After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 508: Fall and Fame【1 more】

   Chapter 508 Disappointment [1 more]

  The father is an S-class evolutionary, can the daughter be an ordinary person?

   10,000 great elders do not believe.

  Although there is absolutely no law in the direction of evolutionary gene mutation, but for so many years, no S-level evolutionary will give birth to an ordinary person without blood, and the worst is a low-level evolutionary such as D-level.

   More than 20 years ago, the Great Elder was in his prime and witnessed the entire process of the massacre.

   If it wasn't for the two brothers Yin Beichen and Yin Yaonian, how could the Yin family suffer such a disaster?

   His younger brother also died in that turmoil.

   What the Great Elder didn't expect was that Yin Beichen really just died back then, and there are descendants left behind!

   No wonder Mrs. Yin has been preparing something for the past few months. It turned out that she planned to bring Yin Beichen's daughter back to the Yin family.

   Let the Yin family die so many people, Yin Beichen and his descendants should all apologize for their sins.

  Yin Yunxi was stunned again.

   Listening to what her grandfather said, what is Si Fuqing's father?

  Yin Yunxi frowned: "The information says that both her parents died, she was fostered in her uncle's house, and she has a younger brother."

   After a pause, she said tentatively, "Grandpa, do you know her family?"

   "Uncle?" The elder said, "Okay, there is one more person alive!"

  Yin Yaonian is still alive to this day.


  How many people lost their lives back then, these brothers brought such a painful past to the Yin family.

   He came to the ancestral hall to offer incense every week, just to tell himself that he must never forget his family feud.

   Yin Yunxi became more and more confused: "Grandpa?"

"Yunxi, you will be in charge of the Yin family in the future. Grandpa will tell you about this in advance." The elder's expression softened a bit, "You must remember the names of Yin Beichen and Yin Yaonian, they are their brothers. It caused our Yin family to almost withdraw from the three evolutionary families."

It was indeed the first time that Yin Yunxi heard about   : "Okay, Grandpa, I'll listen to you."

  The Great Elder recounted what happened back then.

   From the Yin family, a double S-rank genius came out, how bright the family is, and then to the mysterious person who killed the Yin family, half of the Yin family was destroyed overnight.

  Yin Yunxi became more shocked the more she heard it.

   Even if the Yin family can't be called the top power in the Free State, their overall strength is also very strong, not to mention that they have an in-law relationship with the Huo family in the Free State.

  Who is so arrogant?

  Yin Yunxi couldn't help but say, "Grandpa, didn't you find the enemy?"

   "No." The elder shook his head, "There is no trace at all, and I haven't seen it in "Eternal"."

  Yin Yunxi took a deep breath: "It's really scary."

  The enemy is in the dark and the Yin family is in the bright. How can we fight this?

"I'm 90% sure that this Si Fuqing must be Yin Beichen's daughter." The elder said in a cold voice, "Looks alike, also called Fuqing, that old woman has been busy with other things recently, clearing up the relationship, I The judgment will never be wrong.”

  According to his seniority, Yin Beichen wanted to call him uncle.

  Before the tragedy, he also appreciated and valued Yin Beichen very much.

   And now, he can't wait to slaughter all of Yin Beichen's relatives, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart.

  Yin Yunxi kept her expression still: "Then what is Grandpa going to do?"

   The S-rank evolutionary of the Yin family can be counted by a single slap who is still alive.

   She is the only one of the younger generation.

   Her father is an S-rank evolutionary, and her mother is A-rank. Fortunately, her bloodline purity just passed the threshold of S-rank, and she is not as easy to runaway as other evolutionaries.

   The most important thing is that her evolutionary ability is determined by the evolutionary alliance to be able to evolve in the future.

   Don’t look at the fact that it can only heal itself and heal itself. If it evolves to the level that it can change molecules and atoms, one can imagine how terrifying the ability is, and it can completely kill people in an instant.

   Such an evolutionary ability is also unique and unique.

   "The Yin family has been withered in these years, and the ancestors did not allow siblings to kill each other." The elder held his hands behind his back, "The old woman has been paving the way for so long, and she will definitely be brought back."

  Yin Yunxi nodded: "Grandpa, tomorrow Yunshang will hold a press conference in the Principality of Muston. She is the spokesperson and will attend the press conference."

   "She is in the Principality of Muston?" The elder raised his eyebrows, "Come on, Yunxi, I'll go with you."

   Mrs. Yin has not reported the existence of Si Fuqing yet. As long as Si Fuqing has something to do outside, it has nothing to do with him.


   The next day, the Principality of Muston.

  The product launch on the cloud has kicked off, and it has been warmed up online for a long time.

  Although the new generation of drones is the focus of this conference, the majority of netizens pay more attention to the new mobile phones and computers.

  Jilongtai is very diligent in propaganda, and even invited some prestigious families from Sijiucheng to the Principality of Muston.

