After Being Kicked Out Of The Martial Arts School, I Created A Cultivator Of Covering The Sky

Chapter 67: Tianyi changed its name, Xiuxian Academy was officially established! The horror of ruthl

Chapter 67: Tianyi changed its name, Xiuxian Academy was officially established! The horror of ruthless people!

Xiao Nan Nan performed the Heaven Swallowing Magic,


Let people like Su Liangjin,

in great shock,

He was stunned to look at the little girl who was breathing so much at the moment!


Never thought, never seen, that someone could...

Absorb the power of others, thereby enhancing your own power!

This technique is so overbearing!


Just when they were shocked,

I saw a terrifying aura emanating from Xiao Nannan's body, and the light was even brighter!


Xiao Nannan suddenly raised her hand,

In an instant, blossoming petals bloomed around Xiao Nan Nan!

As these petals bloom, the surrounding space has a twisted posture...

Seeing the blossoming petals suddenly falling beside Xiao Nannan, Su Liangjin and others suddenly shrank their pupils violently, and a thick color of horror flashed in the depths of their eyes!

Especially Su Liangjin,

He could clearly feel,

The terrifying power contained in the blossoming petals of Xiaonannan fluctuates!

and also,

on the petals,

There are clearly visible mysterious Daowen flashing...

Looking at the light pattern on the petals, Su Liangjin felt a roar in his mind!

Under his horrified eyes,

Xiao Nannan waved her hand slowly, and the mysterious petals around her slowly drifted away...


The petals, whirling around, hummed in the air, forming a flower petal...

fly out the window,


I saw the countless petals,

Flying out of the window, in an artificial lake...


The petals fell and landed on the artificial lake, and then the artificial lake instantly boiled and roared!

The water in the lake rises into the sky, and countless waves bloom in the air...

And at this time,

The countless petals turned into purple-gold flames...

The lake water that rushed to the sky was instantly vaporized, forming a large white fog, covering the sky, a vast expanse of white...

And the lake below...

disappeared without a trace in an instant,

The dry lake bed is exposed, and it can be clearly seen that in the lake, countless koi that have lost water are constantly fighting and tossing!

Looking at this scene,

Su Liangjin and the people from the General Bureau of Martial Arts Education are all dumbfounded...

There were huge waves in my heart, and I couldn't help but startled, and my scalp was numb!


"What means is this?! 35

"A person in the martial arts realm can actually possess such terrifying means?!

"Covering the sky, can people in the martial arts realm display such terrifying power?!

People can't believe that all this is caused by Xiao Nan Nan!

Just when they were shocked,

The breath on Xiao Nannan quickly dissipated,


restored calm,

With a small face full of pride, he raised his head and looked at Qing Mo: "Brother, how are you? 35

"Is my strength much stronger than yesterday?!"

"I feel that I should be able to shock Wu Shi now and become Tianyi's senior sister!

Qing Mo:

When did this little girl still compete with Wu Shi?!

This competitive spirit is really strong enough to even think about surpassing Wu Shi?!

As soon as Xiao Nan Nan said this,

In an instant like a thunderstorm,

It fell on the heads of Su Liangjin and the others, making them look horrified.

Looking at Xiao Nan Nan in disbelief, she suddenly turned her head to look at Qing Mo, and exclaimed in a low voice.


"Isn't she the strongest yet?!"

"Principal Qing Mo, the strongest student in your school, how far has he broken through?!"

little nan nan means,

It has made their scalp tingle...


Listening to the meaning of Xiao Nannan's words,

It seems that there are more powerful and terrifying students in Tianyi Academy?!

This Nima...

Kind of scary!!!

Qing Mo listened to Su Liangjin's unbelievable words,

eyebrows slightly raised,

He nodded indifferently: "For now, Xiao Nan Nan can only be regarded as the second-ranked student in Tianyi College at best."



Tianyi Academy is a little too evil, isn't it?!

Qing Mo's words made the pupils of Su Liangjin shrink slightly, and the waves in their hearts were huge!

Seeing them in shock,

Qing Mo smiled slightly in his heart, and then his eyes fell outside the window, which was instantly evaporated by Xiao Nan Nan, on the artificial lake of the lake.

Looking at the artificial lake,

those who have no water,

The carp who was struggling in pain, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he saw his hand slightly raised!

In an instant, a ray of light burst forth from his hand,

The light flies out,

Fly to the sky of the artificial lake...

Immediately after,

The void above the artificial lake shook slightly, and a large cloud and rain condensed.


The downpour fell instantly and fell into the dry lake...

As the rain fell,

The water level rose rapidly, and those carp were rescued...


Qing Mo's casual hand fell into Su Liangjin's eyes, but his expression suddenly changed, his pupils vibrated violently, and he subconsciously exclaimed: "Affecting the power of heaven and earth, transforming all things?! This method can only be achieved at the peak of the realm of heaven and man, Principal Qing Mo, you...

"you already……"

"Breakthrough to the peak of the realm of heaven and man?!"

