"Mo Ziyan dominates the Liang Kingdom. Is he that easy to shake?" Jiang Shuyue asked worriedly.

Xiao Jingzhao looked up at the bright moon hanging in the vast night sky, "There is nothing that cannot be shaken. In the past, those people followed Mo Ziyan just because he was the most likely to succeed among the princes of the Liang Kingdom."

"Now that the crown prince has a rightful holder, anyone with a little bit of brains will turn around and recognize the new lord."

"Besides, Mo Ziyan was born to the princess of Nanzhao Kingdom, so the possibility of succeeding to the throne is low."

Xiao Jingzhao paused and said:

"In the face of interests and prospects, loyalty seems cheap."

Jiang Shuyue breathed a huge sigh of relief, "It'll be good if he can stand on his feet soon.

Xiao Jingzhao did not go into details about Mo Zixuan's harsh actions in the Liang Kingdom, which frightened the ministers of the Liang Kingdom. He was afraid that his words would be suspected of slandering people's images.

"Yue Niang, don't talk about the emperor in the future. Please call me A Zhao, just like you call A Jin."

Jiang Shuyue was thinking about how to answer this question.

Suddenly, she stepped on a protruding stone, stumbled, lost her balance, and was about to fall.

In the midst of this flash of lightning, a big hand firmly held her lower back and held her firmly in his arms.


Xiao Jingzhao's voice was low and magnetic, full of concern and tension.

She instinctively raised her head and met his eyes. Under the moonlight, his eyes were as gentle as water, as if they were melting her.

He exuded the familiar cold bamboo fragrance, and through the thin clothes, the two of them could feel each other's body temperature.

Jiang Shuyue suddenly found that her body seemed to enjoy the feeling of being in his arms.

Her heartbeat speeded up involuntarily, and her cheeks were stained with a faint blush. The two of them hugged each other ambiguously, and the air around them seemed to freeze, leaving only the sound of each other's breathing intertwined.

After a while, Jiang Shuyue realized that the two of them were too close, and quickly stood up and took a step back, "Thank you, I'll have someone smooth the road tomorrow."

Originally, this section of the road was paved with stone slabs. In order to create a foot massage pavement, Jiang Shuyue had people find smooth pebbles and inlay them on the ground.

After completing this section of the journey, she realized that it was all in vain. She usually had no time for foot massage.

Xiao Jingzhao seemed to feel her shyness and nervousness, a smile hung on his lips, and he quietly walked forward.

But the sudden feeling of intimacy still made Jiang Shuyue unable to calm down for a long time.

She had read so many story books, and they all mentioned that people have magnetic fields, and the human body can automatically identify the magnetic field. Only people with the same magnetic field will be willing to get close to them.

Xiao Jingzhao was in a happy mood, and the air in Jiang Mansion was full of sweetness.

Seeing Jiang Shuyue's evasive look at him, Xiao Jingzhao did not continue the topic.

Jiang Shuyue mentally calculated Su Hui's pregnancy period and found that the fetus should start to move.

She asked: "The war on the border has subsided. I wonder if the Queen Mother will return to Beijing soon?"

Xiao Jingzhao thought for a moment and said, "Maybe not. I should wait until Brother Huang's first child is born before returning to the capital."

"I wonder how Wen Po's medical skills in the palace are?"

Jiang Shuyue asked tentatively. She was afraid that if she rashly sent a medical girl to the palace, she would be suspected of overstepping her authority.

Xiao Jingzhao was like a roundworm in her stomach, he could understand her thoughts with just one sentence.

"There are some stable women in the palace, but their medical skills are not as good as those of the medical women you trained.

He put a hand on Jiang Shuyue's shoulder as he spoke, his eyes full of warmth, "Yue Niang, can you lend me two medical girls? I will send someone to send them to Yannan, and I will send the medical girls to you after the emperor's sister-in-law successfully gives birth to Lin'er." Take him back to the capital."

Xiao Jingzhao also suddenly discovered that he was always attracted to the little woman in front of him.

But he quickly took his hand back when he realized something was wrong.

Jiang Shuyue thought for a moment and said, "That's exactly what I meant. There is a shortage of female doctors. When more female doctors are trained in the future, they can be sent to various places to help more women."

The next day, Jiang Shuyue asked Gao Mu to inform the clerks and shopkeepers of the grocery store to have a holiday.

She had a consultation at the hospital in the morning. After lunch, Qiu Ju fetched water for her to wash up as usual.

"Miss, there are no patients in the hospital at noon. You go and have a rest. I will take a nap on the small couch outside."

Jiang Shuyue took the cotton handkerchief handed over by Qiu Ju and said, "It's been a long time since I sent food to Sunan and my aunt. You go to the restaurant in the afternoon and buy two roast gooses. One will be sent to the Su family and the other will be taken back directly. "Home, I'll call a carriage to go back later. I don't have to ask Gao Mu and Cangyun to pick me up."

Qiu Ju happily accepted the order.

She secretly guessed that the emperor came to Jiang Mansion to have dinner with the lady every day, rain or shine.

The young lady was finally moved by the emperor. She obviously wanted to prepare delicious food for the emperor, right?

Jiang Shuyue told the medical girls about arranging for the two of them to go to Yannan. She asked everyone to discuss it themselves and go home to discuss it with their families.

Yinqiao and Dingxiang said there was no need to discuss with their families, they could make the decision themselves.

Jiang Shuyue immediately told them to get ready. Guards might come from the palace at any time to take them to Yannan.

After Qiu Ju left the hospital, Jiang Shuyue went out, called a carriage and headed to the grocery store.

She had the key to the back door of the grocery store.

I got off the carriage and took a detour from the street into the alley behind the street.

There was no one in the alley, so Jiang Shuyue quickly opened the door and ducked into the backyard.

Fortunately, the warehouse of the grain shop is large enough. Now the country is peaceful and the people are safe, the rice price in the capital is stable, and there is not much grain in the warehouse.

The thing that the shop lacks the most is sacks. Jiang Shuyue spent two and a half hours to fill all the sacks in the warehouse with seeds.

Seeing that the warehouse was full and there was no place to step, Jiang Shuyue breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to leave.

Three days later, the people sent by Xiao Jingzhao arrived as promised, and loaded more than 20 carriages to send to various counties in Wanling.

Jiang Shuyue was relieved until someone from the palace sent Yinqiao and Dingxiang to Yannan.

That evening, Xiao Jingzhao took Suisui home, and Changle and Sunan also came with him.

Qiuju was about to ask the kitchen to add more dishes, when she saw Xiang Song and Xiang Yang each carrying two large food boxes and walking towards the flower hall.

"Sister-in-law, please stay. The master brought a lot of imperial food for the young lady today. I will send some to Brother Gao and Brother Cang Yun later." Xiangyang smiled flatteringly.

Ever since he often came to Jiang Mansion with his master, Xiangyang's mouth was as sweet as honey. He was afraid that everyone would accidentally think of Yan Nan's past.

Changle seemed to have not seen Jiang Shuyue for a long time. He pulled her to gossip. Suisui couldn't get close to her, so he had to sit next to his father and look at his mother eagerly.

"Sister Yue'er, do you know? Those ministers urged my brother to participate in the selection, and my brother refused again. When will Sister Yue'er hold the wedding ceremony with my brother? Changle is looking forward to it."

Jiang Shuyue looked up at Sui Sui, who blinked, "Mother, we all agree."

Xiao Jingzhao saw Jiang Shuyue glaring at him and smiled apologetically, "Mother Yue, I will wait for you to change your mind. I didn't teach them to say these words."

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