The maid walked to the window and looked out. A thick fog slowly drifted by, and no other pleasure boats approached.

The humid air rushed towards her, and she suddenly felt a slight itch on her neck.

The maid stretched out her hand and scratched her neck, and then her face began to itch.

"Madam, there is no boat approaching. Do you want me to close the window? The fog is humid and it is easy to get eczema." The maid suggested without doubt.

Song Yunzhi looked across with a vigilant look, "Did you carry a sachet with you?"

When she came out of the princess's mansion, she was wearing a maid's clothes, and she didn't use incense. Even the candles in the pleasure boat were extinguished. Where did the fragrance come from?

The man opposite said coldly: "Sachet is a thing that women carry. Madam, are you saying that our brothers are effeminate?"

"Madam, let's talk about when the remaining silver will be cashed if something unexpected happens next?" The man touched his face as he spoke. It seemed like a bug was crawling on his face. He touched it and found nothing in his hand.

"Why are you in such a hurry? The hostages are in my hands. As long as you get us out of the capital and send us to the border of Liang State, I will immediately pay the remaining silver." Song Yunzhi said confidently.

The man said: "The emperor is not a pushover. If he doesn't believe that you have left the city and doesn't open the city gate tomorrow, our plan will be in vain."

A trace of calculation flashed across the man's eyes. They were seeking wealth, not wanting to lose their lives.

At this time, Song Yunzhi also felt uncomfortable all over, from a slight burning sensation to itching on her face and back of her hands.

There were several men opposite them. The master and servant endured the discomfort and put their hands in their sleeves and scratched a few times. Who knew that the more they scratched, the more they wanted to scratch. The unbearable itchy feeling gradually spread to their whole body.

A man scratched his neck fiercely and said: "Boss, it's bad. We are itchy. Are we infected?"

People who practice martial arts have better eyesight than ordinary people. Before they feel it, they can see the unbearable expressions of Song Yunzhi and her servant.

The leading man turned around and saw that his brothers were scratching their bodies without caring about their image.

Song Yunzhi's face suddenly turned pale and she was terrified. She shouted outside: "Come on! Go and check if anyone has sneaked onto the boat?"

Song Yunzhi was risking everything this time. No more than ten confidants were willing to follow her into danger.

The guards outside heard the shouts and rushed in, "Madam, what happened?"

"Ah! It itches, it itches to death."

The people from the Qingyi Gate rushed out of the cabin while pulling their clothes.

Suddenly, the cabin was in chaos.

"Madam, what should I do? I feel uncomfortable all over." The maid scratched hard, her neck was sticky, and the cabin exuded a faint smell of blood.

Seeing that she was the only one left in the room, Song Yunzhi also began to scratch without caring about her image.

She told the guards who came in: "We may all be poisoned, the reason is unknown, go check it out."

Song Yunzhi staggered behind the screen, unbuttoned her clothes and scratched herself.

In the cabin upstairs, Changle was so nervous that his palms were wet.

Sui Sui lay on the floor listening to the movement downstairs, until the rapid "dong dong dong" sounded, and he climbed up.

"Aunt, it's done, throw the rope quickly. Close the window, they should be coming up soon."

Changle's hand loosened, and the sound of the lake water gently hitting the pleasure boat covered the sound of the rope falling into the water.

Changle quickly closed the window, leaving only a crack on the other side.

"Aunt, you go squat in the corner quickly, put your hands behind your back, don't let anyone see any clues." Sui Sui thought about every detail like a little adult.

Sui Sui put all the things he used to stand on his feet back in place, then walked to the door and listened to the movement outside.

"No one in front."

"No one behind."

"Go upstairs and see if someone has great martial arts skills and has already boarded the boat?"

Then the sound of footsteps coming upstairs was heard.

Sui Sui quickly turned around and sat beside Chang Le, with his hands behind his back.

"Aunt, close your eyes and pretend to sleep."

As soon as Sui Sui finished speaking, the door creaked open from the outside, and the visitor entered the cabin with the night wind, and the two of them trembled slightly.

Chang Le and Sui Sui closed their eyes, but their ears were erect, listening attentively to the movement in the cabin.

With the help of a ray of moonlight at the door, the visitor saw the two children nestled in the corner, as if they were sleeping soundly, and there was nothing unusual about the window.

The visitor glanced coldly and turned away.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Sui Sui and Chang Le opened their eyes at the same time, "Gone?"

"The ground is cold, and they are probably too itchy to care about us. Let's sit on the bed." Chang Le said, getting up and pulling Sui Sui to the bed.

"Aunt, the man who just entered the room didn't tickle me, and I don't know how many people have been poisoned." Sui Sui muttered softly and got on the bed, letting his aunt pull over the thin blanket and hug him in her arms.

Changle said worriedly: "Don't think about it, the powder in your hand is gone, and we don't know kung fu, so we can't fight them. You go to sleep, maybe when you wake up, someone will come to save us."

Changle had just observed the situation outside. The fog on the lake was one after another, and it was impossible for people on the shore to find that there was a pleasure boat hidden in the middle of the lake.

She thought that tomorrow the fog on the lake would dissipate, and the pleasure boat would be nowhere to hide. With the intelligence of her second brother and sister Jiang, they would definitely find her and Sui Sui.

Sui Sui was not as optimistic as Changle. He was afraid that the criminals would throw them into the lake in desperation.

He thought in his heart but didn't dare to say it out loud, for fear of scaring his aunt.

He closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, his little brain turning quickly.

When someone is poisoned and can't bear it anymore, they always try to get ashore to seek medical treatment.

Downstairs, as expected, Song Yunzhi was almost going crazy.

The maid was minding her own business, rubbing her back against the cabin wall, moaning in pain from time to time, and turning a deaf ear to her orders.

Song Yunzhi shouted: "Here comes someone!"

The guard came in and stood outside the screen, bowed and asked, "Madam, what are your orders?"

"Send the order and ask people to go ashore to buy medicine. This poison makes people itchy all over. I really can't stand it."

Song Yunzhi's words almost popped out from between her teeth. Outside, the guards saw the man from the Tsing Yi Sect looking so embarrassed that he took off his shirt and started scratching.

The guard's scalp was numb when he heard the rustling sounds behind the screen.

Fortunately, they were all standing outside just now. If they all entered the cabin, they would be the ones suffering now.

"Ma'am, if you bear with me, the person sent out to deliver the message should be back soon."

There are no extra boats now, and it is not close to the shore. It is impossible for them to swim there to buy medicine.

Song Yunzhi endured the discomfort and gritted her teeth and said word by word: "When the ship comes back, leave quickly and come back quickly. Don't let anyone find the trace."

Before Song Yunzhi finished speaking, she heard the sound of swords clashing outside.

"No!" The guard drew his sword and rushed out.

Song Yunzhi was startled, grabbed her clothes and stumbled out.

"Madam, wait a minute, slave." The slave girl was so angry that she followed him in disheveled clothes.

After leaving the cabin, Song Yunzhi was dumbfounded by the scene in front of her...

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