"Master, what's wrong with you?" Xiang Song asked with concern when he saw Xiao Jingzhao rubbing his hands on his chest after waking up.

"Master, don't worry about the young master. I think the young master is much better than the past few days."

Xiang Song glanced at the "Record of Strange Diseases" on the desk, and then looked at the bare candlestick. It was obvious that the master stayed up late again last night to check medical books.

The eldest son born by Princess Yannan was weak and sick since childhood. He was named Xiao Kang. Princess Yan just wanted him to be healthy.

Xiao Kang's health was sometimes good and sometimes bad. When Xiao Jingzhao was seven years old, the King and wife of Yannan saw that their eldest son's health had not improved, so they asked Xiao Jingzhao to be the prince.

Xiao Jingzhao said lightly: "I'm fine. Go and see if anyone has posted a notice."

In order to find talented people to treat his eldest brother, Xiao Jingzhao searched for famous doctors and asked people to post a notice outside the palace for a large sum of money to seek medical treatment.

Xiang Song bowed respectfully: "I'll go right away."

Looking at Xiang Song's back, Xiao Jingzhao sat up and continued to read the medical book.

His eyes stayed on the book for a long time, but he couldn't read a word.

Why did that delicate child appear in his dream? !

The silver bell-like laughter seemed to linger in his ears.

He was 21 years old this year, and he had not arranged marriage or married a wife, nor did he have a concubine, let alone a child.


He had been poisoned by the aphrodisiac powder, and Xiang Song and Xiang Yang were eager to save their master, so they put him on the same couch with a woman who was also poisoned.

Could it be that she...

Xiao Jingzhao shook his head violently and immediately denied the crazy thoughts in his heart.

That woman died, maybe the poisoning of the woman was more serious than his?

My eldest brother's old illness relapsed a few days ago, and my mother urged him to choose a concubine from time to time.

Xiao Jingzhao was worried about his elder brother's illness, and he had to help his father with government affairs. He was exhausted and had no time to get married.

After giving birth, Jiang Shuyue was very sleepy. In her deep sleep, she dreamed of a pair of phoenix eyes as bright as stars smiling at her.

Just as she was trying to see that face clearly, the baby's cry sounded, pulling her out of her sleep.

"Little Master, be good, don't bother your mother." Qiuju heard the child's cry, ran into the house and picked up the child and patted him gently.

Jiang Shuyue slowly opened her eyes, and the pain in her chest became more and more intense.

"Qiuju, go and wring a wet towel with hot water, the child is hungry."

After a while, Jiang Shuyue sat diagonally on the bed, watching the soft and sticky child in her arms greedily drinking milk, and a warm current slowly rose from the bottom of her heart.

This is probably maternal love.

Looking at the milk flowing out of the child's mouth, Qiuju said excitedly: "Miss, Lin Miaoshou's prescription is really effective. Our little master won't starve anymore."

"Miss, what name will you give the little master? Do you really have to wait until the hundredth day to name him?"

Qiuju said she didn't believe that. There is no such custom in the capital, and the child is still fine.

Jiang Shuyue's eyebrows curved, and her pale face made the beauty mole between her eyebrows look even redder.

She stared at the baby in her arms for a long time, and said in a calm tone: "Just call him Jiang Sui'an! Just call him Sui Sui as a nickname, it's simple and easy to remember."

"Sui Sui Ping An, it has a good meaning. I also hope that the young lady and the young master will be safe and sound every year."

"Qiu Ju, don't call him Young Master outside, just call him Sui Sui. When he can call people, I will let him call you aunt."

"Miss, don't mess up the hierarchy. The young lady treats me as a relative, and I must abide by my duties."

Jiang Shuyue returned the indenture to Qiu Ju. Qiu Ju made up her mind to follow the young lady for the rest of her life and never go anywhere.

Now that she has a lovely young master, she will not leave.

Jiang Shuyue saw that Qiu Ju found it difficult to accept the idea of ​​equality for all, so she stopped forcing it.

As the master and servant were talking, they heard a sheep cry in the yard.

Qiu Ju went out and saw a goat standing in the yard.

The goat's belly was bulging, and it was obvious that it had fed a lamb.

Qiuju was very surprised and turned around and ran back to the house: "Miss, we have goat milk to drink every year."

"Where did the goat come from? Go to Aunt Su's house and ask. Maybe the villagers' goats got lost."

Jiang Shuyue couldn't leave the goat behind. The villagers were not rich, and the lost family might be looking for it anxiously.

On weekdays, she and Qiuju rarely interacted with each other, and they didn't know which family raised goats.

"Miss, when I passed by the village, I didn't see anyone raising goats. Those goats were goats. When I and Nannan went to the mountains, I saw them from a distance."

Qiuju muttered and walked towards the Su family not far away.

In the Su family yard, Su Jin was cleaning up the fish he had caught.

Su Nan pointed to a big fish and said, "Big brother, this fish is the fattest, enough for Sister Yue'er to eat."

The sixteen-year-old boy had black hair tied up high, and a cotton short shirt couldn't hide the extraordinary temperament emanating from him.

Su Jin's facial features are more like Aunt Su's, with handsome eyebrows and eyes, and his skin is tanned from working all day.

He moved quickly and quickly picked up a few crucian carps.

Turning back, he saw Su Nan pointing at the big black carp, and he said, "Uncle Lin said that we have to drink crucian carp soup today. Keep the black carp first and stew it for my sister in a few days."

Su Hui lit the fire, and Su Jin fried the crucian carp and put it in two bowls of water.

While cutting vegetables, he reminded Su Hui: "Just use medium heat and cook the soup into a thick soup."

In the main room, Su Huairen, wearing a cotton gown, was concentrating on copying the scroll.

Aunt Su held a piece of cotton cloth in her hand and sewed quickly.

It was midsummer, and she was preparing winter cotton clothes for her children.

"Father, what do you think is a good name for the child? You are an educated person, so help prepare some meaningful names."

Su Huairen stopped writing, pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "I think the girl is a smart one, and she is also educated. She is good at naming. You and Hui'er should go over and take care of her and keep her healthy."

"Since Miss Jiang came to our village, our family has no worries about food and drink. She is the lucky star of our family." Aunt Su said with emotion.

Su Huairen nodded slightly, agreeing with Aunt Su's words.

In the past, the family lived a tight life, and they couldn't even afford to buy fine cotton cloth.

Since Jiang Shuyue came here, everyone in their family wore fine cotton cloth.

The eggs at home can be sold for money. When Su Nan followed Jiang Shuyue to the back mountain to pick mushrooms, he could always pick up the most valuable mushrooms, and several times he also picked up Ganoderma lucidum.

Even the vegetables in the vegetable garden are growing more luxuriantly than before.

"Master, Madam, a ewe has entered the yard. Miss asked me to ask, whose sheep is it?"

As the couple was talking, Qiuju's voice rang out from outside the door.

Aunt Su put down her needlework and went out: "No one in the village raises sheep. I'll go with you to take a look."

Su Nan followed without losing any time: "Mother, can I go see Sister Yue'er's little treasure?"

"Go and see! Miss has named the young master Jiang Sui'an, and the nickname is Sui Sui. Doesn't it sound nice?" Speaking of Sui Sui, Qiuju smiled.

As soon as she walked outside the fence, Su Nan said affirmatively: "This sheep is not from anyone's family. I've seen it in the mountains. It's a wild goat."

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