After Being Kicked Out Of The Martial Arts School, I Created A Cultivator Of Covering The Sky

Chapter 71: Everyone pays attention to Xiuxian Academy, where are they? They actually went deep into

Chapter 71: Everyone pays attention to Xiuxian Academy, what about them? They actually went deep into the battlefield!

magic state,

The burrow, on the battlefield.

People from Tianyi Xiuxian Academy, after entering the front line of the battlefield.

It was immediately noticed by the people of Moshu Martial Arts High School.

For the people of Tianyi, they were arranged to the front line of the battlefield.

The teachers and students of Mozhou Martial Arts High School were shocked by this.

Some cannot understand the arrangement of Xiao Anshan, director of the General Administration of Education of Mozhou.

at this time,

Arrange for this.

Very incomprehensible.

It's not just them.

Outside the battlefield.

Specially responsible for cleaning.

Those who escaped from the army of warriors and the encirclement of the scattered Warcraft's major high schools.

Also for this,

Very incomprehensible.

The principal of No. 7 Middle School, Wang Zheng, and the principal of No. 9 Middle School, Chen Hao, are gathering together at the moment.

two people,

the look on the face,

All are somewhat indescribable.


Wang Zheng gritted his teeth and couldn't help but muttered: "The people from Tianyi Cultivation Academy will be assigned to the front line of the battlefield?"

"They're just a secondary school, although lately, they have really gained a reputation...more

"But their overall strength still can't be sent to the front line!

Before, the comparison between Tianyi College and Tianyi College.

It was the first time that Wang Zheng was very depressed and embarrassed, and found that Tianyi Academy was different.

also admitted,

Tianyi College has some strength.


He finally

still think,

Tianyi Cultivation Academy has not yet reached the point where it can reach the front line of the battlefield.

"It seems that the General Bureau of Martial Arts Education has attached great importance to Qing Mo.

Chen Hao's eyes flickered, looking at Wang Zheng's depressed expression, he couldn't help sighing: "Is this method of covering the sky really that strong?"5

As soon as he heard the method of covering the sky, Wang Zheng's brows furrowed.


He is also watching,

All kinds of information about covering the sky.


At this time he,

For the shading method,

Still skeptical.

He did not believe that Qing Mo could really come up with a brand-new cultivation method.

Even if,

Qing Mo is very naive,

At a young age, he has reached the realm of heaven and man, unprecedented.


want to create a

The new practice method, how can it be so easy?

After a hundred years of exploration, the martial arts was perfected and matured. Moreover, it was the result of the joint efforts of countless martial arts geniuses.

He Qing Mo is alone...

How can it be possible to do what countless people and countless hours of time can do?


There was a commotion in the distance.

Wang Zheng and Chen Hao turned their heads subconsciously when they heard the noise in the distance.


they saw,

A live broadcast team appeared on the battlefield.

"This is......"

Chen Hao stared at the teammate with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "The news reporting team of the General Bureau of Martial Arts?

every time,

As long as it is a large-scale operation,

The official news reporting team will enter the battlefield and broadcast the situation in the battlefield in real time.


will be broadcast live,

let the people of the country,

understand the situation on the battlefield.


Wang Zheng took a few glances and confirmed that those people were indeed the official live broadcast team.


Wang Zheng came back to his senses,

Immediately facing a teacher beside him, he instructed: "Remind all students immediately, behave well, and don't lose face in front of the whole nation!"

The official live broadcast team came to live broadcast, which is a good publicity opportunity for these schools.


When Chen Hao heard Wang Zheng's words, he instantly came back to his senses.

Immediately notify the teachers of his school to let the students of their school perform well on the battlefield.

at this time,

The live broadcast group of the General Bureau of Martial Arts is broadcasting the situation on the battlefield.

In the live broadcast room, countless people of Kyushu Kingdom were watching the live broadcast.

"Hello, viewers, I am a staff member of the General Bureau of Martial Arts Education."

"Today, Pharaoh, I will be in charge of the live broadcast, the battle situation in the battlefield of the Mozhou Catacombs!"

"Now, we have entered the outer battlefield...

"The peripheral battlefield is the main battlefield of the major middle schools!"

"Audiences, the former convenience is a student of Mozhou No. 7 Middle School, and they are now hunting a group of elementary demons..."


Old Wang, a staff member of the General Bureau of Martial Arts, is introducing the situation on the battlefield.

Those students obviously noticed the presence of the live broadcast team, so they all acted very heroically.

The battle with the demon was very straightforward, and the cooperation among the students was also very tacit.

In the live room,

countless audiences,

Looking at the students of Mozhou No. 7 Middle School, they exclaimed in surprise.