  【Ji Qingwei is so amazing, isn't he the chief designer trusted by Yunshang? How old is she, she is not yet twenty, she is indeed a hero. 】

   [Miss Wealthy is Miss Wealthy, much better than stars. 】

  【Why don't I believe it, Ji Qingwei has this ability? If you have this ability, you still have to copy my wife's map of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains? Do you have seven seconds in memory? 】

   [Don't say that Si Fuqing is inferior to a wealthy family, do you know how many wealthy families she has now rushing to invite her? There was a long queue of luxury cars outside the hotel! The private jets are coming. If you don't have an IQ, don't post dementia comments on the Internet. I heard that the Yu family has been shutting the door all the time. The Ji family is nothing. 】

   [Let's not talk about her three heavyweight endorsements, the first place in the international entrance examination can be blown for a lifetime, a fairy idol. 】

   At two o'clock in the afternoon, the press conference was officially held.

  The guests began to enter.

   This is also the first time Lang Xuan has appeared in the public eye. He is wearing a black suit, tall and straight, with a handsome face.

   [Wow wow wow, the president of the cloud is so handsome! 】

  【I deeply doubt that Qingqing has the physique to attract handsome men and beautiful women. Following her, I never worry about not seeing beautiful women. 】

  【Qingqing is also here! 】

  Si Fuqing also rarely wore a dress, it was a long white dress, which outlined her perfect figure.

  Yi Rong's Yue Mi followed behind her.

  The click of the camera came one after another.

  Under the stage, seeing this scene, Yu Yao's breathing couldn't help but tighten.

   He suffered a heavy blow at the OPL ceremony, and has been unhappy for more than a month.

   Seeing Si Fuqing again now, that kind of regret like a stormy sea once again eroded his internal organs and made him breathless.

   Yu Yao also asked more than once, why was he so blind in the first place?

   He pursed his lips, and could only continue to comfort himself. Ji Qingwei has also made it through now and has become the chief designer of Yunshang, no worse than Si Fuqing.

   Yu Yao looked away, forcing himself not to look at the high platform.

  Lang Xuan sat in the most central position, he was too lazy to speak, and left everything to the secretary to take care of.

  The secretary is used to this job: "Welcome everyone to attend this year's conference on Yunshang. After the conference, we have specially prepared a banquet, and we sincerely invite you to attend."

   There was thunderous applause from the audience.

   And the celebrities and nobles in Sijiucheng all looked at the high-spirited Jilongtai and began to congratulate him in advance.

   "Old Ji, congratulations, your Ji family will definitely be able to enter Liberty Island."

   "It's time to go in and gain a firm footing, but don't forget some of our old friends."

   "Longtai, this girl, Qingwei, hasn't gotten married yet, right? Coincidentally, so is my son. Why don't the two young people have a chat."

   Ji Longtai declined a few words, but he was disdainful in his heart.

   These people can also match their innocence?

   Don't look at how much you weigh.

   Ji Longtai was so excited these two days that he ignored Ji Qingwei and didn't give him a single call.

  On the stage, the secretary was still speaking: "Miss Si is the lifelong spokesperson of Yunshang. It is a great honor for Yunshang to cooperate with Miss Si."

   [Fuck, it's still a lifetime! That is to say, as long as Si Fuqing does not withdraw from the circle, Yunshang will not change its spokesperson? 】

  【Shut up, she won't quit the circle! "

"But there is one thing that makes us extremely angry. During the process of collecting chips, we found that there was plagiarism." The secretary said, "The plagiarism is still from the chips of the cloud over the years, which is something that we cannot tolerate. "

  Lang Xuan's expression was indifferent. Hearing this sentence, his eyes instantly turned cold.

  Ji Longtai suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and the smile on his face gradually solidified.


  Who plagiarized?

   "What we didn't expect from Mr. Yun was that the plagiarists not only did not repent, but also wanted to publicize and hold a celebration banquet." The secretary smiled slightly, "Since their wishes are like this, Mr. Yun will naturally satisfy them."

   said, he asked the staff to project Ji Qingwei's chip design drawings and several chip design drawings from previous years on the cloud onto the big screen.

   Laymen cannot understand these design drawings, but they can also clearly see where the plagiarism is from the comparison pictures.

   That's not counting, there's a video next.

  Everyone could hear Lang Xuan asked Ji Qingwei indifferently: "Didn't you say you drew this? The computer is here, redesign it and let me see it."

In the    video, Ji Qingwei's face was pale, and he couldn't say a word. Obviously, he didn't even understand the basic principles of chip design.

   There was an uproar in the audience.

   The whispers grew louder.

   Yu Yao was even more shocked to the point of aphasia.

   Ji Qingwei's plagiarism was one aspect, but what surprised him even more was that Ji Qingwei who appeared on the screen just now was somewhat different from what he remembered.

The secretary showed a smile and motioned the staff to hand the microphone to Ji Longtai who was sitting in the VIP seat: "Excuse me, Mr. Ji, did Miss Ji plagiarize, do you really not know? How can you still think that the celebration banquet is for you? prepare?"

With a    "Shu", all eyes were focused on Ji Longtai.

   Ji Longtai was short of breath, his eyes widened, dizziness surged up, and he could barely stand.

   He couldn't believe how the secretary of Tian Langxuan invited them to the banquet so enthusiastically the day before, just to shatter the reputation of their Ji family in such a big public event!

   Spoiler, Yin Yunxi didn't have any luck~

   Why would someone feel sorry for Ji Qingwei, I can't understand...

Luck is what she wants, she knows everything, and enjoys the benefits of luck, but only when she has luck, her body will be bad, and she knows that if luck is lost, she will die. Death, how pitiful this is.



   (end of this chapter)

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