Nangong Zeyue glanced at everyone and said: "I testify that what the big boss said is absolutely true. The new magistrate will handle the case impartially. You can each prepare personal and material evidence."

Someone in the crowd echoed: "Yes, the government is investigating the case carefully now. If there is any injustice, the emperor will punish him."

"That's right. Whoever the government decides to pay compensation should be compensated. It's unreasonable to let Juxian Pavilion be responsible." It was rare for someone in the crowd to say a fair word.

Jiang Shuyue secretly cursed, it turned out that people in ancient times also had a hatred of the rich. No wonder businessmen had low status, the poor were jealous, and the powerful were greedy.

If she had no one to rely on, it would not be easy to expand her business.

The vendor hurriedly searched the crowd for people who had eaten his barbecue yesterday.

"Everyone, please do well. Someone from the government will come to testify for me soon. I have only opened this stall for a few days, and my wife, children, and children at home are still waiting for me to support them. Please help me."

A man raised his hand and said, "I had your barbecue yesterday, no problem."

Then more people raised their hands: "I also ate it yesterday, and I am willing to testify."

"My child can testify that his father died after eating barbecue." The woman looked up, panic flashing in her eyes.

Jiang Shuyue's attention was always on the woman in front of her.

The woman was wearing an ordinary satin dress, with a gold-plated walking stick stuck crookedly on her head.

She is in her early thirties, with a plump figure and a curvy front and back. She is the type that men like. If you look closely, she has a bit of beauty.

Jiang Shuyue had several versions of the husband-killing script in her mind.

Did Dalang take medicine? !

The old man next door dug into the wall to steal incense, and the cruel woman and her lover plotted to kill her husband? !

While distracted, Nangong Zeyue's voice rang in his ears.

"Yue Niang, let's go sit in the carriage for a while."


Jiang Shuyue didn't want to listen to everyone's discussion anymore. These people would naturally disperse when the officials arrived.

After getting on the carriage, Nangong Zeyue gave Jiang Shuyue a calm look.

"Don't worry, Yue Niang. This matter has nothing to do with us. Those who are calling us to take responsibility are ignorant people. Most of the customers in our restaurant are educated, literate and reasonable people."

"I see."

Jiang Shuyue raised her eyes and smiled, a warm current welling up in her heart.

He stood in front of her without hesitation when emergencies occurred. He always helped her in every possible way, no matter how small the matter.

Thinking of what Qiu Ju said, Jiang Shuyue raised her eyes and saw him looking at her warmly.

When we first met, he still had the uninhibitedness of a young man and the freedom and ease of a prodigal, but now he is two points more mature.

It was undeniable that he was very kind to her and Sui Sui. If she didn't have those concerns in her heart, she would really like to try to have a sweet love relationship with him.

When I was in a state of confusion, someone outside shouted: "Get out of the way, the official is coming."

Just as Jiang Shuyue was about to stand up, a big hand with sharp bones pressed on her shoulder, "Yue Niang, don't go out. I'll just go to the government office. I'll go to the hospital to find you later."

"Well, leave early and come back early."

Nangong Zeyue went out and lowered the car curtain again. Jiang Shuyue heard the official asking the barbecue vendor what happened.

Officials began to clear the congested streets.

After a while, the carriage started and the hustle and bustle was left behind.

Jiang Shuyue came to the medical center, where Yinqiao was examining a pregnant woman in the backyard.

"The fetal position is incorrect, madam, don't be nervous. I will teach you how to correct the fetal position later to ensure that the fetus can be reset before delivery."

Across the curtain, listening to Yin Qiao's orderly arrangements, Jiang Shuyue showed a satisfied smile.

Among female doctors, Yinqiao has an excellent understanding of gynecology.

Push the door open and enter.

Jiang Shuyue asked the female doctors to put down their work, and she once again demonstrated the chest and knee recumbency technique in person.

