Jiang Jiaojiao did not expect that Jiang Shuyue's heart was as rock solid and she still had no intention of forgiving her.

She was almost confused. Wasn't Jiang Shuyue very close to the Su family?

Why is it different from what my aunt said?

Her mind was spinning rapidly. If she didn't recognize herself, she had to recognize Su Peng.

As long as she has a relationship with the Su family, it will be a matter of time before she is accepted.

Su Peng heard Jiang Shuyue say that she had admitted the wrong person again, and suddenly remembered that she said that too many people had admitted the wrong person.

This restaurant is worth a lot of money. If my cousin was still alive, she would not be able to afford this restaurant.

He quickly handed over his hand: "I'm sorry, you do look too much like my cousin."

At this time, a waiter came up and said, "My boss, shopkeeper Nangong is in the accounting room."

Jiang Shuyue didn't even look at Jiang Jiaojiao and walked straight forward with the waiter.

Qiu Ju glared at Jiang Jiaojiao and Caiyan, and quickly followed them.

Jiang Jiaojiao walked out of Juxian Pavilion full of doubts.

"Miss, my servant will help you get into the carriage." Caiyan put the baggage in her hand into the carriage and then reached out to hold Jiang Jiaojiao's arm.

"Didn't you say there was a sedan chair?" Jiang Jiaojiao was so angry that she resisted the urge to lift the ribbon.

"Hey! This carriage is much more spacious than the sedan. If the bride doesn't believe it, go up and have a look."

"That's right, the carriage is hung with red silk, just like a sedan chair. The bride, hurry up and don't miss the auspicious moment."

The two ladies sang in harmony and lured Jiang Jiaojiao into the carriage.

After getting on the carriage, Jiang Jiaojiao saw that Caiyan remained silent, so she lifted up the Xipa.

The decoration in the carriage is simple and there is no festive red silk at all.

Jiang Jiaojiao's face was dark and sullen. If it were the past, she would definitely not obey him.

"Miss, put down the ribbon quickly. There are two red ribbons hanging in front of the carriage."

Caiyan could tell at a glance that this carriage was called from the street. It only cost a few pennies to go from here to the north of the city. In order not to make the lady angry, Caiyan pretended not to know.

Jiang Jiaojiao was not willing to listen to Caiyan, so she simply took off the hipa and put it aside.

"Caiyan, do you think that bitch made me angry on purpose? She clearly hates the Su family, but she pretends not to know her."

Caiyan shook her head, "I don't understand. The eldest lady and her mother have never neglected her maternal grandfather's family before. I don't know why she suddenly became so heartless."

"Could it be that my aunt made a mistake?"

Jiang Jiaojiao frowned, and there was no turning back. At this time, it was too late to regret the marriage.

It's not that she can't fight it out, it's that the two strong Xi Pos outside can't let her leave.

"Second Miss, don't think so much. The boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge. I think my uncle is quite good. He is as talented as Mr. Wei San."

"Well, there are still three thousand nails in the rotten ship. Let's take it one step at a time."

Jiang Jiaojiao could only comfort herself. If Jiang Shuyue really ignored the eldest member of the Su family, it would be good to recognize the second member of the Su family. They were connected by blood. Given time, the clouds would clear and the moon would shine.

In order to save money for the hotel for a day, she asked the Su family to come to welcome the bride in the morning.

After staying in the inn for a few days, I have already spent a lot of money.

Entering Su's house, my ears were eerily silent.

Being supported by Caiyan, she bowed to Su Peng and was hurriedly sent to the bridal chamber.

Jiang Jiaojiao was dumbfounded when she uncovered the Xipa.

The groom looks like a human, and the furniture in the house is all made of worthless cypress wood.

The wardrobe has not been painted.

Jiang Jiaojiao's eyes widened in disbelief, "Su Peng, is your family so poor?"

