After drinking the blood ganoderma for three days, Zhao Chengzhou's complexion was completely restored and his minor ailments were completely gone.

"Master, this time it's all thanks to Mr. Zhou. If it weren't for the prescription he prescribed, you wouldn't have recovered so quickly!"

Butler Li Hai bowed and said.

Zhao Chengzhou nodded, "Haha, yes, I have to thank Dr. Zhou, thank him for me!"

Seeing Zhao Chengzhou happy, Li Hai also said a few more words.

"Mr. Zhao, this wild blood ganoderma was delivered in a timely manner, and the person who delivered it was completely beyond my expectation!"

"Oh? Who sent it?" Zhao Chengzhou sipped his tea and looked at Li Hai.

"It's a high school student, 17 or 18 years old!"

Zhao Chengzhou paused, "High school student? This is quite novel! How did he know that I needed this blood ganoderma?"

Li Hai thought for a while, "Maybe the news that was released reached his ears, and he happened to have blood ganoderma in his hand!"

Zhao Chengzhou frowned, "This is probably too coincidental! There won't be any other problems?"

The air suddenly became cold.

Li Hai also broke out in a cold sweat.

He also suddenly guessed what Zhao Chengzhou meant.

The Zhao family established a foothold in Sucheng with real estate and became one of the best families in Sucheng, so naturally they also offended many people.

Could it be that someone deliberately asked a high school student to send poisonous blood ganoderma?

Zhao Chengzhou frowned.

But if the blood ganoderma was poisonous, he ate it for three days, but nothing happened.

"Did the high school student leave any words or important information?"

Li Hai, who was sweating, suddenly brightened up when Zhao Chengzhou asked him.

"Master, when the high school student left, he told me that it's better not to buy the land in the east of the city!"

"What?" Zhao Chengzhou was stunned.

This high school student also knew that he wanted to buy the land in the east of the city!

This is the company's internal information, which has not been disclosed to the outside world.

There is definitely something wrong with this high school student!

"Master, do you want me to send someone to catch the high school student!"

Li Hai wanted to make up for his mistakes.

Zhao Chengzhou fell into deep thought.

After decades of ups and downs in the business world, he could see through some conspiracies and tricks at a glance.

But what this high school student did made him completely confused.

In fact, he also hesitated about the land in the east of the city.

This land was discussed by the board of directors. Whether in terms of geographical location, future planning, or even humanistic environment, it is first-class.

But Zhao Chengzhou hesitated because this piece of land was too good, a little too good.

His intuition told him that such a perfect piece of land should not be taken.

But he couldn't find a reason not to take this piece of land. After all, this piece of land was the future of the Zhao family.

"Send people immediately and find dozens of experts to go to the scene to see if there is any problem with the land in the east of the city!"

Li Hai was stunned. He didn't follow Zhao Chengzhou's thinking at all, but the master gave the order and he could only do it.

Half a day later, Li Hai ran into the house with a pale face.

"Master, Master, I found it, I found it!"

Zhao Chengzhou got up in a hurry and grabbed Li Hai, "What did you find?"

Li Hai took a breath, "Master, the land in the east of the city, that piece of land!"

"What's wrong with that piece of land?" Zhao Chengzhou looked extremely nervous.

"There is a tomb under the ground!"


Zhao Chengzhou's head was buzzing.

There is a tomb underground, which means that this piece of land cannot be developed immediately.

It may take five or six years at the shortest and more than ten years at the longest.

It may even be taken away by the higher authorities.

The Zhao family has put all their assets on it. If they cannot develop it immediately, it will cost the Zhao family their lives!


He sat down on the ground with a cold sweat dripping down.

Tomorrow is the day of the auction. If he does not hear the news today, the land will be auctioned by the Zhao family tomorrow.

"Immediately, notify the board of directors immediately and hold a meeting. The land cannot be auctioned!"

Before Li Hai could catch his breath, he stood up again and ran out.

"Wait!" Zhao Chengzhou suddenly called Li Hai.

"Master, do you have any other instructions?"

Zhao Chengzhou's eyes lit up, "We must find that high school student. No matter what method is used, we must invite him to come to me!"


