After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 504: Chip designed by Si Fuqing, meet alone [2 more]

   Chapter 504 The chip designed by Si Fuqing, meet alone [2 more]

  The flip-flops, microprocessors, logic gates and other circuits are clearly drawn on the design diagram, which is very smooth and delicate.

  Langxuan looked at it carefully, only to find that it was drawn by hand, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

   He picked up the chip thing again, performed a few experiments with the equipment he carried, and couldn't hold back his breath.

   It was the first time the secretary saw him with such an uncontrollable expression: "President Yun?"

   "What an exquisite design, it's the first time I've seen it." Lang Xuan returned to his senses, "Look at this logic gate here..."

   After listening to Lang Xuan's explanation, the secretary gradually understood the features and uniqueness of this chip, and couldn't help being surprised: "That really solves your pressing needs."

   "Not bad." Lang Xuan said slowly, "This chip will allow the company to launch the thirteenth generation of drones immediately."

  Freedom has the regulations of Freeland, and all technologies cannot be spread outside.

Once    is discovered, it is necessary to enter the Holy Light Judgment.

  Lang Xuan was deeply influenced by the Intercontinental Research Institute, and it was difficult to escape from this circle, which led to the tendency of Yunshang to stagnate in the past six months.

   This chip did not exceed the technical level of the Intercontinental Research Institute, but it cleverly avoided the inventions of the Intercontinental Research Institute over the years, which really helped him a lot.

  Lang Xuan raised his head: "Who designed this? Quick, I'm going to see him now!"

"Hey! I'm so excited, I forgot to tell you, Mr. Yun, it's Miss Si Fuqing!" The secretary slapped her forehead, "The marketing department is going to appoint her as the spokesperson, when her agent sent over the chip she designed , I was stunned."

   A star, actually dabbling in such a wide range?

   The secretary almost wanted to persuade Sang Yanqing to let her go and stop filming.

   Hearing this sentence, Lang Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and his hand was a little unstable: "Okay, I understand, I will contact her myself."

   He took out his mobile phone and found the contact information he had just saved in his address book. It took him a long time to successfully press the dial button.

  Confirmed that Si Fuqing could come over within an hour. He leaned on the sofa and let out a long sigh, feeling a sense of anticipation that he couldn't even control himself.

   As time passed by, Lang Xuan never felt that time was so long and tormented.

   Finally, there was a knock on the door of the room.

   Before the secretary walked over, he saw Lang Xuan sprinting to the door at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, and came in to meet Si Fuqing in person.


   He felt that the speed of their President Yun just now could completely break the record of the International Games.

  Si Fuqing took off her hat, still wearing very simple casual clothes, she nodded and said, "Mr. Yun Si."

"Miss Si, hello, we've met again." Lang Xuan smiled slightly and handed over the contract, "I'm very satisfied with your work, so I decided to hire you as the chief designer, the spokesperson is also yours, you don't need to pay for it at all. Worry."

  Si Fuqing picked up the pen and signed his name.

   After accepting the contract, Lang Xuan finally said, "You look very much like someone I know."

   Si Fuqing remained calm: "Who?"

   "My sister, but she's not a relative." Lang Xuan whispered, "She's as talented as you, she can also design chips, and she's also an examiner for the international entrance exam, but unfortunately she's gone."

   Si Fuqing did not respond to this sentence, his eyes were slightly deep.

After a long, long period of silence, Lang Xuan returned to his senses, met the girl's gaze, and smiled: "Although your design styles are different, they are both innovative, I thank Miss Si for the entire cloud, Miss Si. If I need help, I will do my best."

   "You're welcome." Si Fuqing frowned, "The cloud pays the money, and I contribute. It's a good deal."

   These words made Lang Xuan's pupils shrank again, and he muttered: "It's too similar..."

   Little Junior Sister often teases her as a migrant worker.

  Under Si Fuqing's caring gaze, Lang Xuan was also shocked by his gaffe, he pressed his temple with a wry smile: "Sorry, I'll take Miss Si back."

   "It's okay, it's not too far away, I'm walking back." Si Fuqing smiled, "Mr. Yun Si, your dark circles are heavy, you should rest well, your health is important."

  Langxuan was stunned for a moment, and hummed softly.

   Beneath the calm exterior, a turbulent sea has already set off in his heart.

   How can two people be so similar?

  The secretary sent Si Fuchu out of the hotel, then came back quickly and asked, "Mr. Yun, so these chips?"

  Langxuan didn't look any further, and said softly, "Go back."

   Even if there is no chip designed by Si Fuqing, he will not choose Ji Qingwei in the end.

  The imitation is not the original after all.

   He did think of little junior sister, but after thinking about it, it was more of an eyesore.

  The secretary understood: "Then I will hold a group press conference as soon as possible as ordered by President Yun to announce the new generation of chips and the identity of Miss Si's spokesperson."