"What? Miss Jiang Er regrets it? Your aunt came to ask for this marriage in person. Do you think I am willing to marry you?" Su Peng retorted with a cold face.

Jiang Jiaojiao's face turned red and white from the rebuke. She felt extremely wronged and tears welled up in her eyes.

"You don't want to marry, and I don't want to marry either. Get out. I'll change my clothes and leave." Jiang Jiaojiao walked down the slope and regretted her marriage.

A flash of sarcasm flashed in Su Peng's eyes, "You want to regret your marriage and go to Mr. Wei? I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Mr. Wei doesn't know where he is living, and his life is not as good as my Su family."


"What are you doing? Your aunt is fooling my mother, but don't try to fool me with your dirty tricks. I am running errands in my uncle's dyeing room and I know the waiters in the teahouse. Don't even think about making excuses."

Speaking of this, Su Peng became very angry.

His parents asked him to endure it, saying that Jiang Jiaojiao's dowry was rich, and if he didn't like leaving her alone, he would take the whole house away.

I just learned today that Jiang Jiaojiao's so-called dowry only consisted of a box of jewelry.

Su Peng's words were simple and straightforward. Jiang Jiaojiao opened her mouth and had nothing to say.

Listening to the two people arguing more and more fiercely, Caiyan outside the door stamped her feet anxiously.


Su Peng opened the door and left.

Caiyan rushed in quickly, "Miss, today is your special day. It's unlucky to make such a fuss."

"Caiyan, did you hear everything? What nonsense did he say? He doesn't care about his parents' orders to find a matchmaker, so what should I worry about?" Jiang Jiaojiao's voice was filled with tears.

"Miss, let's be patient. What he said is true. If we leave now, where will we go?"

Caiyan paused and said, "This time, the marriage certificate was stamped by the government. We can't just leave if we want."

Jiang Jiaojiao covered her face and sobbed, "That bastard will definitely not give it to me and Li Shu."

"Miss, please calm down and think about it carefully. Which life is better here than in Zhuangzi?"

Jiang Jiaojiao suddenly stopped sobbing and thought about it seriously.

It is impossible to return to the Jiang family, and my father will be unhappy.

At least there were banknotes and a box of jewelry given by my aunt beside me.

After a moment, she sighed and said, "Let's make do for now, and we'll find a way later."

Cai Yan said with some fear, "Miss, do you want to ask Zhao Wu to come and serve us? I think the son-in-law is quite fierce."

When Jiang Jiaojiao returned to the capital, Zhao Wu followed the coachman to the Jiang family.

Jiang Jiaojiao shook her head, "No, no matter how fierce he is, can he hit me? There is no one around my aunt, Zhao Wu is brought back by us, and my aunt will feel at ease if he uses him."

That night, without any suspense, ended with Jiang Jiaojiao alone in the empty room.

When the day of returning home came, Su Peng said that he had too many things to do in the room and couldn't get away, and Qin was even more unwilling to prepare the return gift, so Jiang Jiaojiao took Cai Yan back to her parents' home alone.

That day happened to be Jiang Zhengming's day off.

Seeing Jiang Jiaojiao coming back, Jiang Zhengming couldn't wait to ask: "Jiaoer, have you seen the second son of the Su family?"

Jiang Jiaojiao was confused, "Dad, what do you mean? The second aunt of the Su family and the mother-in-law are not on good terms, why would your daughter go to see the second son?"

"My silly daughter! Your mother-in-law is confused, don't be confused, the second son of the Su family has moved into the big house of your eldest sister's family, you must have a good relationship with the second son of the Su family."

"Auntie, are you mistaken? I asked my mother-in-law, and she said that there is no smoke coming out of the Su family's ancestral tomb."

Yang was anxious and grabbed Jiang Jiaojiao's hand, "No, your father knows that the second place is named Su Jin, and that damn girl claimed to be her cousin to the outside world, this must be correct."

Jiang Zhengming's face was livid. Did he make a mistake?

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