There is no rush to terminate the contract.

Sun Haoyang's reaction was beyond her expectations, and it turned out that he was not a fool.

How could a rational person like him be violent at home?

Su Nan couldn't help but be a little curious.

But she didn't ask.

Sun Haoyang followed her down the steps, opened his mouth, but still said:

"Mr. Su, I'm sorry."

Su Nan looked at him, "I'm sorry for what?"

"I lied to you on the way here. Actually, I know Yunyun."

Oh, that's what happened.

She looked indifferent, "Then why did you lie to me?"

Sun Haoyang's tone was low and cold:

"I know there is a reason for her to get Su's endorsement, and I don't want to be grouped with her."

So, he lied to people.

But when he saw Su Nan behind the wine cabinet, his heart was completely cold.

There was a hint of coolness in the air.

Su Nan tightened his clothes.

"Got it."

It is estimated that what this person said is true, and it will not lie.

Her car has arrived at the door.

"Mr. Su, for the sake of my not agreeing to her, I will be merciful when I terminate the contract."

He knew very well how powerful the legal team of such a large group was.

They rarely have a conscience.

Even if their group proposes to terminate the contract, the person who loses money in the end becomes the spokesperson.

Su Nan tilted his head and looked at him: "Cancel the contract?"

"Well, I didn't dare to look forward to this endorsement, but... my current job is to rely on this to eat."

He smiled wryly, and after a night of indifference, he finally couldn't hold back at this moment.

Su Nan's eyes rolled, and it took a while before she realized it.

What he meant should be, rely on the termination fee to eat?

This is too bad!

Perhaps Su Nan's gaze was too shocking, and Sun Haoyang tilted his head to avoid her gaze.

The time for a man to put down his self-esteem is only a few seconds.

This is his limit.

Su Nan pursed his lips, and his voice was not so cold.

"In view of your honesty, I'll give you a chance to come to the company tomorrow morning to talk to me about the contract."

The next second, Sun Haoyang looked at her in shock.

a chance?

The opportunity of the Su Group, I dare not even think about it.

To be honest, when Yun Yun asked him to frame the Su Group, he was not unmoved.

It's just that the idiot's scheming is too obvious, he just wants to make him a scapegoat.

He is now lingering in the entertainment industry and is still alive.

If he really did what Yun Yun said, he might even die without knowing how to die.

Before his mind could react, Su Nan had already turned and left.

The driver opened the door for her again, and there seemed to be another person in the car.

His pace stopped, but he didn't catch up.

Su Nan bent down and saw Shang Qian, who was blending into the dark night.

Even in the cold darkness, his browbones were gentle, clear and gentle.

His eyes were clear, cold and clean.

Su Nan was a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

He waited in the car for a long time, and even his body was stained with the light fragrance of the car.

Shang Qian looked at her and smiled, reaching out and pulling her wrist to let her get in the car easily.

But Su Nan was wearing a slim skirt and couldn't move her legs. As soon as she stepped on the car, he was dragged into his arms.

The tip of her nose touched his shoulder, and the hard, warm and refreshing wood fragrance entered her nose, and she was in a trance for a moment.

He cupped her face carefully, with urgency in his eyes.

"Where did it hit?"

It's a gentle tone.

Su Nan smiled, "Nose."

It's still a little sore now!

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