But after this guy was beaten into the air, he got up like a normal person.

But he was just surprised that a weak chicken like Su Yishan actually challenged him to a duel? !

"Boy, I will let you die a miserable death!" Huang Xiangfei smiled grimly, looking at Su Yishan excitedly.

Jun Zhuyue persuaded in a low voice: "Su Yishan, he is in the inner strength state, you can't be his opponent, hide behind me, I won't let him hurt you."

"Who wants to hide behind you?" Su Yishan staggered Jun Zhuyue and said to Huang Xiangfei, "Come on, I will teach you how to be a man today."

Jun Zhuyue was a little anxious: "Don't be impulsive!"

Huang Xiangfei laughed and said: "Zhuyue, you'd better get out of the way, this kid wants to die, you can't stop him."

Jun Zhuyue thought that Su Yishan was safe and sound after being hit by Huang Xiangfei's trick, and seeing Su Yishan's resolute appearance, she decided that he had a hole card, so she simply stepped aside.

At the gate of the inspection center, Su Yishan confronted Huang Xiangfei like this.

Li Qiufeng and a group of people from the inspection team stood by and watched the play, and they had no intention of interfering at all.

The son from Longcheng, even if he kills a few people in Qiushan City, it is not a big deal. This man named Su Yishan was originally wanted by Yang Er, and he will die if he dies. They will not touch Huang Xiangfei because of this. moldy head.

As soon as Jun Zhuyue stepped aside, Huang Xiangfei disappeared in place, while Su Yishan flew into the midair...

He didn't learn to fly all at once, but was directly caught by Huang Xiangfei and thrown into the air.

"Boy, I know you have nothing to do with Jun Zhuyue, but today I just want to kill you!"

Su Yishan heard Huang Xiangfei's voice, and there was a sharp pain in his chest.

[Attacked, comprehensive physique +320, current comprehensive physique: 2478.]

Then there was severe pain in his hands and feet.

[Attacked, comprehensive physique +120, current comprehensive physique: 2598.]

[Attacked, comprehensive physique +180, current comprehensive physique: 2778.]

[Attacked, comprehensive physique +140, current comprehensive physique: 2918.]


Huang Xiangfei didn't intend to kill Su Yishan directly. In his eyes, Su Yishan was just an ant, as powerful as him. Wouldn't it be easy to kill an ant and bug?

As for the ants, it's natural to play with it. Watching him struggle before dying, and finally kneeling in front of him and slowly dying, this is enjoyable, and because of this, his attacks are very frequent, but.

[Attacked, comprehensive physique +80, current comprehensive physique: 3580.]

According to Su Yishan's current known cultivation system, there are nine realms in total, which are Qi training state, strength training state, internal strength state, concurrent cultivation state, endless state, energy transformation state, golden body state, and air control state , each big realm is divided into nine levels.

And even if it is the perfect peak of the Ninth Layer of Inner Strength, the overall physique is only 2999.

In addition, it is generally impossible for a cultivator to refine his body to a perfect state. Even if Huang Xiangfei has reached the seventh level of internal strength, his comprehensive physical fitness is only around 2100.

Su Yishan had been beaten passively before, and he didn't say much. He could still feel real pain at the beginning, but the pain became lighter as he got further behind, and now it was like giving him a massage.

"Boy, do you know that you regret it now?"

Huang Xiangfei laughed in the air like a psychopath, Su Yishan had already vomited a lot of blood just now, in order to prevent Su Yishan from being killed, he avoided the vital point and did not attack Su Yishan's head.

This is his first battle in Qiushan City. Although his opponent is just an inconspicuous bug, he must let everyone know how powerful he is.

Fighting in mid-air is actually an extremely difficult thing for a cultivator of inner strength, but he wants to let those sons and brothers who came to Qiushan City see him and let those people see his methods.

"I forgot, you should be speechless now."

"Don't worry, in ten minutes or so, I will let you end this pain."

[Attacked, comprehensive physique +70, current comprehensive physique: 3650.]

[Attacked, comprehensive physique +50, current comprehensive physique: 3700.]

"Hey!" Su Yishan couldn't help sighing when he saw the information on the attribute panel. He still had great expectations for Huang Xiangfei. , it doesn't work at all!

"Huh?" Huang Xiangfei turned pale with shock. Under distraction, he finally couldn't fight in mid-air and fell to the ground.

Su Yishan stretched his muscles and bones. He didn't resist just now, but now his comprehensive physique has reached a terrifying 3700. He grabbed Huang Xiangfei's neck in mid-air.

Huang Xiangfei's movements were fast enough, he stretched out his arms to block.

Su Yishan hadn't learned any subtle martial arts, but his comprehensive physical strength made his speed and strength far surpass Huang Xiangfei's. He didn't care about that much, grabbed Huang Xiangfei's forearm, and squeezed it violently.

"Ah!" Huang Xiangfei let out a miserable cry under the pain.

The young master from Longcheng has undergone strict systematic training since he was a child, and he has been continuously baptized with advanced drugs. From the moment he was born, he was destined to be far superior to those ordinary people.

But Huang Xiangfei didn't endure too many hardships, he had long been used to going smoothly, and such things as being beaten almost didn't exist.

Su Yishan squeezed so hard just now that his forearm was actually broken. Unable to bear the pain, Huang Xiangfei's cry resounded like a pig being slaughtered.

Their battle in mid-air naturally attracted the attention of many people. Those young masters and ladies who just came to Qiushan City were just watching a show. By the way, let's analyze Huang Xiangfei's strength. After all, after entering the secret realm, they are also considered to be competing. By.

As for Su Yishan...

In the very beginning, he was unilaterally beaten, and he was a living target at all, and those young masters and ladies just watched from a distance.

But Huang Xiangfei's scream made everyone interested.

"Huang Xiangfei seems to be injured?"

"Which young man was injured?"

"How is it possible? That kid was obviously hit by Huang Xiangfei just now, can he still fight back to the limit?"


All of a sudden, many people rushed towards the inspection center.

Su Yishan didn't intend to let Huang Xiangfei go.

Before and after his rebirth, he had never killed anyone, but since he came to this world, there is always a first time for everything, so let's use this yellow Xiang to do it!

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