It's a very comfortable thing to find a bug. Su Yishan is like a persistent programmer.

He wanted to know if these hidden weapons could increase his proficiency if he kept them in his purse.

Su Nuannuan found that Su Yishan was indeed a little different from her, maybe Su Yishan had his own secrets.

"Xiaoshan, you can come to this room when you want to practice in the future, and you won't be disturbed by others," Su Nuannuan said, "When you are at the door, you can come in as long as you want to come in, and you can come in if you want to go out in your mind." out."

Su Yishan nodded, and asked curiously: "Sister, with your strength, can you do whatever you want?"

Su Nuannuan turned around slowly, stared at Su Yishan and taught: "Xiaoshan, if you become stronger in the future, don't bully others with your strength. If everything is based on strength, then that is the most meaningless thing. "

Su Yishan couldn't understand, and said: "If the strength is strong enough, wouldn't people block and kill people, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas? You don't have any scruples in doing anything? What a pleasure."

"Are you happy?" Su Nuannuan said with a smile, "If you have no scruples, if your father kills the creatures in the entire universe with one thought, do you think it is happy?"

"I..." Su Yishan was stunned, he could hear Su Nuannuan's meaning, the rumor that he was just the father of a soft rice man might not be that simple.

One thought to wipe out all living beings in the universe?

Su Nuannuan meant to tell him that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

I realized it!

He doesn't have the mood of Su Nuannuan, just because he is still a weak chicken.

Maybe one day, he will also feel that just being strong is meaningless.

"I'm leaving first, you practice hard by yourself." Su Nuannuan told him to practice hard, but in fact he didn't teach him anything. I thought it was enough to hand over the soul-breaking sword to Su Yishan, but now it's better to just Let's see how Su Yishan can improve on his own.

Su Nuannuan disappeared on the stone platform, Su Yishan picked up one of the flying knives, and put the other hidden weapons into his purse.


He threw away the dagger and knife he got from Huang Xiangfei, pinned the flying knife to his waist, held the Soul Breaking Sword in his left hand, and the battle spear in his right hand.

Here, there is no reference, Su Yishan sat down slowly, keeping an eye on the attribute panel, and began to count silently until 1831,

The proficiency of the attribute panel, which was originally 0, has only increased by 30.

[Spear Proficiency 30]

【Swordsmanship Proficiency 30】

[Knife Proficiency 80]

【Flying knife proficiency 30】

In terms of sword skills, he has already thrown away the dagger and knife he got from Huang Xiangfei. His previous proficiency was 80, and he hasn't raised it anymore.

Those cases in the purse did not increase the proficiency.

In other words, proficiency will only increase if these weapons are placed on the body.

Those placed in purses are not counted.

One minute to increase a little proficiency.

It's just that I don't know how much proficiency is considered strong?

If only the weapons you put on your body can increase proficiency, then some weapons that should be discarded should be discarded.

For example, Su Yishan threw away the spears and daggers he got from the Huang family.

He didn't know much about weapons, but he knew that what his sister gave him must be something good.

Carrying too many weapons for close combat is too cumbersome, so you can't go out with a lot of weapons on your back.

Su Yishan took out all the hidden weapons given by Su Nuannuan, and sat on the ground, putting all the hidden weapons on his legs.

It looks like he is practicing, but in fact he is fishing.

Damn, you can only become stronger by touching fish!

Although Su Nuannuan is gone, she has been paying attention to Su Yishan's every move.

"What is Xiaoshan doing? Is it refining weapons?"

Su Nuannuan was also full of doubts. Su Yishan sat on the ground as if he was practicing, but he couldn't detect any fluctuations in his cultivation.

Su Yishan's behavior was a little weird.

Could it be that his father secretly gave Xiao Shan some magic weapon?

"Forget it, it's so simple to become stronger anyway, so you don't need to worry too much." Su Nuannuan planned to test Su Yishan after a while. As for his safety, it seemed that there was not much to worry about.

Su Yishan didn't dare to fall asleep, and just sat there, watching the proficiency of various hidden weapons continue to increase.

The proficiency of the hidden weapon has already passed one thousand, Su Yishan sat there, only feeling abdominal distension, and if he didn't eat any more, he was afraid that he would be strangled to death.

"Xiaoshan, are you hungry? Let's eat something." Su Nuannuan still couldn't help being curious, and she appeared next to Su Yishan with a prepared meal, "I see you have been sitting here for almost a day, What is this doing?"

The hidden weapons with zero proficiency all reached 1150, that is, 19 hours later, plus the previous sword practice, almost a day has passed, and this was the first meal he had.

His sister is really not afraid that he will starve to death.

Su Yishan took the food and devoured it hungrily.

"Sister, I'll show you the results of my cultivation later."

Su Yishan finished eating quickly, picked up the dart, his eyes were firm.

Su Nuannuan took a dozen steps back, looking at Su Yishan with interest.

Her younger brother, whom she watched growing up, Su Yishan has never played darts.

Darts are not something that people who have never learned can use darts at will.

She would like to see if Su Yishan really learned how to use darts after sitting here for a day.

"Sister, let me see for me, what level of people can I win against my darts?"

Holding the dart in his hand, Su Yishan had a unique feeling that he knew it.

Obviously never used it before, but now there is a sense of familiarity.

Su Nuannuan stood ten meters away from Su Yishan, and said with a smile, "Let's get started."

Su Yishan raised his hand and threw the dart towards Su Nuannuan.

He believed that with his sister's strength, how could he hurt her with his proficiency?

So let it go.

The dart drew a black trajectory in the air, and shot at Su Nuannuan's face accurately.

Just when the dart was five centimeters away from Su Nuannuan, it stopped in mid-air.

"This strength and accuracy are not bad." Su Nuannuan stretched out her hand, slowly took the dart in her hand, and said, "If you don't expect it, you should be able to kill an immortal cultivator in the inner strong state."

Su Yishan's comprehensive physique has reached 3948. If you fight melee, you may not lose even if you meet a cultivator who is also in the realm of cultivation. Now Su Nuannuan told him that you have to be surprised to kill a cultivator who is in the realm of inner strength.

Glancing at the attribute panel, the proficiency of darts has been cleared.

Sure enough, disposable consumables.

If this is the case, then raise it again, and treat it as accumulating anger points.

Su Yishan grinned, satisfied with the result.

If things go on like this, if you carry your sword for a year, you may not be able to slay gods with your sword!

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