After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1355: it's already over

Shang Qian smiled, twitched the corners of his mouth, and the smile disappeared completely:

"It's ridiculous, I haven't told anyone about this, even the business group doesn't know that I already know it.

Before my mother jumped off the building, she was driven crazy, why?

Because she already knew that Shang Qun couldn't tolerate her anymore, let alone me, so her hope of taking advantage of me to become a high-ranking person was lost.

Not only that, but Shang Qun ruined her job and cut her back, leaving her only a dead end. "

Su Nan stood there for a long time, unable to wake up from such shocking news.

Although she knew that Shang Qian's identity was definitely not popular, at most she was a little wronged in terms of living conditions.

Unexpectedly, he has such a big secret hidden in his heart!

He tore apart his deepest hidden darkness, and fluttered about the most hurtful past.

Just hearing it, word by word, was enough to make her breathless.

did not expect……

These are all things he has experienced.

While experiencing it, he felt his own powerlessness, as if all the cruel things in this world had fallen on him alone.

Su Nan couldn't say a word, she just stared at him blankly, with mixed feelings in her heart.

If only I could give half of my luck to him...

Shang Qian stood there, took off the painting, and put it on the table beside him, cautiously afraid of breaking it.

Looking back at her, seeing her standing silently, the elation and excitement in her eyes just now had completely disappeared.

He froze for a second, walked over, and lowered his voice as low as possible:

"Scared you? I'm sorry, I won't bring this up again..."

Su Nan's eyes were instantly sour, she suddenly reached out and threw herself into his arms.

Shang Qian froze for a moment, and then slowly put his hand on her shoulder.

Nothing was said.

Su Nan felt terrible in his heart.

In this world, there are always people who were born with a golden spoon in their hands but lived in a daze.

There are always people who come out of the mud and live hard and brave.

She was so lucky to have met such a brave man.

For a long time, Shang Qian put his hand on her head and was silent.

"It's okay, it's all over."

Su Nan resisted the urge to cry.

But her voice was still a little hoarse and choked:

"But what I heard was completely different. They said it as if you killed your mother and your father. How could they talk nonsense?"

Contrasting black and white, how did he persist day after day?

How could he just smile and ignore these trumped-up accusations when he heard them?

It's nothing more than a habit of listening!

Su Nan's heart really hurts like a needle stick, and the pain is so dense that he can't bear to think about it.

But in front of Shang Qian, it seems that he has never hated anyone, let alone the world.

Shang Qian touched her hair silently, as if to soothe her excited emotions:

"It doesn't matter, the more they say that, the safer I am. By the time everyone believes I am who they say I am, my existence will be no threat to them."

That's why, after Shang Nei died and he married Mike's mother, Shang Yi didn't kill him.

Because at that time, Shang Qian's reputation was already bad, and there were scandals everywhere.

For Shang Yi, there is no more threat.

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