Chen Mian couldn't help but stunned when he knew that the Su family sent a helicopter to pick them up.

What a big deal, the cost of going to a helicopter is much more than the money donated by the Su family!

But it is not difficult to guess that the Su family has donated a lot, but there is no splash on the Internet, unless they deliberately reduce the popularity.

Fu Yechuan's eyes pondered deeply for a few seconds, and the silver watch on his wrist exposed the edge, exuding a cold light.

He raised his eyes and looked at Chen Mian solemnly and indifferently:

"I asked Su Nan, not the Su family."

Chen Mian paused, and his face changed slightly.

"Wu Tutu went to see it. Miss Su's foot injury has recovered very well and has been discharged from the hospital."

Fu Yechuan stared at him intently, his eyes narrowed, terribly cold.

Chen Mian closed his eyes and couldn't hide it. The nature of his work did not allow any concealment from Fu Yechuan.

"Moreover, according to reliable information, Miss Su is already with Shang Qian."

This news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, Fu Yechuan's face was instantly dark and gloomy, the chill around him enveloped him, and the air pressure was extremely low.

It was freezing cold in the whole office.


Fu Yechuan's breath was heavy, his face was tense and ugly, and he gritted his teeth, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Chen Mian paused, "I'm sorry President Fu, this matter is a foregone conclusion, we... don't know how to speak."

Fu Yechuan slammed the things on the table to the ground, and those precious ornaments became pieces in a blink of an eye!

This is the harbinger of a storm coming!

"How dare you hide such an important matter from me?"

Fu Yechuan's eyes were scarlet, and he suppressed his anger.

Chen Mian pursed her lips and lowered her head: "I'm sorry, Mr. Fu."

Fu Yechuan kicked the table next to him, and was extremely unhappy.

He raised his eyes, his eyes drenched in cold ice.

"Chen Mian, send your resignation letter to the mailbox, get out!"

His tone was terribly cold, and he didn't give anyone a chance.

Chen Mian's face turned pale, looked at him, and wanted to speak, but in the end he didn't.

He had been with Fu Yechuan for so long and knew his temper.

Fu Yechuan will not give anyone a chance to say sorry.

Especially, knowingly committing a crime!

Chen Mian closed his eyes, the back of his neck was numb, but he bowed respectfully and nodded, "Yes, Mr. Fu."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left with a thin and thin back.

Fu Yechuan picked up his clothes and left, full of anger.

Go directly to Su Nan's original apartment.

He bought the upper and lower floors, and he couldn't believe that he couldn't stop her.

His mind was blank, and he had to ask her why she treated him like this?

In just a few days, she fell in love with someone else?

Fu Yechuan arrived downstairs in the apartment and got off.

Arriving at Su Nan's door, he suppressed his emotions and took a deep breath.

He was about to knock on the door when it opened.

The person who came out was not her, but an average-looking woman with heavy makeup.

When she first saw Fu Yechuan, her eyes lit up.

"Mr. Fu?"

Fu Yechuan's handsome eyebrows were tightly knitted, and his voice was extremely indifferent:

"Who are you?"

"I'm Song Ju. I was fortunate enough to interview a spokesperson for your company before, but it didn't fit your company's image, so I couldn't cooperate.

Mr. Fu, we are really destined, I just bought the house here, and you are here..."

Song Ju thought she had a wink in the air.

Fu Yechuan was extremely disgusted, "You bought it?"

Song Ju brushed her hair, "Yes, such a good location is only sold for half the price, I can't miss it."

No matter how slow Fu Yechuan's response is, he will not fail to understand, Su Nan sold this place!

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