   "Okay." Lang Xuan said, "I am very relieved to leave the matter to you."

   The secretary was about to leave, but was stopped, he wondered: "President Yun?"

   "The other two have withdrawn, this Ji Qingwei's one should not withdraw first." Lang Xuan squinted, "I think it's a bit tricky."

   The secretary was a little surprised, but did not question: "Okay, Mr. Yun."

   Lang Xuan was the only person left in the hotel room. He slowly exhaled and began to collect all the information on Si Fuqing.


the other side.

  Si Fuqing walked along the wide road, with one hand in her pocket, and the other holding her mobile phone to talk to Yuejian.

   "I met fourth senior brother." She said lazily, "I gave him a job, he was very satisfied, and raised my salary."

  Yue Jian raised his eyebrows: "He didn't recognize you?"

"Even if there are no ears, I can't directly blow myself up." Si Fuqing shrugged, "Third Senior Sister, if you are not a spiritual evolutionist, suddenly someone finds you one day and says she is your little junior sister, and repeats it. Do you believe something that you only know about?"

  Tsukimi: "I'll blow her head off."

   She may know evolutionaries who can read the memories of others, as well as evolutionaries who can change their appearance at will.

   is hard to guard against.

   She didn't recognize it, she didn't believe it at all.

  Si Fuqing: "…"

   Ah, sure enough, she is the one with the best temper in the division.

  Look at her Third Senior Sister who is going to kill others at every turn.

   "According to the second child, the fourth child is the most suspect, but there is nothing wrong with the interrogation." Yue Mi frowned, "I don't think the explosion has anything to do with him."

   "Well." Si Fuqing was silent for a moment, "It's a big deal, I'll try it again, but he should have realized it."

   "Xiao Jiu, so, let's make a bet." Yue Jian said calmly, "I bet the fourth child recognizes you first. If I win, you owe me ten meals."

  Si Fuqing: "... Third Senior Sister, are you actually trying to cheat my money?"

   Wasn't it obvious who recognized her first?

   Could it be some rich and powerful duke?

   She had absolutely no hope of Raphael's IQ.

   Probably, her sixth senior brother exchanged the IQ of the tenth life for the money quotient of this life, in fact, she also thought.

   "How could that be?" Yue Jian coughed lightly, "Senior sister loves you so much, I made a bet with my second child that he would normally pay for my meal for a year."

  Si Fuqing said quietly: "But Third Senior Sister, when you go to have afternoon tea, it's four figures. If you're in a good mood, invite everyone in the bar to drink. My wallet can't bear it."

   "Don't you have a gold master?" Yue Jian didn't feel the slightest burden, "If you don't have any money, you can ask him to borrow it."

   "You can't borrow it every day, wait until I find a partner for him." Si Fuqing said lightly, "There will definitely be many year-end bonuses by then."

  Yue hesitated when she saw it: "Actually you..."

   In fact, it is the most correct for you to go on your own little sister.

   She shook her head, knowing that she shouldn't let the second child take the younger sister.

   No, with the EQ of the little junior sister, she can become a brother with anyone.

   Yue saw a sigh and decided to observe three seconds of silence for Yu Xiheng's future.


  The international entrance exam has officially come to an end, and the news has also spread back to the Daxia Empire. At the same time, the news that the conference will be held this year on Yunshang has also been hotly searched.

  #Si Fuqing, the first in the international entrance examination#

  #Cloud spokesperson#

  #A new generation of chips will be released on the cloud#

  The three entries are side by side, followed by a burst word.

  The conference on the cloud is a hot topic every year, but this year, it was overwhelmed by Si Fuqing.

  【Ye Qing knot! The cloud is going to choose a spokesperson! 】

  【Who, who, who is qualified to endorse Yunshang? 】

  【Why did Yunshang choose a spokesperson? It’s low all of a sudden. Even the best actor and the queen of the film are completely irrelevant to electronics. They don’t even know what the chip is. 】

   Yunshang and Oracle are the two most recognized brand groups that do not choose spokespersons.

  The former is the world's first well-known electronics company, and many national laboratories purchase equipment from Yunshan.

  The latter is the most popular and popular game in the world. Unless it is the Glenn Lifetime Achievement Award at the level of Yunlan, there is no spokesperson who can surpass the popularity of Oracle.

   When Oracle chose Si Fuqing at first, even if she won the first place in the Star League, there were still a large number of players who opposed her.

   This part of the objection disappeared completely when Si Fuqing stood at the OPL ceremony and revealed his identity as NINE.

  In the eyes of e-sports players, only NINE can represent the oracle.

   Can it be on the cloud?

  I don't know which Glenn Award winner, or the gold medal winner of the International Games, can get such a high endorsement?

   (end of this chapter)

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