After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 516: Si Fuqing is a little junior sister【1 more】

   Chapter 516 Si Fuqing is a Junior Sister [1 more]

   Hearing this sentence, Lang Xuan's hand holding the pen suddenly froze.

   He raised his head and locked his eyes tightly on the secretary: "What did you say?"

  's tone was deep and cold, with a bit of urgency mixed in.

   The secretary was taken aback, thinking that he had said something wrong: "President Yun, I, I..."

   "Where's the embroidered picture?" Lang Xuan urged him, "Show me the photo!"

  The secretary hurriedly handed over the collected photos.

  The International Youth Art Exhibition was held in Glenn at the beginning of the year. Although it is very small, there are a lot of related news on the Internet, all of which are high-definition pictures.

  Langxuan began to compare the two embroidery drawings.

   The core design is exactly the same.

   He closed his eyes, clenched his fists, and the thoughts in his mind were suddenly perfectly connected at this moment.

   Ji Qingwei copied his little sister's chip, and also copied Si Fuqing's embroidery.

  Two completely different fields, but both copy the core idea.

   He still didn't know how Ji Qingwei succeeded in plagiarizing, but it didn't matter.

   Sherlock Holmes said that when you remove all the impossible situations, even if the rest are inconceivable, that is the truth.

   No wonder Si Fuqing felt so familiar to him, because she was his little junior sister who died early!

   He should have known, except for the little junior sister, who can design a chip that makes him refreshing?

  When this thought completely took over his whole body, Lang Xuan stood up with a "squeak", and he didn't even have time to pack his things, so he just grabbed a wallet and rushed out.

  Secretary once again saw the speed of a world-class 100-meter race.

   He was stunned, he didn't keep up with Lang Xuan's speed at all, he only had time to shout loudly, "President Yun!"

  Lang Xuan didn't stop for a while, and smiled coldly: "Tell that stupid duke, he will be stupid for the rest of his life."

   This kind of IQ, what are you still waiting for on the top of the cloud, it is simply pulling down the average value of their brothers and sisters.

   He must stay away from the sixth in the future.


How is this going?

   He held the phone blankly, and stayed there for a long time, when he met Raphael who hurried over after receiving the news from the servant.

   At this point in time, the palace was already locked. Originally, Raphael was going to rest in his palace to watch Si Fuqing's variety show, but he was told by the Knights that Lang Xuan ran away alone.

   That speed is called a fast.

   "What did you do, Mr. Yun?" Raphael said in surprise, "Even if you run away, you have to tell me, did he ask you to convey anything to me?"

The secretary    returned to his senses: "Ah, oh! Your Royal Highness, Mr. Yun did leave a message for you."

   "You said." Raphael nodded.

  The secretary mechanically repeated Lang Xuan's sentence: "Stupid Duke, you will be stupid for the rest of your life."

  Raphael: "???"

   He had never received so much insult in his life.

   He glanced at the trembling secretary, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Lang Xuan's number.

After    beeped three times, it was connected there.

   "I said what happened to you, why did you scold me all of a sudden?" Raphael asked, "Without me, where would you get the funds? Fourth, you are not kind."

  Lang Xuan didn't explain anything, just scolded again: "Stupid!"

   After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and blocked Lao Liu in one go.

  Raphael: "..."

   When the master leaves the customs, he must go to the black state of Langxuan.


   The current time in the Daxia Empire is morning, and Si Fuqing had already flown back to Beizhou last night.

   Early this morning, Mu Qingmeng, along with Ji Qingyao and Jiang Shuihan, also arrived at the cast of "Girls of the Town".

  The fact that Ji Qingyao was taken as a righteous daughter by the leader of the Qianjun Alliance and the wife of the leader also spread in Sijiucheng.

   Indeed, many people's minds became active.

   As soon as Ji's family fell, Ji Longtai and his wife were expelled from Sijiucheng. Ji Qingyao was an orphan without any relatives.

   If you can marry her, it is equivalent to taking half of the Thousand Army Alliance into your pocket.

   Several candidate heirs of the Yu family and Yu Yao's peers are also eager to try, especially after learning that Yu Yao was kicked out by the Qianjun League, this kind of thinking is even more.

   Mu Qingmeng was too lazy to meet these thoughtful people, so he directly booked the earliest flight, out of sight and out of mind.

   "Mr. Si is still resting." Director Lu asked the staff to entertain a few people, "Sit down and drink some juice first."

  Mu Qingmeng nodded, sat down, rested, and looked at the surrounding scenery, couldn't help but admire: "The crew has worked hard."

   There are not many conscientious crews who shoot on the spot like this nowadays.

