What Jiang Shuyue didn't know was that she regarded Nangong Zeyue as a good friend, but Nangong Zeyue had a different kind of affection for her.

Nangong Zeyue returned to the house, and after a while, her mind slowly cleared up.

What are you running for?

What a coward, he wanted to slap himself in the face so that the golden opportunity to express his feelings was gone.

I'm pretty eloquent on weekdays, but why do I lose my temper at the critical moment?

Nangong Zeyue slapped her forehead in frustration.

In the next room, Jiang Shuyue heard a "pop" sound coming from Nangong Zeyue's room.

Qiu Ju settled down and walked out.

Jiang Shuyue thought, and a sachet appeared in the palm of her wide sleeve.

"Qiu Ju, give this mosquito repellent sachet to Mr. Nangong. There are more mosquitoes here than in Laiyang City."

Qiu Ju took the sachet with both hands, "My slave, go now. Mr. Nangong's skin and tender flesh must not be bitten by mosquitoes."

Nangong Zeyue came in time today, and Qiu Ju was also grateful to Nangong Zeyue.

The conversation between Jiang Shuyue and Qiu Ju reached Nangong Zeyue's ears word for word.

Early the next morning, Qiu Ju looked specifically at Nangong Zeyue's face.

Very good, the style is still the same, the elegant appearance has no traces of being visited by mosquitoes.

Perhaps God was angry, but until Jiang Shuyue and her party arrived in the capital, they never saw any rain along the way.

The capital city is still singing and dancing, and the people outside the city are complaining. The people here seem to be living in another world.

Seeing the familiar streets bustling with traffic, the pedestrians on the road are dressed in fine clothes, there are many shops, bustling and noisy, and luxurious horse-drawn carriages dot the streets and alleys.

The melodious music of the piano floated out from the brothel tavern, and the sound of singing was mixed with bursts of wanton laughter.

Everything is so familiar, yet feels unprecedentedly strange.

I have been attracted by the bustling scene of the capital every year.

The shops on both sides of the street are filled with a dazzling array of items, and a pair of phoenix eyes shine brightly every year.

"Mom, I like it here. Can you send a letter to dad and ask him to come to the capital?"

Jiang Shuyue held her forehead, like father, like son, they all like places full of power.

Nangong Zeyue walked parallel to the carriage. He pointed to a tall restaurant and said, "Uncle will take you to Juxian Pavilion for dinner someday. The signature dishes there are excellent."

Sui Sui showed a bright smile, and most of his body was almost sticking out of the window.

The carriage happened to pass by Yicui Building at this time, and saw two strings of red lanterns hanging straight down from the third floor, which was very spectacular.

It was dusk at this time, and a waiter was about to light a lantern.

Suisui couldn't take his eyes away from the festive lanterns. He said in a sweet voice, "Uncle Nangong, look at how beautiful those lanterns are. Can you take me to play here some other time?"


Qiu Ju couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.


Nangong Zeyue glanced at Yicuilou, with a look of discomfort flashing across her face, and turned to Suisui and said, "That lantern is not very beautiful. My uncle will buy you many more beautiful lanterns someday."

Jiang Shuyue: "..."

Qiu Ju saw Jiang Shuyue's eyes falling on Suisui's butt, and she quickly hugged Suisui.

"Young Master Suisui, be good, you can't go there. Look at the woman at the door. Her little mouth is so red that she looks like she drank human blood. It's so scary."

"With Uncle Nangong by my side, I'm not afraid of anyone."

Nangong Zeyue: "..."

I don’t know if it’s too late to start practicing hard from tomorrow.

Jiang Shuyue asked Nangong Zeyue to lead the way directly to Huajianzhu Inn.

Huajianzhu Inn is not the largest in the capital, and its location is not the best, but the environment there is quiet and suitable for staying for a few days.

I have just returned to the capital. Buying a house cannot be done in a day or two. It is possible to stay in an inn for ten and a half months.

To go to Huajianzhu Inn, the street in front of Jiangfu is the only way to pass.

When the carriage passed by, Qiu Ju whispered: "Miss, Jiang Mansion has arrived."

Jiang Shuyue didn't even raise her eyelids, and said calmly: "It has nothing to do with me, so I don't mind looking at it."

Qiu Ju quickly lowered her head and said, "This servant is being abrupt. From now on, let's take a detour and keep out of sight."

"That's not necessary. From the moment I left the Jiang family, I cleared the Jiang family from my heart. I have let it go, so you don't have to take it to heart." Jiang Shuyue said softly, not blaming Qiu at all. The meaning of chrysanthemum.

Her hatred was hidden deep in her heart.

Jiang Jiaojiao and Yang, I will repay you little by little for the suffering you have given this body.

When we arrived at Huajianzhu, the lanterns were already on.

Qiu Ju followed Jiang Shuyue's instructions and asked for an independent courtyard.

Nangong Zeyue walked into the courtyard and her eyes lit up, "I never expected there to be such a unique inn in the capital."

The courtyard is not big, and the east and west wings are just enough for men and women to live separately.

This place is different from ordinary inns. Once the front courtyard door is closed, this is an independent courtyard. It is quiet and elegant, and will not be disturbed by people coming and going in the inn.

Gao Mu and Cangyun called for dinner, and the waiter from the inn delivered it to the courtyard.

After the meal, Nangong Zeyue washed up, changed into a set of clean clothes and came to Jiang Shuyue.

"You've had a hard time on the road. You and Suisui should take a rest early. I'll go see where my uncle lives."

Lin Miaoshou never sent a message back, and Nangong Zeyue didn't know if he was with his disciples in Black Pool Valley.

In order to find Lin Miaoshou, the master of Black Pool Valley ordered his disciples to open a medicine shop in the capital. Nangong Zeyue went to the medicine shop and asked about it.

"Go early and come back early. When you see Uncle Lin, invite him to have tea in the courtyard tomorrow."

After Nangong Zeyue left, Jiang Shuyue washed up and sat at the table, taking out the plan and reading it again and again.

With Qiuju and Lan'er Mei'er taking care of Sui Sui, Jiang Shuyue calmed down and thought about things.

The first step of the plan is to buy a house.

Most officials in the capital live in the east. She remembered that Zhen Daxueshi lived in the south after resigning from office. She didn't know if he moved in the past few years.

Seeing Gao Mu walking in the courtyard, she wrote down the location of Zhen Daxueshi's house and gave it to him.

"Tomorrow you go to check if Qingyunzhai is still there. If Zhenfu is also there, you can go to Fangyazi to see if there is a larger courtyard in the south."

Qingyunzhai is a study opened by the Zhen family, and the owner behind it is undoubtedly Zhen Daxueshi.

Qingyunzhai is different from other study rooms. It not only sells the four treasures of the study, but also has a place for scholars to sit down and read books and communicate.

Some scholars were short of money, so they wrote calligraphy and paintings and stored them in their study to sell.

There was a wall in the study for scholars to hang calligraphy and paintings for display. Every time a good work was hung, it would soon be circulated among scholars and even caused a sensation in the capital.

Official ladies and literati also frequently visited Qingyunzhai. Some went to look for calligraphy, while others went to meet talented people by chance, each taking what they needed.

Details reveal a person's character. Scholars respected the true university scholar from the bottom of their hearts.

Gao Mu took the order and left.

In less than an hour, Nangong Zeyue appeared in front of Jiang Shuyue with a worried face.

"Miss Jiang, my uncle, he has entered the palace."

"He has inherited his father's business and has become an imperial physician again?"

"No, he has entered the purification room..."

"He was purified?!"

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