After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 616: Take advantage of danger

After Su Nan left Fu Yechuan's room, he went downstairs to find Du Yan without forgetting his business.

Not talking about this matter to the outside world, except for Du Yan's various speculations, no one else knows what happened.

The brokerage company of Sang Yi and Liu Chengcheng also formally submitted the exit statement, probably arranged by Fu Yechuan.

They are discussing who to ask to save the field to reduce losses.

Yesterday, two people changed after one day of filming, but fortunately there was only one day, and the contact person had time to make up.

But Su Nan doesn't plan to participate in the supplementary filming. If the same game is deliberately played again, it will feel too fake.

With Su Nan's acting skills, she can't be as professional as a professional actor, and maybe it will backfire.

Du Yan contacted Zhang Zhang, an actress who has been divorced for a long time. She is a big sister in the entertainment industry, and she is generally not allowed in variety shows.

I don't know what method Du Yan used, but that eldest sister, Da Zhang Zhang, agreed to come and try it for two days!

As for the other person, Su Qi contacted a young woman named Ying Ying for her. She was only twenty-five and had been with her husband for seven years. She was a typical model couple in the circle.

A few days ago, it was exposed that her ex-husband ate it secretly. She chose to forbear and declared that she believed in her husband. At that time, she was strongly scolded by netizens.

Deceiving yourself!

At present, Ying Ying has not exposed the news of divorce.

Therefore, she participated in this show and announced her divorce positively, which could take advantage of the popularity and value more than letting the paparazzi take pictures or other people's exposure.

This is a win-win for both parties.

The arrangements for the two substitutes were made, and everyone was relieved that they promised to come to the crew in a few days.

Du Yan plans to select the other parts first to facilitate editing later.

Su Nan returned to the room and tidied up briefly.

He took out his mobile phone and watched Qin Yu missed several calls.

She frowned, when did she mute?

She dialed back immediately and picked it up in less than two beeps.

"You finally picked it up, it made me anxious..."

Qin Yu hurriedly said, "Are you all right? Is there anything wrong with that bottle of wine? Did Fu Yechuan do anything to you?"

Su Nan paused, and when he heard the bottle of wine, some images suddenly flashed in his mind.

Yes, when she was drinking, she even videoed with Qin Yu.

But then he frowned in surprise.

"Why did Fu Yechuan come to my room?"

Qin Yu choked, hesitating and hesitating.

"That... I was afraid that something would happen to you. I was completely worried that something would happen to you, so I asked Fu Yechuan to visit you. I was afraid that the woman would put medicine in the wine..."

Su Nan was shocked for a moment, it turned out that Fu Yechuan took care of her at that time, and then left quietly.

If Qin Yu hadn't mentioned it, she wouldn't know about it at all.

Fu Yechuan didn't even mention it.

There was a trace of strangeness in her heart, as if touched by a feather.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Qin Yu wouldn't guess right?

"Sure enough medicine?"

She couldn't help but raised her head, pinched her eyebrows, and looked at the blue sky and white clouds that were washed with water.

Qin Yu is really a genius!

She was indeed drugged!

Qin Yu had already regretted it, and she knew that she should have rushed over to save her instead of giving Fu Yechuan a chance.

"It's over, it's over, Fu Yechuan's bastard, did he defile you..."

After the words were spoken, the two sides of the phone were silent for a while.

Su Nan let out a slow sigh of relief, her tone as calm and steady as possible, "Don't worry, there is only a slight hallucinogen in the wine, I'm fine, he didn't do anything."

People like Fu Yechuan would not take advantage of others' dangers.

Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good, if he dares to do anything, I'll cut him with a knife!"

Su Nan smiled and said jokingly, "Spare him a dog's life."

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