Su Liangjin was scared!!!

Look at Qing Mo with a look like a monster!

not only him,

The rest of the general bureau of martial arts education,

He also looked at him in disbelief with the same eyes that looked at a monster!

The pinnacle of the realm of heaven and man?!!

A peak powerhouse in the realm of heaven and man who is less than 30 years old?!

This Nima...

Still human?!


Hearing Su Liangjin's exclamations, Qing Mo turned his head, with an indifferent smile on his face, and shook his head slightly: "I am now, I should be the power of cultivation in the middle stage of the realm of heaven and man, and I haven't broken through to the peak...


Su Liangjin was shocked: "How can you do it, a strong person in the realm of heaven and man..."

"Covering the sky."

Qing Mo said calmly: "It is a trivial matter for the cultivators who practice the method of covering the sky."

Su Liangjin:

The rest of the General Bureau of Martial Arts looked at each other in dismay,

in the eyes of the other party,

Seeing thick shock and disbelief...

Is there anything else that can't be done by covering the sky?!

how does it feel to...

This method of covering the sky is a bit omnipotent?!

"Principal Qing Mo..."

After being shocked for a moment, Su Liangjin came back to his senses, and there was a strong excitement in his eyes: "Now, I can be sure that the method of covering the sky is indeed feasible..."

When I first came,

Su Liangjin said about the method of covering the sky,

still skeptical,

It is impossible to say for sure whether the Heaven-covering Dharma is really a brand-new path of practice!

but now,

With the performance of Qing Mo and the people from Tianyi Academy...


Covering the sky is possible!!!


"The method of covering the sky is a feasible way!

"I feel that the method of covering the sky can be promoted!

"The Kyushu Kingdom will have a new practice method!!!"


As soon as Su Liangjin's words came out, the accompanying staff of the General Bureau of Martial Arts Education also nodded excitedly.

Their eyes are blazing hot, and they can't wait to try to practice the method of covering the sky immediately.


Su Liangjin is cautious enough!

pondered for a moment,

He suddenly spoke,

“Principal Qing Mo….”

"Covering the sky, what are the requirements for cultivation?"

"What effect will it have on practitioners?!

Su Liangjin suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked all the questions in his heart.

"Cultivating immortals and covering the sky requires a complete abandonment of martial arts practice."

"And, have the heart to sink the boat!"

"You can't be half-hearted, and at the same time you want to practice the old martial arts! 35

The look on Qing Mo's face was very serious and serious: "Otherwise, nothing can be achieved!"

As soon as he said this,

The expression on Su Liangjin's face suddenly changed.


For those who have already made a lot of achievements in martial arts, isn't it...

Not so friendly?!

Seeing the change in his expression, Qing Mo instantly understood what he was thinking.

"Cultivating immortals and covering the sky is not necessary to destroy the original martial arts cultivation base."

Qing Mo narrowed his eyes slightly and said slowly, "It's just that after practicing the Heaven-covering method, I can't continue to practice martial arts! 99

"The original power will remain!

"Also, because of the practice of covering the sky, the original martial arts power will gradually be assimilated by the power of cultivating immortals..."

"Finally, become a real cultivator!"

"Of course, if you want to make a breakthrough in the cultivation of immortals, it depends on your personal opportunity!"

Su Liangjin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!


"I'm relieved!",

"If, like those senior martial arts cultivators, cultivating the Heaven-covering Law would destroy their original power...

"This will be unacceptable to a lot of people!

"For the Kyushu Kingdom, the risk is too great..."

A smile appeared on Su Liangjin's face, and he was very happy with this result.

He also got to know Qing Mo in detail about covering the sky.

After some conversation,

In Su Liangjin's heart, regarding the method of covering the sky,

There is already a detailed cognitive concept.

“Principal Qing Mo….…”

After learning about the method of covering the sky in detail, Su Liangjin was silent for a moment, the expression on his face became serious, and he slowly said: "To be honest, I really want to immediately implement the method of covering the sky in the whole country, so that all the people of Kyushu can practice..."


"You should understand that this is not acceptable..."

"Because, for now, warriors are the foundation of the Kyushu Kingdom!"

"It is the security guarantee for the hundreds of millions of people in Kyushu! There is no room for any mistakes..."

"So, there is no way to immediately implement it nationwide!

His remarks are considered to be heart and lungs, and give Qing Mo a low.

Qing Mo listened to his words and nodded slightly. He naturally expected this result.

I can also understand the difficulties of people like Su Liangjin.

Therefore, it is not difficult for him to accept this result.

at this time,

In Su Liangjin's eyes,

But suddenly a blazing light burst forth,

There was a look of excitement on his face.

"Qing Mo, although there is no way to immediately use the power of the state to promote the method of covering the sky across the country..."

"However, you can still do it with confidence and boldness!"

"You can use Tianyi College as an experimental field to continue to improve the method of covering the sky!

"The General Administration of National Martial Arts Education in Kyushu will fully support you and support you! 35

"Hopefully, you can carry forward the method of covering the sky, perfect it into a brand-new cultivation path, and give Kyushu a choice!

