Nia's blood-red lips trembled slightly, trying to say something, but her mind couldn't keep up with her mouth for a while, so she could only falter in the original Earthly Branches.

"Look at it by the way? That's the top ranking, you...why did you kill him, how did you kill him?"

When asked, Shen Fei clasped his ears and replied lightly: "He took the initiative to provoke me and let me kill me. As for the method...what method was used to kill, I stretched out my hand and broke his neck, it was as simple as that. ."


Niya's mind was blank, her eyes widened, and she was petrified on the spot like a ghost.

Shen Fei said that the wind was light and the clouds were calm, as if he was twisting a cucumber in the field...

But that head does not grow on the ground, but on the body of a mid-rank master!

On Wuming Island, Scar has already been counted as the top combat power, even if placed in the world, he is definitely considered a master.

Such a fierce man, was unexpectedly broken his neck easily by Shen Fei?

Nia wanted to break her head, but couldn't figure out how it happened.

But this kind of thing can't be done falsely. If you go out and inquire about it, you should be able to get the answer.


Niya looked at Shen Fei again, strong, indeed strong!

From Shen Fei's body, she seemed to feel an ancient fierce beast entrenched in it.

Although it is impossible to be precise to the specific level, the oppression that Shen Fei brings is indeed above the scar...

The enemy he had been chasing so hard, died in such a daze?

The revenge was avenged, Nia was ecstatic, and then endless emptiness filled her heart, and her beautiful brown eyes instantly filled with tears.

"Thanks...thank you, if everything is true, I am willing to join Longteng!"

Looking at the glamorous woman who was crying in front of her, but still biting her lower lip and holding back her tears, Shen Fei patted her shoulder gently.

"Let's fuck with me in the future, we have revenge, we have grievances and grievances!"

Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, bind a new target.

Name: Niya

Face value: 9.0

Age: 27

Favorability: 20

Just after a perfect reconciliation, a charming female voice suddenly came from behind.

"Sir, welcome to our shop."

Shen Fei slowly turned his head and raised his eyebrows instinctively when he saw the person coming.

Good guy, is this nameless island a daughter country? It's only been a day, why are all beautiful women?

Naturally, it was Catherine who had been waiting for a long time.

At this moment, she smiled happily, without the posture of the strong woman just now, making it hard to think of the vicious "Black Widow" title.

Being able to open a bar, be an intelligence dealer, and establish a foothold on the perilous Wuming Island, Catherine relies on long-sleeved good dancers.

She has already practiced the skill of looking at people's food. Although the young man in front of her is young, he is obviously a big man and must not be neglected.

The reason why they didn't come right now was to give Shen Fei and Niya enough time. No matter what they were talking about, if they interrupted rashly, they would definitely cause dissatisfaction.

She waited until the two of them had finished talking about the matter, then seized the opportunity to board the second floor, and the heat was just right.

"You are?"

Shen Fei tilted his head slightly and asked curiously.

The beauty not only took the initiative to speak up, she also held a wine bottle that could dazzle the eyes.

A fool can see the value of that bottle of wine, and this girl doesn't seem to be simple.

"You take the liberty to bother, I'm the owner of this hotel, my name is Catherine. We deeply regret the conflict just now, and we sent you this bottle of wine as compensation."

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