The environment here is special, the conditions are difficult, and there is not even a wheelchair.

Su Nan's foot was sprained, and she wanted to go to the ground unless she used a cane, but she didn't even have a cane.

Cheng Yi was very considerate and found a small wooden stick for her, and proudly walked around twice with the small wooden stick in front of her.

"It's just right for you, I'm really a big country craftsman, it's too late for you to change your boyfriend now!"

Shang Qian raised his eyebrows, dare to dig a wall in front of him?

Su Nan snorted coldly, "Don't insult the craftsmen of the big country. Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death with this!"

The stick was thinner and weaker than her arm. If she really used it, her other foot would be lame!

Cheng Yi pouted, "You can't even walk, you still want to hit me?"

Ning Zhiliu glanced at Cheng Yi, who was courting death, and said nothing.

Shang Qian said calmly: "My boyfriend can do it for you."

Cheng Yi paused, laughed angrily, raised his feet and walked out.

Is it amazing to have a boyfriend?

What did he say when he was cut in line?

Su Nan turned his head and looked at Shang Qian, "You have a grudge against him?"

Shang Qian stood there, loosening his neckline seriously, "He wants to seduce you."

Su Nan couldn't help but laugh, but Ning Zhi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Mr. Shang, beware of such a high gender, Cheng Er is not called seduction, it is called death!"

Su Nan nodded. After all, Cheng Yi was with her and was not in her choice at all.

Cheng Yi and Ning Zhi, like Qin Yu, are **** girlfriends.

Shang Qian breathed a sigh of relief, his eyebrows moved slightly, and he leaned over to look at her:

"I know, if he succeeds, what's the matter with me?"

There was an irresistible complacency in his voice.

Su Nan looked at the smile reflected in his eyes, and was stunned for a while, almost bewildered by him.

Why didn't she find out that Shang Qian's smile had the effect of confusing the mind?

Ning Zhi snorted from the side, and the ambiguous atmosphere between the two was swept away. Shang Qian stepped back a safe distance, and Su Nan's face burned.

In less than 20 minutes, the sound of the rumbling helicopter gradually approached, and it was in an open space not far away.

Cheng Yi ran in excitedly, "Let's go, big brother is here!"

Ning Zhi also let out a sigh of relief.

They handed Su Nan to Shang Qian.

Su Nan was embarrassed and wanted to go to the ground, even if Shang Qian supported her and walked over with a limp.

But Shang Qian stood aside, unmoved.

Su Nan looked up at him and pursed her lips, "Shang Qian, you can help me..."

Otherwise, you can wait for Su Jin to come and hug her...

But she was too impatient.

Shang Qian paused and sat down beside her, with an ambiguous loss in his expression.

"You're wrong..."


He bent over, slid across her legs and arms, held her in his arms, and looked down at her.

"You should let me hug you."

Su Nan: "..."

He carried her out, effortlessly, soft and fragrant, as carefully as he was holding a treasure.

The warm sun in winter is warm and warm, but the seasons change, and the temperature is mixed with some coolness.

As soon as he went out, Su Nan felt that Shang Qian held her tighter.

Getting closer and closer to the helicopter, the roar in my ears began to be deafening.

Cheng Yi can't wait to get on the plane, but why can't he see Qin Yu's shadow?

Just as Su Nan was about to ask, Qin Yu's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

She watched what Qin Yu said with her mouth open, and waved at her.

But the sound of the helicopter covered her voice tightly.

Su Nan couldn't help but feel anxious, "What are you talking about, why didn't she come?"

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