"If you need help now, just open your mouth, the General Bureau of Martial Arts Education will fully support you!"

Su Liangjin showed the greatest kindness to Qing Mo!

Hearing his words, Qing Mo's eye mask suddenly lit up!

start thinking now,

What support is needed at this time...

Seeing Qing Mo's pondering, Su Liangjin didn't urge him, and waited for him to think clearly.

After a moment of silence,

A gleam of light flashed in Qing Mo's eyes, and he made a decision in his heart.

"Right now, I need...

Qing Mo spoke slowly: "`" Rename Tianyi Martial Arts Academy to Tianyi Xiuxian Academy!

"Definite the sky as the Immortal Academy!""

"Totally disconnect from martial arts! 35

"From now on, I want everyone to mention Tianyi, and what they think of is cultivating immortals..."

"Instead of martial arts!!!

"This is my current, only need!"

Qing Mo needs another benchmark!


The benchmark for immortals!!!

Let everyone understand that there is a way to cultivate immortals in this world!

A cultivation path completely different from traditional martial arts!!!

And this road...

Started at Tianyi Xiuxian Academy!!

"no problem!"

"This request, I can call the shots!"

"From now on, the files of Tianyi College will be revised!

"Tianyi Martial Artist Academy..."

"It will become Tianyi Cultivation Academy!

Su Liangjin was a little surprised when Qing Mo made such a small request, but at the same time, he nodded immediately and made a decision immediately!


He asked Qing Mo carefully,

what other help is needed,

After thinking about it for a while, Qing Mo came up with a request to expand the campus area of ​​Tianyi Xiuxian College, but there was no more...

Regarding this request put forward by Qing Mo,

Su Liangjin, who intends to fully support Qing Mo, naturally has no hesitation, and also makes a decision immediately!

After negotiating,

Su Liangjin immediately became the first time,

Back to the headquarters of the Kyushu Martial Arts Bureau!

Report all the results of the investigation one by one!

reported news,

Immediately caused a huge stir in the General Bureau of Martial Arts Education!

The leaders of the General Bureau of Martial Arts Education quickly convened a corresponding meeting to discuss matters related to Tianyi Xiuxian Academy!

The Ji family of the Kyushu martial arts family.

Ji Xuanyuan is arguing with his father about wanting to join the Tianyi Martial Artist Academy.

"I must join Tianyi Martial Artist Academy!"

Ji Xuanyuan looked resolute, looked at his gloomy father, gritted his teeth and said, "I have no talent in martial arts, if..."


Ji Xuanyuan's father suddenly interrupted his words: "What is the future of a martial artist academy today?! 39

"This way of covering the sky, it is impossible to make a big climate! 35

"Martial arts is the orthodox!"

"It is the foundation of Kyushu!"

"I have used my family relationship to arrange a place for you to enter Mozhou (Li Hao) Martial Arts College!"

"You are ready immediately, ready to go to the Mozhou Martial Arts College, and there will be a famous teacher to guide you in your practice!"

"With the guidance of a famous teacher and the family's medicine to improve your physical fitness, your martial arts cultivation will definitely improve in the future!

Ji Xuanyuan's father strongly objected to his son's desire to go to a martial arts academy that day!

Ji Xuanyuan listened to his father's strong objection,

His body was tense, and there was a stubborn light in his eyes, which did not dispel the thoughts in his heart!

Seeing his son's stubborn appearance,

Ji Xuanheng felt a little helpless,

He naturally understands,

My son's talent in martial arts is not good...

I can also understand the unwillingness in my son's heart at this moment!


Let his son go to the little-known Tianyi Martial Artist Academy...

It's unacceptable to him!

Relying on the relationship to go to the Mozhou Martial Arts College, my son can get in touch with more geniuses, with the guidance of famous teachers, and he will achieve some achievements in the future...

But what can I gain by going to Tianyi Martial Arts Academy?

Teachers don't work!

Origin does not work!

School resources are even worse!

went there...

It will only be the result of a complete sinking!

How could he watch his son sink into the quagmire and sink completely?!


"what's the situation?!"

"The General Administration of Martial Arts suddenly announced that it would fully support Tianyi College's implementation of the method of covering the sky?!""

"Tianyi Martial Arts Academy renamed Tianyi Xiuxian Academy?!

"The General Bureau of Martial Arts Education has thoroughly studied the method of covering the sky, has it been confirmed that the method of covering the sky is useful?! 55


Ji Xuanheng suddenly heard,

There was an exclamation from outside the door,

It's the Ji family, exclaiming and discussing!

Ji Xuanheng: "?!!"

what's the situation?!

The General Bureau of Martial Arts Education fully supports Tianyi Martial Artist Academy?!

Covering the sky...

Really useful? Use!

"Great! 35

Just when Ji Xuanheng was stunned, Ji Xuanyuan, who heard the voice outside, suddenly showed an excited look on his face, and rushed out!

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