Jiang Shuyue only felt the whirring sound of the wind in her ears, and she felt like she was flying in the clouds.

She opened her eyes slightly, and the bright lights and the tile houses on the treetops flashed by, creating a different scene.

On the shore.

Lin Miaoshou, who came after hearing the news, met Su Nan on the shore.

"Uncle Lin, should my sister and Sui Sui be okay?"

Seeing that the lights on the pleasure boat were turned off after landing, Su Nan was about to rush forward to find someone.

At this moment, in the night, the figures on the pleasure boat flew down like birds, densely packed, and disappeared in front of her eyes in an instant.

Lin Miaoshou grabbed Su Nan and said, "Don't go, let's go back, someone will see you off, girl Yue."

At the other end of the lake, Gao Mu guessed why the lights on the pleasure boats were all turned off when he saw this scene, and he hurriedly rode back to the mansion.

Nangong Zeyue and a team of people were exhausted in the princess's mansion.

Xiao Jingzhao pointed to two people, and then Jingzhao Yin sent a few more people, less than ten people in total.

He was not familiar with the huge princess mansion, and the maids and servants in the mansion ran away after the emperor left.

Nangong Zeyue had a special liking for the warehouse. The outer courtyard warehouse was full of household sundries. After searching for a long time, no one was found, and there was no sign of anyone being detained.

Finally, he waved his hand: "Go to the main courtyard."

"Oh my! Sir, can you let us take a break? If we search with just a few people, people will die." A yamen runner put one hand on his waist and sat down on the steps.

Nangong Zeyue, a non-staff member, dared not scold the yamen runners. He looked at the two Jinyiwei and said, "How about we go first?"

The two Jinyiwei said expressionlessly, "Please go in front, young master."

As soon as Nangong Zeyue took a step, he heard a Jinyiwei say to the yamen runners, "Your physical fitness is worrying and you lack exercise. You should train hard in winter and summer when you work for the government. Lord Lu is still too kind."

The yamen runners were afraid that the Jinyiwei would go back to the palace to show off in front of the emperor, so they got up from the ground and said, "Sir, wait a minute, I can still hold on."

They were paid a meager salary and mostly ran errands on weekdays. There was no need to train hard in winter and summer.

The luxury in the main courtyard almost blinded several people.

There were traces of being turned over everywhere in the house, and the ground was in a mess, just like a robber.

They say that monkeys scatter when the tree falls, and this is really true.

Judging from the situation, the servants of the princess's mansion must have searched for their indentures before leaving, and also took away jewelry and silver.

After searching the main courtyard, no clues were found.

Nangong Zeyue waved his hand and said, "Go to the warehouse."

Arriving at the main courtyard warehouse, there were two iron guards on the door.

The yamen runner kicked it several times but it didn't move at all.

To prove that he was not a weak chicken, the yamen runner said, "Wait, I'll find something to break it open."

"Don't waste your energy, I'll lend you a fork." Nangong Zeyue said, reaching out to the hair crown on the yamen runner's head.

Seeing the yamen runner's hair disheveled in an instant, the others held back their laughter.

Under the puzzled gaze of several people, Nangong Zeyue skillfully turned the lock core.

But in the blink of an eye, there was a "click" sound, and the lock opened.

One of the Jinyiwei couldn't help but praise, "Young Master, you are really amazing. No wonder the emperor entrusted you with an important task."

Nangong Zeyue had a hard time saying what he meant by entrusted with an important task. That black-hearted person was obviously jealous of him staying with Yue Niang and deliberately sent him away.

The Jinyiwei was full of talents, and it was impossible that there was no one available.

"Princess!" A yamen runner shouted into the house before the person holding a lantern behind him entered.

There was no sound inside. When the candle in the warehouse was lit, the warehouse was empty.

The yamen runner scratched the back of his head and said, "This is not right. The main warehouse of the princess's mansion should not be empty. Even if there are no mountains of pearls and agates, there should be a few boxes of silver."

Nangong Zeyue glanced at the traces on the ground, "This is not empty either. It's just that the warehouse was emptied in advance."

"Is there anyone?"

Just as everyone was about to walk out of the warehouse door, shouts came from outside.

The two Jinyiwei paused and jumped out, disappearing instantly.

Several yamen runners opened their mouths for a long time. One of them, a messy-haired yamen runner, swallowed his saliva and turned to look at his companions: "Let's go back and practice?"

Nangong Zeyue glanced at several people and said lightly: "It's useless to practice if the bones are formed and rigid."

Several yamen runners felt a flash before their eyes, and the handsome young man disappeared without a trace.

Nangong Zeyue came to the main courtyard gate and heard a man say: "The princess has been found. The emperor has ordered that no suspect should be released. Now the whole city is searching for accomplices."

Seeing Nangong Zeyue appear, the two Jinyiwei clasped their fists to him: "Thank you for your help tonight, young master. See you later."

A black shadow flashed under the moonlight, and the two Jinyiwei disappeared on the spot.

The messenger wanted to jump up and catch up, but Nangong Zeyue quickly caught up and grabbed the man's arm, anxiously asking: "Are the princess and... the others all okay?"

The man raised his eyes and glanced at Nangong Zeyue, and said seriously: "Sir, be careful with your words. Princess Changle is still a child. Don't ask about things that you shouldn't ask."

Nangong Zeyue: "..." Did I say something wrong?

During a moment of shock, Nangong Zeyue let go of the man's arm.

When the man in front of him disappeared, several yamen runners also chased out.

What Nangong Zeyue said to the man was just overheard by the yamen runners.

Several people looked at Nangong Zeyue with ambiguous eyes.

One of them bowed and smiled flatteringly: "Young Master, when you see the princess, remember to say a few good words for us. Young Master is so handsome and will surely achieve his wish. We will get busy first."

As they spoke, they retreated, and Nangong Zeyue was confused.

He just wanted to know if Sui Sui was safe and sound. The princess was a person who would never mend her ways. What was the use of saying good words in front of her?

Watching them run out of the gate, Nangong Zeyue shook his head, jumped over the wall, and disappeared into the vast night after a few jumps.

In Jiang Mansion, Xiao Jingzhao took Jiang Shuyue directly over the wall.

After landing on the ground, the burning big hand was still on his waist.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for seeing me off." Jiang Shuyue's ears were slightly hot, and she reminded him softly.

Xiao Jingzhao slowly retracted his arm, his voice as warm as spring breeze: "Take care of yourself, I promise you, what happened tonight will never happen again."

Just when Jiang Shuyue thought Xiao Jingzhao was going to leave, he lowered his head slightly, picked her up by the waist and walked towards the bed.

Jiang Shuyue was ashamed and angry, "You..."

"Your shoes are wet, I will call someone in a while, you can undress yourself first." Xiao Jingzhao bent down and put her on the edge of the bed, helping her take off her shoes and socks.

The big hand pinching her ankle was warm, and Jiang Shuyue's cheeks flushed when she thought that she had misunderstood Xiao Jingzhao.

"I'm sorry, you go back to the palace first, Qiuju will come in soon."

"Well, you rest first, Xiangyang should have sent Suisui back, I'll go over to take a look."

Hearing the sound of the bead curtain colliding, Jiang Shuyue breathed a sigh of relief, and with a thought, she flashed into the space.

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