"The students of Mozhou No. 7 Middle School have performed very well!"

"These students are so heroic, this is the future of Kyushu! 35

"This method of training students in the major schools in Mozhou is a good way to really improve students' combat effectiveness!

"When will our martial arts school in Longzhou also study?"

"The students in our school here have never experienced a real bloody battle, how can they grow up?

In the live broadcast room, countless audiences were discussing and praising Mozhou students at the same time.

There are many audiences.

I envy the schools in Mozhou, so that their students can experience this real practical test.

"Audience friends, the students of Mozhou No. 7 Middle School are very heroic...  

The staff in charge of the live broadcast looked at the students of No. 7 Middle School in amazement.

Then, he said again: "Now, let's take a look at the scene where the students of Mozhou No. 1 Middle School were fighting...

As the staff spoke, the scene in the live broadcast room immediately changed.


live audience,

Then, in the live broadcast room, there was a scene of a Demon Race No. 1 Middle School student fighting a demon.

it was a boy,

only see,

That boy's battle was very heroic and resolute!

Combat skills, very proficient, and easily mediate with two primary demons.


With the sound of a piercing sword cry, I saw that the boy, the sharp sword in his hand, pierced out instantly.

Afterwards, a rudimentary devil ape was divided into two and cut under the sword.


In the live broadcast room, there are countless audiences.

They all cheered and praised this boy from Mozhou No. 1 Middle School.

"The audience, the classmates of Mozhou No. 1 Middle School, are also very heroic, and their fighting skills are very skilled...

With a look of amazement, Lao Wang said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "The students of the major martial arts colleges in Mozhou are not to be underestimated...

Pharaoh's words quickly won the approval of a large number of audiences.

At this time,

In the live room,

But suddenly appeared, a large number of the same barrage.

"Pharaoh, we're going to see Tianyi Cultivation Academy!"

"Where are the students of Tianyi Xiuxian Academy? Go and see the battle at my house!

"I want to see, Tianyi Cultivation Academy, the fighting style of Xiuxian after punishment this day..."

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers asked to watch the battle of Tianyi Xiuxian Academy students.

"Tianyi Xiuxian Academy?!"5

Lao Wang looked at the reaction in the live broadcast room, stunned for a moment, and said subconsciously: "Tianyi Xiuxian Academy is not on the outer battlefield, they are on the front line of the battlefield...""


As soon as the king said this,

In an instant, countless viewers in the live broadcast room just felt the thunder of the sky!

They were all shocked by this news in an instant, a little unbelievable...

"Isn't it? Tianyi Cultivation Academy was sent to the front line of the battlefield?!"

"The front line of the battlefield, shouldn't it be a high school like Mozhou Martial Arts High School?! 35

"What happened to Tianyi Cultivation Academy being sent to the front line of the battlefield? Mozhou Martial Arts Bureau, why did it make such an arrangement?

"Can they survive on the front line of the battlefield? The front line of the battlefield, that is to face countless demons!


Countless spectators felt very incredible that Tianyi Cultivation Academy was sent to the front line of the battlefield.

My heart is full of curiosity about this, and of course more audiences have expressed concern about it.

Tianyi Xiuxian Academy is just a middle school...

Their students, entering the front line of the battlefield, this is too unreasonable!

"I don't know the specifics...

"Now let's go deep into the battlefield, find the people of Tianyi College, and see what they are doing now..."

Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room was boiling, Lao Wang responded quickly.

Immediately lead the live broadcast team and quickly move towards the front line of the battlefield.


The students of Mozhou Martial Arts High School are on the front line of the battlefield, fighting with demons.

As a student of the strongest high school in Moju, Moju Martial Arts College.

combat power,

very sturdy,

students one by one,

In the face of surging from time to time, hordes of demons.

They acted very calmly, through strong personal force and perfect coordination.

The demons that rushed out in groups were beheaded one after another.

Assist the army of regular warriors, clear the battlefield, and suppress demons.

At this moment, Wu Dingkun, the commander of the Mozhou battlefield. Right behind, observing the battlefield ahead.

At his side, there are only a lot of Mozhou martial artist military personnel at the moment.

Together with him, pay attention to the situation in the battlefield.

These people are all very powerful warriors, and they are also commanders and generals.

At this moment,

Because the battlefield situation is controllable,

These people did not take action, but handed it over to the army under them to eliminate and suppress the demons.

"The students of Mozhou Martial Arts College are doing well. 35

Wu Dingkun looked at the performance of the students of Mozhou Martial Arts College at the moment, with a smile on his face: "Whether it is personal quality or teamwork, it is very good!

