Cyril's heart was pounding, and he was extremely uneasy waiting for the system's test results.

However, instead of giving information as quickly as before, the system paused eerily for a second or two.

Next, the playlist that Cyril hadn't heard for a long time began to play randomly uncontrollably: [One person! I'm drunk! Drunk couples beautiful women into pairs! Two eyes! It's all alone...] [Stop, stop, stop! Stop! ]

This song inexplicably carried a brainwashing melody, Cyril hurriedly blocked the system.

Why do you sing if you disagree? !

He looked at Dean Brian nervously. Could it be that he was discovered?

Cyril's heart jumped, he quickly withdrew his gaze, turned forward as if nothing had happened, and tried to suppress the ups and downs in his heart.

The system played most of the song in a daze, and stopped before Cyril almost couldn't help shaking his legs.

【Hey, what's going on? I just seemed to have drank two catties of white wine, and I was full of pride and pride. ] [I can see that, as long as you eat one more peanut, you won't get drunk like that. ]

Cyril silently replied to the system.

[What about Dean Brian's data? ]

Cyril asked uneasily.

I remembered! The moment I scanned the man, it was like being infected by a virus! Immediately lost consciousness! 】The system suddenly realized.

It ponders:

[Important! A great wizard of this level should have magic items or anti-curses to prevent peeping and surveillance. Look at the mist like a little fairy, which is deliberately half-covered. This is an obvious warning to others not to get close to people. Well! 】 Cyril choked when he heard the words, but he really didn't see that the dean's smoky gray mist had half a Wu Jing relationship with the little fairy.

"Okay, Mr. Lawrence, please come with me now!"

Rudolph breathed a sigh of relief when he saved his memory.

He raised his head and said to Cyril, while muttering in his heart that the Wizarding Union had been busy in the next few months.

"We need to give you physical data to give you a wizard apprentice rating."

He led Cyril to a brass machine.

The brass machine with a cool metallic luster stretched out to a platform with a crystal ball in the center.

Behind the table next to the brass machine sat a female wizard in an emerald green wizard robe.


"Take it easy, little one."

The red-haired witch saw Cyril's eyes lit up.

She gave Cyril a friendly smile, her big white teeth flashing.

"Now, put your hands on that crystal ball."

She admired Cyril's beauty, and her voice softened a lot.

What a beautiful and cute little guy, come and be her colleague when she is promoted to the official wizard.

The average appearance of the Wizarding League... Anyway, she is about to stay.

Cyril also returned a polite smile to the other party, looking very well-behaved.

He glanced at the crystal ball in front of him and sighed inwardly.

Here again.

He understands.

This is the painful taste of testing psychic power, and he has also felt it in Mr. Scott's wizard carriage before.

However, Cyril suddenly thought of the simple parchment name test Mr. Scott later adopted.

I don't know why these wizards don't use the more convenient and painless method...

However, when Cyril put his hands on the crystal ball, what he felt was not the intense stimulation that went straight to the nerves in his memory, but a light and light Air currents are rushing through the body rapidly.

In just a few seconds, he heard the red-haired witch's gentle voice: "Okay, child, it's over."

Cyrillic: ? ? ?

That's it?


Mr. Scott's crystal ball is such a wonderful crystal ball! It looks exactly the same as its peers, but the behavior is so rude!

Next, the brass machine made a "click" sound.

The sound is professional, but nothing happens.

"Whoops, look at my memory!"

The red-haired witch withdrew her admiring gaze on Cyril.

She patted her head, hurriedly picked up a stack of parchment paper on the table, and threw it in through the entrance of the brass machine.

Immediately afterwards, she unscrewed the pot-bellied ink bottle placed in the corner of the table and poured the ink into another smaller inlet.

After a while, the brass machine spit out a piece of parchment printed with black ink.

The red-haired witch picked up the parchment and glanced at it, muttering: "The fourth circle of the secret realm! Good guy! Much stronger than I was back then! Mental strength 35, very good. Magic power, ah... how come the magic power is only 10, it's a pity. The physical fitness is also very good, all of them are good."