"Twice a day, just keep it for half a quarter of an hour each time. Don't slack off. Come back for a review after five days."

There were all female doctors in the room, so the pregnant woman was not embarrassed at all and learned every move.

"Thank you doctor, I've taken note of it."

The pregnant woman's personal maid helped her out of bed.

Jiang Shuyue ordered everyone to disperse. When there were no patients in the medical clinic, the female doctors sat and read medical books.

When a patient comes, Jiang Shuyue asks everyone to put down their books and listen to her explain the symptoms and treatment plans.

After a few months of hands-on clinical teaching, she found that the female doctors were no worse at learning than when they were sitting in the classroom talking on paper in their previous lives.

As soon as Jiang Shuyue sat down, the pregnant woman came over after tidying up her clothes.

Jiang Shuyue raised her eyes, "What else can I do, madam?"

"I, I would like to ask..." The pregnant woman turned around and said to her personal maid in the middle of her sentence: "Go and wait for me in the carriage outside."

Seeing the maid walking away, the woman looked shy.

Jiang Shuyue probably guessed what she wanted to ask.

"Doctor, the doctor said that you should not have sex with your husband after pregnancy. Is this true?"

"There is a risk of miscarriage during sexual intercourse in the first three months. If the other party doesn't go all out and moves gently, it's actually okay."

Jiang Shu's moon face remained unchanged and she explained in a soft voice.

Seeing the woman's expression relaxed, she paused and said, "Ma'am, in fact, we have been having sex, and there are no signs of miscarriage? Your husband has nothing to do with the abnormal position of your fetus."

The woman was startled, and then she gave a slight blessing with her eyes full of gratitude, "Thank you doctor for answering my questions, I finally got rid of my mental illness."

From the moment she was pregnant, her mother-in-law kept stuffing pretty maids into her room.

The doctor was an old man in the house, so she didn't dare to trust her too much. She heard from her close friends that the female doctor at Jishi Hall was very skilled in medicine, and that even in the event of difficult childbirth, the mother and child would be safe.

After she became pregnant, she had maintained a close relationship with her husband. Although she had no discomfort, she was always worried.

As the date of delivery was getting closer, she came to Jishiditang with the intention of giving it a try.

As expected, she was not disappointed. She decided to come to Jishiditang to give birth in a few days.

In less than an hour, Nangong Zeyue came back from the government office.

He walked into the clinic with a smile on his face.

Jiang Shuyue's heart was hooked, "How is it? The vendor has no motive to poison people?"

"No, there are more than ten people who testified in the government office. The vendor did not know the deceased, let alone have a grudge, and had no motive to kill."

"That woman is problematic."

Nangong Zeyue sat down opposite Jiang Shuyue and leaned forward.

"How can Yue Niang be so sure that the woman has a problem? Just now, the police also asked someone to bring two children to the court for questioning. The children said the same thing as the woman, saying that their father went to sleep after eating barbecue, and they found out that he was gone in the morning."

How can I say this? I can't tell Nangong Zeyue that the woman is seductive.

Jiang Shuyue blinked, "I guessed."

"Yue Niang, you mean that the woman murdered her husband?!" Nangong Zeyue widened his eyes in disbelief.

Just now, he listened to the trial of the case by Lu Zhizhou. After the autopsy, the coroner came back and said that the cause of death was ominous. He ruled out poisoning and speculated that it was a sudden death.

"The coroner said it wasn't poisoning, there were no external injuries, maybe it was a sudden onset of a serious illness."

Jiang Shuyue shook her head: "The woman is only in her early thirties, and her husband is not very old. It's unlikely that she has cardiovascular disease, and there are signs of serious illness."

Nangong Zeyue didn't know anything about cardiovascular disease. He lifted his sleeves and stretched them in front of Jiang Shuyue, "Mother Yue, please take my pulse too. I want to live a hundred years and listen to your stories about scholars and foxes."


"What a success, just to listen to stories."

"No, there's something else."

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