Jiang Zhengming was stunned.

He didn't care about the urgency and took a few steps forward.

The figure quickly disappeared around the corner of the palace wall. Jiang Zhengming rubbed his eyes and was sure that he was not mistaken.

At this time, several palace maids happened to come towards him. Jiang Zhengming didn't care about etiquette.

He stepped forward to block the maids' steps and asked, "Who just walked by you?"

Several palace maids looked at each other. In the palace, no official had been so abrupt.

One of the palace maids probably saw the official robes Jiang Zhengming was wearing, and hurriedly bowed and saluted, "Your Excellency is asking about the people in the Imperial Hospital. Today, the Imperial Hospital is being evaluated, and the emperor specially invited a famous female doctor from the capital to the palace."

"Is the surname of the person coming?" Jiang Zhengming didn't know what he was expecting, and he blurted out a sentence.

The palace maid shook her head, "I don't know, I just heard that it was a female doctor from Jishitang."

It turned out to be her!

Jiang Zhengming staggered back to make way. Several palace maids glanced at Jiang Zhengming with strange eyes and continued to walk forward.

Walking into the gate of the Imperial Hospital, a faint smell of herbs hit me in the face.

Jiang Shuyue raised her eyes and saw rows of tables and chairs in the middle of the yard. The first row of tables were piled with herbs, more than 20 kinds.

"Uncle Lin, what are you doing..."

"Shh! Yue girl, you must be tested on the blindfolded medicine recognition test." Lin Miaoshou lowered her voice, with a mysterious look on her face.

Jiang Shuyue understood immediately that Uncle Lin must have discovered that there were quacks in the Imperial Hospital.

Those quacks, who can't cure diseases and save people, have a way to harm people.

Those who can sneak into the Imperial Hospital must be the pawns of the nobles in the harem of the previous dynasty.

The imperial doctors in the Imperial Hospital are all for the nobles. When seeing Jiang Shuyue, Lin Miaoshou introduced her again as a special invitation by the emperor.

Most people know that she is a female doctor from Jishitang.

It is said that she is good at gynecology, but she doesn't show it on her face, and she is not taken seriously in her heart.

After everything was ready, Jiang Shuyue asked the palace maid beside her to distribute the black cloth strips that Lin Miaoshou had already prepared to everyone.

She pointed to the people in front and said: "Blindfold your eyes five steps away, and come forward to say the name and medicinal properties of the medicinal materials one by one."

As soon as the voice fell, someone stood up to object.

"Miss is not from the palace, you may not know the rules of the palace. We don't blame you for this. It's unnecessary to ask such a simple question as identifying medicine!"

Jiang Shuyue looked at the person who spoke. The man was about forty years old and should be an old man in the Imperial Hospital.

She smiled lightly and asked slowly: "This imperial physician, you are so sure that this is a simple question, I guess you can identify it by smelling it, then please demonstrate it to everyone, so that everyone can see if this is unnecessary."

The man's eyes flashed a trace of panic, and under the gaze of everyone, he walked forward with a stiff upper lip.

"Excuse me, what is this imperial physician good at?"

The man said unhappily, "I used to be responsible for regulating the health of several ladies, which is considered gynecology."

"Well, that's right. Anyone who can take the pulse of the empress must have superb medical skills. Let's start."

Before Jiang Shuyue came, Lin Miaoshou told everyone that she was specially invited by the emperor. Seeing that the woman looked delicate but spoke skillfully, the others put away their contemptuous eyes.

The man quickly glanced at the medicinal materials, and he could see clearly what medicinal materials were in the wooden boxes that were close.

For those that were far away, they really had to rely on smell.

"Anemarrhena, Radix Rehmanniae, Licorice, Bupleurum..."

The man got stuck after saying the tenth name of the medicine.

He grabbed the medicinal materials and squeezed them repeatedly, but he couldn't smell out what kind of herb it was.

Apprentices don't have to participate in the assessment. After the first round, eight people were eliminated. Lin Miaoshou took the shortest time to identify the medicine by smell.

Jiang Shuyue didn't give everyone a chance to continue to participate in the second round of the exam.

The second round is to diagnose based on the case.

More than ten people failed this round, including those who failed the first round.

Just as everyone looked down on Jiang Shuyue, they were now afraid of her, and their eyes looked at her differently.

From gynecology to internal medicine, to trauma and common pediatric diseases.

After a whole day of assessment.

Jiang Shuyue sorted out the test results.

There were ten first-class imperial doctors with good results, and the rest were mediocre.

Among them, the medical skills of female doctors were even worse, and they could be regarded as midwives at most.

Thinking that her son would go to the palace to study one day, Jiang Shuyue did not dare to be careless or soft-hearted.

She distinguished all the suspicious people from the unqualified ones.

Although some people were unqualified, they could also be assigned to apprentices. How to choose to deal with them specifically was not her job.

Jiang Shuyue sorted out the list and handed it to the guards and left the palace.

Looking at the list on the imperial case, Xiao Jingzhao immediately dismissed the suspicious people and let them go out of the palace.

Lin Miaoshou's grades were among the best, so she was naturally promoted to the head of the academy.

After leaving the palace, Jiang Shuyue asked Gao Mu to go back to the mansion first, and she took Qiuju to the street for a walk.

"Miss, do you want to buy some food or look at fabrics?"

Qiuju secretly complained in her heart that the young lady had been busy all day and was so tired that her back and waist ached, and the emperor didn't know to reward her with two pieces of good fabrics.

There were two maids in the mansion who were good at embroidery, and she was thinking of making a few sets of winter clothes for the young lady.

"Walk forward, I've been sitting for too long today, I want to stretch my muscles and bones, and buy what I like."

When I walked to Zhengdong Street, I saw groups of people gathered together, talking and laughing.

Qiu Ju's curiosity was aroused, and she smiled and said, "Miss, what good things happened in the capital today? Look how happy everyone is."

Jiang Shuyue looked up and saw that the Zuixian Pavilion with a seal was opposite the crowd.

She smiled faintly, "If everyone has a smile on their face, it means that the people are living a comfortable life, which is a good thing."

"Miss, what you said makes sense. With a wise ruler like the emperor, this prosperous dynasty will surely prosper forever."

Looking at Qiu Ju and You Rongyan's looks, Jiang Shuyue couldn't help but tease, "How can you be so sure? Whether he is a wise ruler or not, it will take time to verify."

"The emperor is not greedy for women, diligent in government and loves the people. Of course he is a wise ruler."

Jiang Shuyue smiled and shook her head. As she was about to walk to a crowded place, she didn't continue to talk about this disrespectful topic.

What's not greedy for women? It's just that he hasn't had time to choose a concubine yet.

Once the harem is full of flowers, no man can resist that kind of temptation.

When she was in the clinic, she heard gossip from Yinqiao and others that the noble families in the capital were all looking for foster maids in private.

It goes without saying that there are naturally girls of the right age in the family, and everyone is quietly preparing, waiting for the day when the emperor will select the selection.

"It's really gratifying. I heard that the gold, silver and jewelry seized from the warehouse have piled up into a small mountain. Wow! He is worthy of being the father-in-law of the previous dynasty. He is really rich enough to rival a country."

Passing by the crowd, I heard a woman say to the other people.

Jiang Shuyue and Qiuju looked at each other and slowed down their pace.

Another person said: "It's nothing for his family to have mountains of gold and silver, but he has so many servants, and they are all kung fu. What is he thinking?"

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