Cyril also let the system display his current body data: [Name: Cyril Lawrence

Age: 15

Stamina: 15

Strength: 15

Mental Power: 35

Magic: 10 (temporary)

Achievement: Bitter Meat (Passive)

Explanation: Moonlight Fruit has designed a route for you: first stand out, then be slapped in the face, and then come back to stand out after being slapped in the face, tsk tsk tsk, the old tricks. 】 Cyril raised his eyebrows and asked in his mind:

[How long does this mean temporarily? ]

At this moment, a lonely therapist who had treated Cyril before came over.

He said to the red-haired witch: "Cathy, this new born is a bit special, he was depleted of mana due to eating the moonlight fruit in the core of the secret realm, and now the mana level is suppressed at 10 , I don't know when it will recover, poor little guy!"

"However, of course, this is understandable! New students have not yet accepted the ravages of magic potion, who knew that moonlight fruit would have to be turned into moonlight potion before taking it?!"

The pharmacist patted Cyril on the shoulder with an expression of understanding and empathy on his face.

No, I know, I just didn't have a choice.

Cyril's face was still calm, showing a very innocent expression.

The pharmacist continued to ramble on and said: "However, magic pharmacy is such a magical science, it is very wonderful, isn't it? Ah! You will see it soon, very magical, very wonderful…"

"Okay, I got it, Peter!"

The red-haired witch interrupted the pharmacist rudely.

She then took out a brass box from the drawer of the desk, which contained five small seals of different colors.

The red-haired witch picked out a white seal from the box that looked brand new than the rest, smiled and said to Cyril: "Congratulations! The newly released 'S' grade Wizard apprentice!"

As she spoke, she placed a white seal on the parchment with Cyrillic data written on it.

Cyril clearly saw that when the white seal fell on the parchment, a fluttering white light appeared on the entire parchment.

"By the way, which wizarding academy brought you to Whalefall Island? Which wizarding academy are you going to?"

the red-haired witch continued, she took a bright purple quill from her pocket (as striking as her hair and robe), dipped the tip in ink, and lifted it up Eyes asked Cyril.

She was still a little puzzled, why there was an S-class wizard apprentice in the freshman, and she didn't see other wizard academies come forward to rob people.

"Snowberg Wizarding Academy..."

Cyril glanced at the dean not far away, and whispered, there seemed to be a little grievance in his voice.

He, an S-level wizard apprentice who is about to sail away with a debt of 1000 wizard crystals.

Cyril: happy.jpg

The red-haired witch's smile stopped, and she said with a haha: "Ah! Snowberg Wizarding Academy!"

However, the squeezed smile was a little embarrassing: "Congratulations! Great choice! An extremely powerful wizarding academy!"

The red-haired witch's hand trembled slightly. The name of the academy reminded her of the shame that she was pressed and rubbed on the ground by the wizard's apprentice of the other college when she was still a wizard's apprentice.

"I remember, it seems that I need to sign?"

An elegant and low male voice came, the tone was silky and calm, with a slow aria.

Brian walked to Cyril and stood still.

He looked at the red-haired witch and gave a polite and impeccable smirk.

Some people really have their own aura.

Obviously the other party was calm and relaxed, but Cyril felt a strong sense of oppression.

The man's body is depressing and terrifying, and the smoke-gray mist is also silently warning of something.

Bryan waved his hand casually, and the bright purple quill in the red-haired witch's hand slid obediently on the parchment.

Beautiful scribbled squiggles intertwined, leaving traces on the parchment with black ink.

Similarly, as the quill pen auto-signatures, a light flashes by.

"Cough. Thank you, Mr. Brian."

The red-haired witch suddenly became reserved and polite, she smiled at Brian, a very professional smile, and she did not smile.

"Okay, now it's your turn to sign, Mr. Lawrence."

The red-haired witch also smiled at Cyril.

Probably because of the red-haired witch's sudden serious attitude, Cyril felt that the atmosphere at the scene was a little weird.

It seems that they are not signing a wizard apprenticeship registration file, but registering their marriage at the Civil Affairs Bureau.

He lowered his eyes and bit his lower lip without a trace, trying to drive away this sudden and frightening thought.

Cyril, who doesn't have much magical knowledge, can't be as handsome as his dean, so he can only honestly pick up the quill and sign his name on the parchment .

Since the parchment did not indicate where his name should be signed, Cyril wrote his name directly under the dean's signature.

