Su Nan turned around and entered the living room, and saw Su Qi humming a song and went to the kitchen.

Somewhat strange.

On weekdays, if Su Yifeng forced him to go, he would never take a step into the kitchen.

what is it today?

Su Yifeng mourned for a while, then began to sit in the living room and watch TV, Gong Dou drama, his new hobby.

Just as Su Nan was about to go in and have a look, she heard someone coming downstairs.

Su Ming walked down the stairs and sighed inexplicably.

So he went home?

"Second brother, you came back alone, did you come back with you silently?"

Su Ming's face stiffened, it was obvious that he had hit his sore spot.

Su Yifeng raised his eyelids, not wanting to speak.

Su Ming touched his nose, and there was a hint of embarrassment on Swen Qingjun's face.

"I'm going to the research institute tomorrow. It's time to go to work. She... has to stay at home for a while."

Su Nan nodded and watched Su Ming walk towards the kitchen.

Su Qi came to greet Su Nan cheerfully, "Little Si, the third brother made milk tea, come, come..."

Su Nan: "..."

Why would you give her something to drink this kind of anti-humanity?

You're going to be fat, okay?

Before she could go to the kitchen, she heard Su Ming speak slowly:

"There are a lot of trans fatty acids and fatty acids in this liquid, which will increase the cholesterol content, cause cardiovascular disease, and cause cancer in the human body..."

Oh, her appetite is completely gone.

Su Nan turned around silently and stopped drinking!

Su Qi was silent for a few seconds, completely speechless, "Second brother, you are really single by your ability!"

Su Ming came out dejected, his face even more ugly.

Su Qi came out humming a song and gave Su Yifeng a cup.

"Dad, I honor you!"

Su Yifeng didn't even look at it, and took a sip.

"Not too sweet..."

Su Qi smiled, "I know I don't like to drink too sweet, you can make do with it..."

Su Yifeng twitched the corners of his mouth, hehe...the skin is itchy again!


In less than a week, Chen Jian had good news.

The court heard that Zhang Licheng, Li Hui and others had misappropriated assets and made false accounts. They were prosecuted and sentenced to three years in prison.

Next, people from the Su Group officially settled in Zhicheng Company.

Since the whole company united against Su's people at first, Su Nan didn't have much sympathy for them.

They have to stay in the company to work with unemployment benefits, and have no labor relationship with the company. They just want to take advantage of Zhang Licheng.

Therefore, there are only ten employees who really belong to Zhicheng Company.

These ten people, who are still the lowest-level employees, leave with a considerable severance pay.

They all chose to leave.

The overall situation has been decided, and Su Nan also followed with a sigh of relief.

When the project starts, Su Nan will take another look, and the rest will not be difficult.

Su Group's office.

Su Nan was drinking coffee and watching the situation report sent by Chen Jian.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

It's Qin Yu.

"Go and see Fu Yechuan's circle of friends, hahaha..."

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat.

She had a bad premonition that Fu Yechuan, this dog man, started to be a demon again!

She clicked on the Moments subconsciously, and sure enough, the latest one was posted by him.

"It's a blessing to be able to cook for you!"

The picture below is a series of desserts.

Peach Blossom Crisp, Red Date Crisp, Osmanthus Crisp, Mung Bean Crisp, Red Bean Crisp, Sesame Crisp...


This time, it was quite euphemistic, and she didn't give out her surname directly.

But the crispness of this picture is really enough!

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