Jiang Shuyue frowned slightly: "Did the official say anything?"

Su Nan gasped: "No, I just asked me to call the doctor out as soon as possible."

Jiang Shuyue understood clearly and pointed to the study: "Go and call Uncle Lin. The official is not coming to find trouble. There must be a patient who needs treatment."

To be able to send out officials, he must not be an ordinary person.

Jiang Shuyue put on her veil and strode towards the medical center.

Seeing Jiang Shuyue coming out, Su Jin hurriedly greeted her: "Sister, something big happened at Linjiang Academy. Officials called all the doctors in the street."

As soon as Su Jin finished speaking, he saw a man dressed as a government servant, with a knife in his belt and an anxious expression standing in the medical clinic.

Jiang Shuyue signaled Su Jin not to worry. She stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, what happened in the academy? I am the doctor at Jishi Hall."

The official did not expect that the doctor at Jishi Hall was a woman.

He said concisely and concisely: "After lunch, everyone in the academy was suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, and some people fell into coma. Are you the doctor? Come with me to rescue people."

The officer just stretched out his hand to pull Jiang Shuyue, but suddenly remembered that the other party was a woman, so he took his hand back.

The first thought that came to Jiang Shuyue's mind was food poisoning.

"Wait a moment, I'll get some medicinal materials."

Before the official could say anything, Jiang Shuyue strode towards the backyard warehouse.

With a thought, Jiang Shuyue took out emetics, laxatives, liver-protecting and detoxifying drugs from the space.

When she came out with the medicine bag, Su Huairen and Lin Miaoshou both heard the sound and came over.

"Girl Yue, I'll go with you." Lin Miaoshou saw a carriage parked outside the medical clinic.

Jiang Shuyue had an idea and said to Su Huairen and Su Jin: "Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. The more people, the better. Let's all go together."

Fortunately, Linjiang Academy was not too far away, and Jiang Shuyue and her group arrived at the academy quickly.

Looking around, dozens of doctors have gathered in the academy.

Judging from that posture, most of the doctors in Laiyang City might have sneaked over.

When I walked into the academy, I was greeted by an unpleasant smell.

The scholars were staggering around and their books were scattered all over the floor.

The doctors were scratching their heads and scratching their heads anxiously, helpless.

Jiang Shuyue handed the emetics and laxatives in her hand to Su Jin and Su Huairen, and urged: "Go to the kitchen and make some medicine."

Then she shouted to the doctors: "Find a way to induce vomiting."

After some conscious scholars heard this, they put their fingers into their mouths and pressed them to induce vomiting.

A doctor came to his senses and quickly ordered someone to get some salt water.

Suddenly, the doctors all started to move. Some gave the patient water, and some took out silver needles to prick acupuncture points to induce vomiting.

When Lin Miaoshou saw this, he quickly joined the rescue team.

Seeing that Jiang Shuyue was calm in the face of danger, a steward from the academy hurriedly came to greet her.

"What did you have for lunch today?"

The steward hurriedly replied: "I just came from home. I heard that braised pork was cooked in the academy today."

"Take me to the kitchen and have a look." Jiang Shuyue didn't believe that braised pork could poison the scholars.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw several cooks in the kitchen who were in high spirits. It was obvious that they had not eaten any poisonous food.

The steward glanced at the cook with an unkind look, and shouted loudly: "If there is any leftover braised pork today, please take it out and show it to the doctor and the official."

"Yes, yes." The cook brought over a bowl of braised pork.

The braised pork was brightly colored and fragrant. It was obviously made from fresh meat.

Jiang Shuyue said firmly: "There is nothing wrong with this meat. I must have eaten other dishes."

The well-informed officer glared at the cooks: "People's lives are at stake. Tell the truth quickly, otherwise we will all be taken back to the Yamen to be tortured."

The cooks were so frightened that they knelt down with a "pop" sound, their bodies shaking like chaff.

"Sir, please spare my life. This woman will tell you the truth."

"Today the scholars eat roasted pork with potatoes and braised pork..." The cook who spoke raised her head and glanced at the steward with a dark face.

The voice was as thin as a mosquito: "The braised pork was cooked by several women alone. This bowl is reserved for the steward."

The steward hurriedly defended: "This vicious woman is talking nonsense. My family lives not far from the academy. How have I ever eaten here?"

The other cooks were so frightened that they did not dare to raise their heads. The cook who came back to the official to send a message gritted her teeth and said: "Every word of the civilian woman is true, please be careful."

Then the woman jumped up and untied the sack from the bamboo basket in the corner of the room.

I saw several baskets of sprouted potatoes piled in the corner of the kitchen.

Jiang Shuyue looked at the steward and glared angrily: "Sprouted and green potatoes are poisonous, why are they given to scholars to eat? Isn't this a disregard for human life?"

The steward's eyes evaded: "This...how did this potato become poisonous? I...I don't know!"

Su Huairen stood up from behind the stove and said righteously: "You can't help but know that for anyone who purchases food for the academy, the doctor of the academy will tell you which foods are toxic."

In the face of irrefutable evidence, the steward was speechless.

He just bought the cheapest potatoes to line his own pockets, so why did he end up eating them?

"Get up quickly and continue brewing the medicine." The official ordered the cooks who were kneeling on the ground.

Suddenly, everyone was busy preparing the medicine.

The officer following Jiang Shuyue learned that the problem was with the potatoes purchased by the steward.

He shouted outside: "Come here, take the steward back to the Yamen for trial."

"It's unfair, it's unfair! I really didn't mean it. The potatoes are sprouting this season. If you don't believe me, you can go to the market and see." The steward also tried to quibble.

A few officers came in from outside, and without saying anything, they dragged the academy manager out.

Such a big thing happened, the government must arrest people and punish them.

"Sister, the emetic is ready."

Jiang Shuyue said to the officer: "Call some people in quickly, carry the medicine out and feed it to the patient."

The officer was puzzled until Su Jin poured the medicine into the wooden barrel, and a disgusting smell of medicine spread.

The officer understood why Jiang Shuyue said that the patient was fed it.

Such a smelly medicine, no one can swallow it, so it must be fed.

"Ajin, you continue to watch the medicine, and ask someone to send out the laxative after it is boiled."

"Uncle, come with me to save people." Jiang Shuyue said and walked out, followed by Su Huairen.

Under Jiang Shuyue's orderly command, everyone worked together and quickly fed the medicine.

There were vomiting sounds one after another at the scene, and the stench was overwhelming.

"Why can't I see the headmaster?" Su Huairen and Jiang Shuyue asked at the same time.

An official also found that the hall and corridor were full of young scholars, and whispered: "Oh no, there is no headmaster here, go and look for him."

Su Huairen took the remaining emetic in his hand and looked up at the layout of the academy.

He said to Jiang Shuyue: "The headmaster may be behind there."

The last time he came to the academy, he didn't even enter the courtyard of the academy. He could only judge based on his own layout of the building.

Passing through the corridor, several people hurriedly knocked on the door one by one.

"Come... someone!"

A faint voice came from a room.

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