Signing, Cyril glanced at the gleaming parchment.

Oops! The two names lined up together seem to be more like a marriage registration...

Fortunately, at this time, another group of freshmen who just came out of the secret realm arrived in the lobby.

These freshmen were only twenty minutes behind Cyril and were able to get very good ratings.

The other deans and heads of the wizarding academies also hurried over to pick good seedlings for their wizarding academies.

On the contrary, Brian was indifferent and glanced at this group of excited freshmen indifferently.

He winked at Black who arrived, and his eyes finally fell on Cyril beside him.

Cyril was struggling with what to do now, when he noticed an understatement.

Then he heard the dean next to him speak: "Okay, now you should go to buy the things you need after enrollment, our S-level wizard apprentice."

Brian dragged the end very long, light, lazy and sultry.

He rubbed his fingers lightly, and there was a bit of playfulness in his black-gold eyes.

Cyril froze when he heard this.

Buy, buy, buy! Are you responsible for giving money? !

Probably seeing Cyril's uneasy thoughts on his face, Brian smiled lowly and said, "Go to Chief Claude Scott, he will help you."

Mr. Scott?

Before Cyril could think about it, he felt a hand wrapped around his waist, and then the surrounding space was distorted, and the dean led him directly into the hall.

Although the process of space transfer was not painful, Cyril took a deep breath and closed his eyes subconsciously.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself on the deck of the Black cruise ship.

Mr. Scott was looking at him with a smile, the inky blue peach eyes behind the monocle were like blue sea waves glowing with sunshine.

Different from his elegant gentleman in suits and ties before, Claude Scott now wears a black wizard robe.

The neckline revealed the white shirt she was wearing underneath, and the buttons were tied all the way down to the Adam's apple.

The wizard's robe is very long, about the calf, and as the other person walks, dark leather boots with slender and powerful calves wrapped under the black robe are revealed.

This scene seems to overlap with Cyril's previous night dream on the steam train. It seems that less than a month has passed, but it seems like a lifetime.

However, Cyril's gaze involuntarily stayed on the side of the other's neck - that's where he started in the illusion.

Although he knew that the "Scott" in the fantasy was not Mr. Scott in front of him, Cyril still felt a strange sense of guilt in his heart.

He hurriedly greeted the long-lost Mr. Wizard: "Hello, Mr. Scott, long time no see!"

"Congratulations, Little Cyril."

Brian, who changed his vest in seconds, bent his lips slightly, and seemed to be in a good mood.

He had an elegant smile on his lips and a gentle tone.

"Became the youngest S-class wizard apprentice in our academy."

He said politely, with a smile in his eyes.

Okay, solved the case.

Cyril suddenly understood where the familiarity when he saw Dean Brian came from—Mr. Scott and Dean Brian had a very similar temperament.

It's just that Mr. Scott is more gentle and elegant, while Dean Brian is more mysterious and treacherous.

Cyril quietly compared in his heart these two extremely handsome but handsome men.

"With such an outstanding junior, it seems that the mentor will dislike me in the future."

Bryan said with a feigned distress.

"Huh? Who is Mr. Scott's mentor?"

Cyril asked with a wink.

"It's Dean Brian. I'm the same mentor as little Cyril."

Brian replied without changing his face, and his tone was serious as if he was not talking about himself.

Cyril glanced at Mr. Scott, who frowned slightly and seemed to be worried that his position in the heart of his respected mentor was at stake, and could not help but be silent.

His mood is a little bit complicated.

Brother, as long as the dean is not blind, your magic power of more than 100,000+ is still sitting on the Diaoyutai, okay!

Thinking that he is only a fraction of the magic power of the opponent at this time, Cyril silently clenched his fist.

Are you making fun of me? is it?

"Okay, Dean Brian asked me to take you to buy the things you need after school. Let's go to Whale's Head Lane."

Brian took out a membership card of the Black Rose Chamber of Commerce from the pocket of the wizard's robe, held it between his slender fingers, and shook the brass card slowly.

The author has something to say: Red-haired witch: Okay, the registration is complete, the marriage relationship has been established, congratulations to the two newcomers!

"One person! I'm drunk! I'm drunk! Two beautiful women are paired! Two eyes! It's alone with each other..." From the song "One Drink and Drunk".

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