"Miss, is what you said true?" Qiuju smiled.

Suisui likes to eat fried eggs with tomatoes very much. It would be great if she could eat tomatoes in winter.

Jiang Shuyue rolled her eyes, "Of course it's true. When have I ever lied to you?"

Then she thought that these were just theoretical knowledge she had read, and she had never actually practiced them.

If it fails, it would be inappropriate to say such a big thing first.

Just when Qiuju was so happy, she coughed lightly and said, "I know this can work, but we have no experience in growing vegetables in greenhouses, so it may fail."

"Oh my! My lady, glass paste is not so easy to get. Don't spend so much effort just for Master Suisui to eat beans."

Qiuju's heart and lungs were in pain. She didn't know how much the glass paste was worth. When she heard that it was only produced by the official kiln, she knew it must be worth a lot of money.

"Why are you so sad? If you fail once, you can try again until you succeed. It is said that when spring comes and flowers bloom, the greenhouse is warm, and vegetables can grow. This is actually a truth. "

Jiang Shuyue had a bigger plan in mind, and her plan was not just to let Suisui eat beans and tomatoes in winter.

"Can it really work?" Qiuju had blind trust in Jiang Shuyue. She had never heard of growing vegetables this way, and she couldn't help but doubt it.

Spring is warm, everything revives, and it's warm in the greenhouse. Isn't that the same truth? Qiuju looked at her young lady with a firm look again.

Jiang Shuyue was confident, "It can work, of course it can work."

At this time.

Suisui, who had slept for a while, rubbed his eyes and came out, "Mother, can we go to the mountain to pick mushrooms?"

Jiang Shuyue looked at Qiuju with a puzzled look, "There are still mushrooms in this season when the wild geese return to the mountain?"

Qiuju squatted down and hugged Suisui in her arms, "Master Suisui likes to eat mushrooms, let's try our luck. "

Having lived in Yunling Village, Qiuju clearly remembered that Yunling Mountain behind the village only had mushrooms in summer.

This place is located in the north, and the climate gets cold earlier than other places. It is estimated that there are no mushrooms and wild mushrooms to pick.

"Mom, mushrooms are delicious."

"Today we eat tea tree mushrooms, not the white and plump ones." Jiang Shuyue pinched her son's rosy little face and corrected him.

"Sui Sui likes it too, it smells so good! Gao Bo said there are wild rabbits on the mountain, and he caught them back to marry my little white rabbit. "

Looking at her son's serious face, Jiang Shuyue secretly said that he was committing a sin.

She was in such a hurry that day that she didn't even think of catching a pair of male and female rabbits, and she caught two male rabbits at random.

Until one day, Nangong Zeyue took Suisui to the study to play, and met Xie Yunchen who gave rabbits to Suisui.

When Xie Yunchen saw Suisui, he asked if the rabbits had given birth to baby rabbits?

If they had, he would exchange a copy of Qinglingshanren's calligraphy for a pair of baby rabbits for his sister to play with.

Qinglingshanren's calligraphy was so precious, it can be seen how much his sister liked the pair of rabbits.

Nangong Zeyue and Suisui went home and looked at the rabbits' fur until they were all bald, and they felt that the two rabbits were exactly the same, without any difference.

The gardener saw that the two had been tossing the rabbits for a long time, and went over to ask them, only to find out that Nangong Zeyue could not identify the gender of the rabbits.

After looking at it, the gardener told them confidently that the pair of rabbits were both males, and the two gave up.

"Okay! Let's go, if there are no mushrooms, let's go to the mountain to catch wild rabbits. "Jiang Shuyue was just worrying about how to get the meat rabbit out of her space.

Today was a good opportunity. Suisui had extra rabbits, and it was just the right time to repay Xie Yunchen's gift of rabbits.

Gao Mu and Cang Yun had been waiting outside for a long time. Aunt Cao knew that the girls from the capital liked the pastoral scenery on the farm.

She said to Lan'er and Mei'er: "You two girls should go and play together. There are wild apples and persimmons in the woods in this season, which are very sweet."

Mei'er said to Lan'er: "You go with the young lady. I will stay and prepare dinner with Aunt Cao."

Aunt Cao waved her hands repeatedly, "You all go. Aqiu is at home. He can help cook."

Watching Jiang Shuyue leading a group of people to the gate, Zhang Qiu retracted his envious eyes.

"Mom, actually I also want to go with the young lady."

Aunt Cao said unhappily: "Why are you going with her? The young lady and the young master can't go far. We'll have hand-rolled noodles tonight. You should prepare the noodles early and wait for the young lady to come back before rolling them."

"Mother, look how majestic Guard Gao and Guard Cang are. I envy them."

"Don't envy them. You are too old to practice martial arts. Besides, your family doesn't have the money to hire a master for you. Listen to your father, read more books, and learn to do accounting. When your father is old, you can continue to be the head of the village. "Aunt Cao glared at her youngest son.

Zhang Qiu also knew that his mother was right, so he had to go back to the house to do things in a huff.


After leaving the manor gate, a group of people walked towards the woods behind the manor.

Gao Mu asked Cang Yun to walk behind to protect everyone's safety, and he went to the front to explore the way.

Because it was close to the manor, there were no towering trees in the nearby woods. The most were cypresses and miscellaneous trees that had grown for several years.

Every few steps, you can see bushes as tall as a person.

"Miss, let me carry the young master. The mountain road ahead is slippery and difficult to walk."

Qiu Ju said and was about to squat down.

Sui Sui followed closely behind his mother. He took two quick steps and pretended to run forward, "Aunt Qiu Ju, come and chase me! Let's see who walks faster."

"Young Master Sui Sui, slow down, I won't chase you. "

Qiu Ju was not afraid of falling down every year. She saw too many bushes and was afraid that snakes and rats hidden under the bushes would come out and scare her little master.

I thought so in my heart, but I was afraid of scaring everyone by saying it.

Seeing Sui Sui running forward like a happy bird, giggling, Qiu Ju had no choice but to follow closely.

"Mom, look at that bird, it's so beautiful."

"Mom, look at the red fruits on that tree."

Suisui chattered and talked non-stop along the way. He felt curious about everything he saw. His eyes were so busy that he barely looked at the road.

"Master, the red fruit looks like a ripe wild apple. I have taken note of it and will pick it when I go back later."

Gao Mu paused his feet, crouched slightly, and instantly rose into the air.

When he fell, a red apple appeared in his hand, "Here, young master, try one first."

"Thank you, Uncle Gao." Suisui was not polite and took the apple and stuffed it into his mouth.

Qiu Ju quickly shouted: "Master, wait."

She took out her handkerchief and wiped the apple, then looked at it carefully to make sure it was a wild apple she had seen before, and then handed it to Suisui.

Qiu Ju couldn't help but swallow as she watched Suisui bite into it with a "click" and the juice spilled out from the corners of Suisui's mouth.

She had eaten overripe wild apples in Yunling Mountain. They were crisp and sweet, and tasted better than the apples sold in the market.

She glared at the back of Gao Mu's head, scolding him in her mind for being stupid. The wild apples were bending the branches, and she didn't know how many more to pick to satisfy everyone's craving.

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