Lin Miao picked up Suisui and pinched his little face, "Don't call me Grandpa Lin in the future."

Suisui asked puzzledly: "Why?"

"This is so old."

Nangong Zeyue smiled and said nothing. Suisui's identity has not been disclosed yet, so he thought it was okay to call him whatever he wanted.

Sui Sui's classmate just now was the first to see him and said to Sui Sui, "Your father is here to pick you up again."

If it were true, would he have to kill the nine tribes? Fortunately, he doesn't have nine clans to kill.

Sui Sui reached out and stroked a strand of Lin Miao's beard and chuckled, "Grandpa Lin, you have a beard, so of course you are grandpa."

Lin Miaoshou: "..."

Nangong Zeyue watched his uncle playing with Sui Sui like an old naughty boy. He sat down and watched quietly.

After a while, the maid took Sui Sui to wash and change clothes.

Lin Miaoshou then sat down, picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Looking at Nangong Zeyue who was calm and composed, he asked: "The wing behind the shop on Huanhua Street is still empty. Go over and keep company with the senior brothers."

"I can live anywhere by myself. Why don't I buy a second-class house near here and my uncle come to live with me?" Nangong Zeyue looked serious.

"The matter is settled like this. You can either go back to Black Dragon Pond, or you can move out and live alone, a man and a woman, living under the same roof and making people gossip."

"Uncle Master, who did you hear gossiping about? I often go in and out through the corner door. Besides, my yard is the farthest away from Shuyue's yard. What's there to gossip about?"


What Lin Miao was thinking about was not that others would gossip, he was worried that the palace official would throw this elm lump out of the capital.

"Anyway, Shuyue considers you a good friend. It's time for you to have your own home. If you don't have enough money to buy a house, you can go to your senior brother to get it. I keep all my money with him."

"The money is enough. Uncle Master came out today just to tell me this. Is there anything else?"

Nangong Zeyue lifted up her sleeves, stretched out her slender fingers, gently lifted the teapot and filled the teacup in front of her uncle.

Lin Miaoshou turned to look at the door, "I'm looking for Yue Yatou to come into the palace to help."

On the other side, as soon as Jiang Shuyue got off the carriage, the concierge boy came to greet her.

"Miss, Doctor Lin is waiting for you in the house."

Lin Miaoshou left the palace in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to change into clothes for the hospital.

There were only a handful of people who came to Jiang Mansion, and the concierge remembered Lin Miaoshou after meeting him once.

"Qiu Ju, go and tell the kitchen to cook more dishes."

Jiang Shuyue walked a few steps and then stopped, "Bring another pot of good wine."

"My slave knows. Miss, go to Shaohuayuan quickly."

At this time, dinner was being prepared in the kitchen. Qiu Ju ordered the cook and went to the wine cellar to get wine.

Jiang Shuyue came to Shaohua Hospital. After listening to Lin Miaoshou's words, she pondered for a moment and then said slowly: "I understand what Uncle Lin means. Most of the doctors in the Imperial Hospital are men. If I, a woman, take the exam, they will definitely not be convinced."

"Uncle Lin's medical skills are not inferior to theirs, you are completely qualified."

Nangong Zeyue agreed: "Shu Yue is right. The old guys in the palace pride themselves on being extraordinary. It's better for the emperor to find someone else for this matter."

"What do you know? That is the emperor's oral order, and the emperor's order cannot be violated!" Lin Miaoshou said and glared at Nangong Zeyue.

"Isn't this bullying? Shuyue is not an official in the court, so why should he come and leave at a moment's notice?"

Nangong Zeyue didn't care about her uncle's eyes and told the truth.

Seeing the two people arguing, Jiang Shuyue waved her hand, "Stop talking, I'll go."

The two shut up and looked at Jiang Shuyue.

"Uncle Lin, this matter is not simple. I have to sort out the cases to see how the assessment is fairest."

"Yue Yatou wants everyone to feel bad about a case?"

"That's right, let's see whose prescription is the most effective for the case, so that we can screen out those with real skills."

"Okay, I can share some of the work of collecting and sorting out the cases. There are several years of logs in the hospital, and we can select the cases that can be used from the logs."

The hospital matter was decided happily.

The maid brought dinner to Shaohuayuan.

After a while, Gao Mu sent a package containing medicinal materials and several letters.

When I got the letter, I couldn't wait to read it.

"Mother, Shuisheng's Qinggong is better than before. He can jump up to seven feet in one go."

"You can do it in the future too." Jiang Shuyue gave her son an encouraging look.

Nangong Zeyue always carried Sui Sui with her during morning exercises, and the little guy was dancing around, making every move vividly.

Lin Miao read the letter in her hand and nodded frequently, "I haven't taught him much, but this kid's kung fu has improved a lot. Yes, yes, it seems that the decision to send him back to Black Dragon Pond was the right one."

After Jiang Shuyue read the letter, she asked Qiu Ju to put it away. She picked up the wine cup and smiled at Nangong Zeyue: "You have to practice hard, don't fall behind."

Nangong Zeyue raised his glass from across the table, "Shui Sheng was originally a martial arts prodigy. It only took him three to five years to surpass me in martial arts."

"Hmph! You still have self-awareness. When you were as old as Shuisheng, if you were to practice kung fu, you would feel pain here and there. If it weren't for the fact that you had no father or mother since you were young, I wouldn't have protected you." Lin Miaoshou glared. Nangong Zeyue glanced at it, picked up the wine cup and drank it all in one gulp.

Nangong Zeyue smiled "hehe", and the uncle's eyes were so gentle.

Without a father or a mother, Nangong Zeyue didn't feel much. It was enough for him to have his master, uncle and senior brothers.

After dinner, Lin Miaoshou said he had other things to do and returned to Huanhua Street. Before leaving, he reminded Nangong Zeyue about buying a house.

Jiang Shuyue felt a little dizzy after having a drink.

Returned to the courtyard and rested early.

The window of the study in Shaohua Courtyard was half open. Nangong Zeyue and Suisui sat side by side in front of the desk. The warm candlelight reflected on their faces, creating a peaceful and indifferent halo.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the half-open window swayed left and right, and the candlelight in the room was almost blown out.

Nangong Zeyue hurriedly got up and closed the half window.

Suisui looked at Shuisheng's reply and imagined him dancing with a sword at the sound of a cock.

After a while, the sound of drizzling rain broke the tranquility of the night.

"Uncle Nangong, my mother just said that she would take me to the farm outside the city to play. Can we go together?"

"Uncle has other things to do. I will wait for you to come back."

Nangong Zeyue touched Suisui's little head.

Uncle Shi was right. He still had to buy a house, preferably closer to Jiang Mansion.

The next morning, Nangong Zeyue left Jiang Mansion early.

At the dressing table, Jiang Shuyue selected two plum blossom-shaped hairpins.

Qiuju looked at the earrings that the young lady had worn for several years without changing them, and then picked up a pair of vermilion earrings and compared them, "Young lady, change to this pair, the color matches the hairpin."

"No, this is something my mother left for me, and I like it too."

Qiuju wondered, it's okay to put it away if you like, why can't the young lady bear to take it off even when sleeping?

"Young lady, from today on, are you really going to let Sui Sui go in and out with you?"

Jiang Shuyue smiled, "Now the curfew in the capital has been cancelled, there is no danger, and I am not afraid of people knowing that I have a son."

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