Jiang Zhengming glared, and said with a flick of his sleeves: "She is expecting me to die, why do you still want her to come back? For such an evil girl, I, Jiang Zhengming, will just pretend that I have never given birth to her, and turn a blind eye to her!"

Jiang Jiaojiao: "..."

Is he adding fuel to the fire too much?

Yang was very satisfied with Jiang Zhengming's fierce reaction.

She sobbed weakly: "Husband, calm down. This matter concerns Jiao'er's marriage. If she talks nonsense outside, Madam Wu is a reasonable person. I'm afraid that the old lady of the Wu family will listen to one side and not know people well."

"This... I, I really didn't think so much. I thought that the evil girl wanted to return to the Shangshu Mansion." Jiang Zhengming was stunned.

He thought that Jiang Shuyue had seen that many years had passed, and he was no longer angry. She would think that she was also his daughter who was spoiled in the past, and she would definitely find ways to return to the mansion.

"Dad, mother never told you that my elder sister said one thing in front of me and another behind my back. She was nice to me and mother in front of you, but when you didn't see it, she looked down on me."

"Dad really thought he had raised her very well. It's all your fault. Our little girl has been wronged."

Jiang Zhengming was heartbroken. He was a minister of the Ministry of Revenue who was a Jinshi, but he couldn't even teach his daughter well. What a failure.

Yang waved the silk handkerchief in her hand, looking generous, "Husband, don't blame Yue'er anymore. You should go and call her back to the mansion yourself. We will discuss the matter of putting her back on the family tree. The most urgent thing is not to let her ruin the reputation of our Shangshu Mansion."

Jiang Zhengming's face was dark, not knowing what to do.

If he asked him to call that evil girl back home, would he still have this old face?

If he didn't go, what the lady said was reasonable. If the Wu family knew that their eldest daughter was resurrected, no matter how they explained, it would be useless.

If he ignored it, the Wu family would know and would most likely come to cancel the engagement.

After weighing the pros and cons, Jiang Zhengming gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go, I'll call that evil girl back. Madam, you'll discipline her more in the future. If she refuses to repent, we'll send her to the farm to be strictly guarded after our daughter gets married."

Yang looked at Jiang Zhengming tenderly, "I dare not disobey my husband's words. When Yue'er comes back, I'll ask the disciplinary nanny from the palace to teach her the rules. I will definitely not let my husband down."

After Jiang Shuyue left, Yang sent Wang back to her parents' home.

In order to control Wang and prevent her from gossiping outside, Yang also instigated her sister-in-law to take Wang's granddaughter Dongmei as her roommate.

Yang Mao's legs were already disabled, and taking a concubine would affect his marriage even more. He only wanted Dongmei to be a maidservant.

Jiang Zhengming was very satisfied. Although Yang was promoted by his aunt, she never spoiled him and always put him first in everything.

It is said that a woman's husband is her heaven, and she did a good job.

Seeing his most satisfied daughter wipe away her tears, Jiang Zhengming asked: "Jiaoer, do you know which inn she lives in? Dad will take someone to call her back."

"She lives in..."

Where does she live?

Jiang Jiaojiao was stunned. She didn't even know where Jiang Shuyue lived, so where should her father go to call her back?

Seeing her daughter speechless, Yang urged: "Jiaoer, don't be afraid. With your father's support, your elder sister won't dare to bully you when she returns home. Tell your father where she lives?"

Yang didn't forget to apply eye drops to Jiang Zhengming with every word. This has been her habit for many years.

Jiang Jiaojiao looked embarrassed, "Mother, I was scolded by my elder sister today, and I forgot to ask her where she was staying."

"The second young lady was scolded by the elder sister and cried. I thought the elder sister would come home to make trouble soon. The elder sister was so fierce, I dare not say anything!" Caiyan took the opportunity to please her master and trampled on Jiang Shuyue again.

Jiang Zhengming stood up and said, "I will send the housekeeper to find out."

"Dad, if the elder sister comes back by herself, please be patient and don't mention that she scolded my daughter in Qinglian Temple. I don't want you to quarrel with her because of me."

Jiang Zhengming looked at his well-behaved and sensible daughter, and his eyes softened a little.

"Don't worry, Jiao'er, Dad knows the limit. At this time, Dad will not bother with that evil girl."

After Jiang Zhengming went out, he called the housekeeper and several capable servants to the study and gave them some instructions. The housekeeper left with the servants.

Following Jiang Zhengming's instructions, the housekeeper started to check the inns on the streets near the Shangshu Mansion.

From east to west, they checked dozens of inns in a row, but until night fell, they did not find any news about Jiang Shuyue.

Jiang Jiaojiao and her daughter were as anxious as ants on a hot pot at home.

Seeing that the housekeeper returned empty-handed, Jiang Jiaojiao and her daughter were dumbfounded.

"Mother, I am sure she will find a way to return to the Jiang family. She hasn't come yet at this time, and I don't know where she lives. What should I do?" Jiang Jiaojiao twisted the silk handkerchief in her hand into a rope.

"Jiao'er, don't worry. Mother will send Mrs. Qu to the Taiwei Mansion."

After Yang sent Mrs. Wang back to her parents' home, she promoted Mrs. Qu to her confidant.

One of Mrs. Qu's good sisters worked in the Taiwei Mansion, so she was sent there to inquire about the news.

Soon, Mrs. Qu came back from the inquiry.

"How is it? What did Mrs. Wu say when she returned?" Yang asked impatiently.

Mrs. Qu bowed to Yang and smiled flatteringly, "Congratulations, Madam, the good thing has come true."

"What do you mean?" Yang was unsure. If she didn't ask clearly, she would not be able to sleep well tonight.

"The old sister of this old servant said that when Madam Wu returned home, she was very happy and ate half a bowl more for dinner."

When Yang heard this, her heart dropped.

She sent the maid in the house to tell Jiang Jiaojiao the news, and rewarded Mrs. Qu with a rich jade bracelet.

Then he twisted his waist and went to the study to find Jiang Zhengming.

The next day, when the Yang family and their daughter were having sweet dreams and happily preparing to welcome the Wu family to deliver Najib gifts, the matchmaker came.

When Yang saw that there was no one behind the matchmaker to give Naji gifts, her heart was in her throat again.

Before the matchmaker had even sat down, Yang couldn't help but ask: "Sister Da Jin is here today..."

The matchmaker laughed dryly and took out Jiang Jiaojiao's Geng Tie from her arms, "Madam, this is the second young lady's Geng Tie. Please keep it. There is no need to return Third Young Master Wu's Geng Tie. It will be brought back after all. ”

Yang was confused and her face darkened, "What does Madam Wu mean? Why can't I understand?"

"Ahem, madam, please listen to the explanation from the common woman. Miss Jiang's horoscope does not match that of Mr. Wu. Mrs. Wu is happy to get married to Shangshufu. Please forgive me for this matter."

No matter how tactfully the matchmaker spoke, Yang understood clearly that her Jiaoer's marriage was ruined.

Everyone came to cancel the engagement, and it was useless to talk any more, so Yang grabbed Geng Tie.

She said to Mrs. Qu behind her: "Since the eight characters don't match, we won't talk about this marriage. Go quickly and get Master Wu's Geng Tie."

The matchmaker quickly stood up and said, "Wait a minute, madam..."

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