But fortunately, Pu Zuo was by her side to guide them, otherwise they might not have gone so smoothly.


Just as Cen Qing buried the last mine, a phantom quickly attacked her.

The sharp claws grabbed her neck straight.

At the critical moment, Pu Zuo threw the man on the ground and blocked Cen Qing.

And his back was also scratched with a five-finger scratch, deep bone can be seen.

There was a bang, the sound of a sniper rifle.

The monster fell to the ground in response, but all the monsters behind him rushed up.

Cen Qing quickly dragged Pu Zuo behind him, and quickly pulled out the light machine gun.

"Can I still go?"

"I hurt my back, not my leg."

Although there was a hot feeling on the back, the blood kept flowing.

Pu Zuo was still unwilling to show weakness in front of Cen Qing.

"That's good."

To save her from having to worry about whether to leave Pu Zuo and run away by herself.

With the firepower suppressed by Jin Siwen and others, Cen Qing gasped for a moment.

She dragged Puzo to the safe house without looking back.

Just as the two rushed into the gate of the safe house, the mine was detonated.

The monsters behind them were blown to pieces, and the strong smell of blood made everyone present feel a little uncomfortable.

"Tsk, it's disgusting."

Putting the gun away, Jin Siwen pinched his nose in disgust.

However, Cen Qing and Pu Zuo flew directly to the ground due to the power of the explosion.

Fortunately, Pu Zuo's palm had been protecting Cen Qing's head, which prevented her from concussion.

But his situation is not optimistic.

After struggling to pull Pu Zuo off his body, Cen Qing called his name a few more times.

But there has been no response.

"Ryan, go to the second floor and get my medical kit."

Jin Siwen, who was full of disgust just now, couldn't help but gasped when he saw Pu Zuo's back injury.

The five scratches on his back almost tore out the flesh.

Blood mixed with yellow pus flowed down, producing a pungent smell.

"The claws of those things must be carrying some kind of toxin."

Wilder could see clearly just now, their claws were gray-blue.

There is also blue phosphorescence in the dark night.

"It looks like this."

Even Jin Siwen poured alcohol on the wound immediately.

The wound on Ke Puzuo's back was still turning black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even his face turned blue-gray.

"We may need to go to the hospital, or find a doctor."

Just relying on the contents of her medical kit is definitely not enough.

Just as the crowd carried Pu Zuo onto the car on a stretcher, a vine blocked their way.

Dare to say that the monsters just came to consume their bullets.

Pulling out a knife neatly to cut off the vines, Cen Qing stuffed Jiang Ci into the car with him.

"You don't have any abilities, so get out of here first."

Even the big killer in the book relies on a steady stream of mental power.

And Jiang Ci, who has no powers, is no different from ordinary people.

Therefore, Cen Qing could only send him out first, and then called Ryan to drive.

"Please, make sure he gets the best treatment possible."

After all, if Pu Zuo hadn't blocked that blow for her.

She is the one lying on the stretcher now!

Ryan also knew that the situation was urgent at this time, so he had to take the two people in the car to evacuate first.

But Cen Qing's attention was all on Pu Zuo, and he didn't notice the line of sight of the co-pilot Jiang Ci at all.

Besides, the fire is imminent, who cares what kind of eyes he has?

Anyway, as long as you don't hold her back!

Ryan stomped on the gas pedal to death, barely avoiding the thorny vine.

Cen Qing and the others were dizzy from the continuous stream of vines.

The bullet hit the vine like it was tickling.

For a moment, Cen Qing and the others were surrounded by vines.


If you are not afraid of bullets, you must be afraid of flames.

Hearing Cen Qing's shout, Jin Siwen quickly reacted.

There is still a lot of gasoline in the basement.

But the current situation is that she can't get out of the encirclement of vines at all.

In the end, it was Cen Qing who forcibly tore a gap in her with a dagger.

But although Jin Siwen went out, the vines wrapped them tighter and tighter.

It is almost airtight, even the oxygen is cut off.

"I feel like I can't take it anymore..."

The gun in Wilder's hand fell to the ground, panting heavily.

"Hold on! Jin Siwen will be back soon!"

Although Cen Qing was not feeling well at this time, he kept waving the dagger with his arm.

But there were too many vines, far exceeding the speed at which she could cut them down.

"If I die, please help me donate all the contents of the safe to UNICEF."

Wilder's eyes were blank, and he almost gave up struggling.

All his security came from those Bling Bling jewels.

It's not because he likes it so much, but that those things can be exchanged for money, which can make him eat and wear warm.

No longer the little boy in the ghetto who was always bullied to the point of dying.

"Usually I don't see you so generous! Why don't I see you give me a little bit?"

Jin Siwen's voice instantly awakened Wilder's chaotic mind.

It's like the sound of nature.

With Cen Qing's reminder, Jin Siwen directly took out the flamethrower from the warehouse.

The flames attached to the vines, blocking its continuous growth.

It also made Cen Qing and the others breathe a sigh of relief.

With the blessing of the flamethrower, the vines quickly dissipated, only daring to circle around everyone.

Wilde took a long breath and collapsed directly on the ground.

"What? I heard you have anything valuable in your safe?"

Unexpectedly, it is hidden quite deep.

Jin Siwen put away the flamethrower and joked.

"That's all my nonsense! What kind of safe, nothing!"

Wilde came up with three consecutive denials, but he didn't make it clear when he asked.

"Don't scare him. You just recovered a life. Let him take it easy."

Cen Qing patted the flames on his clothes, and wiped the ashes from his face.

Unfortunately, some people don't want to let them breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that everyone's life is quite big."

The familiar voice made everyone immediately alert.

The person who came was indeed Qi Liang.

"Thanks to you, everything is not bad."

Cen Qing narrowed his eyes, aiming the muzzle of the gun straight at Qi Liang's head.

Although he knows that there are many monsters around him to help him, but he can't lose his momentum when he loses.

"Where's the key I want?"

Qi Liang didn't intend to talk nonsense with them, and cut straight to the point.

"Oh, don't try to fool me, your every move is under my surveillance."

Immediately afterwards, a woman who was still wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night appeared next to him.

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