.

Su Ming looks cold and cold, gentle, and the most important thing in his heart is always experiments and data.

She knew that she was such a person too.

But he said that he is more important than the experiment...

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