"If you train it, you will definitely become stronger, and if you enter the army in the future, you will quickly form a powerful fighting force!

Wu Dingkun's remarks were immediately approved by many people.


"Not only did Mozhou Martial Arts Colleges perform well, but other Mozhou Martial Arts Colleges on the periphery of the battlefield also performed very well...

"Mozhou No. 1 Martial Arts Middle School, there are many good seedlings, after the martial arts college entrance examination, they should all enter the Mozhou Martial Arts College! 39


The people around Wu Dingkun were full of smiles at this moment.

They are very satisfied with the performance of the teachers and students of the major martial arts colleges.

Beside Wu Dingguo, the eyes at this time are not the same as his.

Xiao Anshan's focus at the moment was lost on the front line of the battlefield.

"Perhaps, right now, the most important thing you should pay attention to is Tianyi Cultivation Academy...

Xiao Anshan listened to what Wu Dingguo and the others were talking about, and said leisurely.

"Huh?! 35

Wu Dingkun, when he heard Xiao Anshan's words, looked stunned for a moment, and said subconsciously, "Focus on Tianyi Cultivation Academy? Indeed..."

"By the way, what about the people from Tianyi Cultivation Academy? Why aren't they next to Mozhou Martial Arts Academy?

"They're on the edge of the Florida Martial Arts College, they should be safer...

The rest of the people, at this time, also showed surprises on their faces.

Immediately, someone started looking for the trace of Tianyi Cultivation Academy.


"Oh my God?!

"what's the situation?!

"The people of Tianyi Cultivation Academy, why suddenly..."

"Killed into such a large group of monsters?"

This exclamation suddenly shocked everyone present.

"what's the situation?!

"Are the people of Tianyi Cultivation Academy surrounded by an army of demons?!

"Isn't there any danger?"

Everyone was shocked, thinking that the people of Tianyi Cultivation Academy were in danger.

Wu Dingkun's expression changed slightly, and his eyes instantly swept away.


Looking at this,

His face suddenly stiffened.

In the depths of his eyes, there was an unbelievable look.


I thought I was wrong,

I blinked, my mind was 270, and I took a closer look...


"This?! 39

"The students of Tianyi Cultivation Academy have already killed so many demons?!

"They are..."

After staring carefully at the direction of the teachers and students of Tianyi College, Wu Dingkun's pupils shrank slightly, and his heart was awe-inspiring, setting off a huge wave.


He found,

Students of Tianyi Xiuxian Academy,

The way of fighting is completely different from the students of the major martial arts academies I just watched...

At this time,

People around Wu Dingkun,

They also noticed that the direction of the teachers and students of Tianyi Cultivation Academy...

When they carefully observed the situation of the teachers and students of Tianyi Cultivation Academy, their expressions suddenly changed wildly.

"What happened to the students of Tianyi Cultivation Academy? Why is their aura so strange?"

"How is their fighting style so magical?"

"Why is there such a small girl fighting? Hiss...that girl, he seems to be absorbing the power of a demon? This...35

A burst of exclamation sounded in Wu Dingkun's ear.

people around him,

At this time, one by one, their faces were all exposed, dumbfounded, unbelievably shocked!

Staring blankly, the direction of the battle between the teachers and students of Tianyi Cultivation Academy!

by this time,

Tianyi Xiuxian Academy,

The battle scenes of the students who practiced covering the sky were shocking!

Just when they were stunned, the live broadcast team of the General Bureau of Martial Arts Education.

Has arrived, outside the battlefield where the students of Tianyi College fought.

The moment they arrived at the scene, they noticed the situation of the teachers and students of Tianyi Cultivation Academy.

When they saw that the students of Tianyi Xiuxian Academy were surrounded by so many monsters, they were shocked and couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's not good...

The old king subconsciously exclaimed: "The students of Tianyi Xiuxian Academy are surrounded by waves of monsters!"

"They, as if they were in a dangerous situation, the situation...'



The words of this old king,

choked abruptly,

The expression on his face changed rapidly, and an incredible light emerged from the depths of his eyes!

as if,

I saw a scene that made him unbelievable...

not only him,

The other members of the live broadcast team were also confused afterwards.

And their reaction made the audience in the live broadcast room directly confused.

In an instant, the live broadcast room was boiling.

Countless barrages, like a tide, burst out crazily.

"what's the situation?"

"What's the matter with you, Pharaoh? Tianyi Cultivation Academy, is it in danger?! 35

"Pharaoh, don't be stunned, quickly turn the camera around, let's see what happened to Tianyi Cultivation Academy!

The first chapter is here, I beg everyone to subscribe and support!!.

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