Lin Mo did not know that he had been targeted by Zhao Chengzhou at this time.

He was reviewing seriously in the rented house.

Tomorrow is the city-wide joint examination, which is also the last major joint examination before the college entrance examination.

Lin Mo wants to verify one thing this time.

He still has the memory of his previous life in his mind, and it is very clear.

For example, the big

Lin Mo could even remember every question on the joint entrance examination.

In recent days, he has been reviewing the questions in his mind, waiting to verify them in the examination room.

If the questions are the same as he remembered, then he will be able to pass the college entrance examination three months later.

On the day of the examination, Lin Mo packed his things and went to the designated examination room.

Lin Mo is now studying at the 120th Middle School, which is almost the worst middle school in Suzhou.

When he first arrived at the Lin family, the Lin family arranged him to the 20th Middle School for face, which is the top high school in Suzhou.

Lin Mo was not happy for a few days, and his second sister Lin Boya found him and said that it was a shame for her to be in the same school with Lin Mo, and he had to leave the 20th Middle School in one week.

The 20th Middle School is the best school Lin Mo has ever seen, and the international environment makes him happy.

He begged Lin Boya to stay in the 20th Middle School.

Lin Boya was furious and threatened that if he did not leave the 20th Middle School, his parents would drive him back to the village.

Lin Mo was so scared that he had to do as he was told. He had finally found his family, how could he leave!

Finally, Lin Mo found No. 120 Middle School and transferred to the school as a transfer student.

Today's exam was at No. 20 Middle School.

Several top students from No. 120 Middle School gathered together to encourage each other to do well in the exam.

When the people from No. 20 Middle School saw these people, they looked down on them, as if they were looking at a bunch of trash.

"Even if you work harder, you can't get better than the last one here, haha!"

Someone deliberately made sarcastic remarks.

"Yeah, it's better to think about which technical school to go to in advance, this is more realistic!"

The two people from No. 20 Middle School spoke in unison.

The top students were instantly angry when they heard it.

"Who are you talking about?"

No one responded to them, and they were completely ignored.

Several people were furious.

They were the seeded players of No. 120 Middle School, the hope of all the teachers and students in the school, how could they be as unbearable as they said.

"If you have time to get angry with them, you might as well read a book!" Lin Mo said softly as he passed by them. Young people are prone to anger and like to argue with others, especially when it comes to winning or losing. But the real victory or loss is not about who has the loudest voice or who is more arrogant. It's about who can laugh last. "Lin Mo, why are you pretending? You are the last one, what qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson!" One of the top students is in the same class as Lin Mo. He was just despised by No. 20 Middle School, and now Lin Mo is also talking about him, which makes him furious. Lin Mo didn't even look at him and walked straight past. "Lin Mo..." He wanted to stop Lin Mo to argue for a few words, but was finally stopped by other students. Squeak! A nanny car stopped at the entrance of the campus. As soon as the luxury car appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of many classmates. Lin Haofan walked down, followed by Xu Lengshuang. Xu Lengshuang supported Lin Haofan very carefully. "Haofan, don't feel any psychological pressure. This is just a drill. The college entrance examination in three months will be the actual test!"

Xu Lengshuang was relieving Lin Haofan's stress.

After all, Lin Haofan had just been beaten up by Lin Mo a few days ago, which would definitely affect his exam.

"Mom, my brother Haofan is a top student. There will be no problem this time. At least he will be in the top ten in the city!"

Lin Yiran said proudly.

Look at the light in Lin Haofan's eyes!

"Hehe, thank you, second sister. I will try my best!"

Lin Haofan walked towards the examination room.

Suddenly, he was shocked.

Lin Mo!

At this time, Xu Lengshuang was following him to protect Lin Haofan.

"Mom, let's go over there. I need to go to the bathroom!"

He didn't want to run into Lin Mo, especially the Lin family.

Xu Lengshuang nodded, "Hao Fan, don't be nervous, just play normally.

Even if you use half of your brain, you are better than that beast Lin Mo!"

Xu Lengshuang said coldly, and suddenly she stopped.

"Lin Mo!"

Xu Lengshuang frowned.

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