   It may take more than ten years to shoot a movie a few decades ago, but now TV series are all post-production special effects synthesis.

  No matter how realistic the special effects are, it is far less than the thousands of rivers and mountains in Daxia.

  Si Fuqing was indeed still sleeping, but in the game cabin.

   At this time, she had just ended a war with Emperor Yin, and was so tired that she collapsed on the chair.

  The game made her a weak military strategist who couldn't lift her hands and shoulders, which caused her to be carried on the horse by Emperor Yin several times.

   is simply a shame in her life.

   While she was taking a breath, Jiang Xuanjin also came back from the battlefield.

   Si Fuqing greeted him. : "Eldest son."

   "The counsellor." Jiang Xuanjin stepped forward and smiled, "The counsellor is going back to Yong'an with His Majesty soon? I want to ask the counsellor to bring me something."

   "Okay." Si Fuqing nodded, "I know, for Miss Zhaoyue."

   Jiang Xuanjin's nine brothers have been fighting abroad for several years, and every year they will collect all kinds of rare treasures and give them to Jiang Zhaoyue.

  Jiang Xuanjin's voice was a rare pause, and his handsome face turned slightly red: "No, no, I would like to invite a military advisor to the Marquis of Zhongyong Mansion and give this box to the lady in their house for me."

   He took out a sandalwood box from the blood-stained embroidered robe.

   Jiang Xuanjin said in a low voice, "As soon as this year is over, she will be eighteen, so she doesn't have to wait any longer. If she waits, she will not be able to marry."

   Si Fuqing was startled.

   Only then did I finally understand what Jiang Xuanjin said at the beginning.

   Sweetheart, it is not that there is no one, but it is impossible.

   He saw Mrs. Jiang's hard work over the years and didn't want to delay another girl.

   When Jiang Xuanjin rushed to the battlefield, he already knew that he would definitely die in battle.

   He is a man without a future.

   With such mixed feelings, Si Fuqing quit the game and pushed open the door of the game cabin.

   The sun is shining brightly outside, the sun has moved to the center of the sky, and it is noon.

   "Mr. Si, your fans are here to see you." At this time, the screenwriter knocked on the door of the wooden house, "Mr. Yu ordered takeout for everyone, you must be hungry after sleeping for so long."

  Si Fuqing rubbed his head, and simply cleaned up, put on a T-shirt and jeans and went out.

   "Qingqing, are you alright?" Mu Qingmeng pulled her over with concern, "Did you have a good rest these days? Or take a few days off."

   "No, I just had a very long dream." Si Fuqing's voice was very soft, "I dreamed of Jiang Xuanjin, I was very emotional."

   Mu Qingmeng was taken aback: "Jiang Xuanjin?"

  Jiang Shuihan also raised his head.

   "Thinking about it every day, and dreaming at night." The screenwriter said, "Mr. Si is really dedicated and has been changing Jiang Xuanjin's plot, so I dreamed of it."

  Si Fuqing took a snack and hummed: "I've figured out how to add emotional drama to Jiang Xuanjin."

   As soon as these words came out, everyone at the dinner table stopped.

   The screenwriter was pleasantly surprised: "Mr. Si, have you succeeded in channeling?"

  Sang Yanqing: "..."

   Acceptance is really fast.

  Si Fuqing squinted his eyes and raised his eyebrows: "Yaoyao, come and make a cameo, how about you?"

   Through "Eternity", she met the eldest lady of Zhongyong Hou's mansion in Jiang Xuanjin's mouth.

   This eldest lady didn't even leave a name in history.

   But her air is not something anyone can perform.

   At least the current traffic stars can’t.

   Ji Qingyao was a little confused: "But, but I... I can't act."

   "It's okay, I'll teach you." Si Fuqing touched his chin, his fox eyes rolled up, "I think your temperament is quite suitable, better than those traffic actors, you can also martial arts, and we also saved money for martial arts."

  Sang Yanqing: "..."

   Looking for someone to make a cameo is the second, in fact, you don’t want to spend money, right?

   She had already seen through the essence of Si Fuqing.


  The afternoon play starts at two o'clock.

   After eating, Si Fuqing went to find Yu Xiheng, she rubbed her shoulders, "I slept for a while, but I slept with a sore back."

   Naturally, she couldn't say that the back pain was because the holographic game perfectly simulated the pain, and she was thrown on the horse by Emperor Yin.

   Yu Xiheng raised her head when she heard the sound, put down the book in her hand, and said two words in a low voice: "Come here."

   "Why?" Although he asked, Si Fuqing still walked over.

   His slender, well-jointed hand fell on her shoulder, with warmth that made people's heart tremble.

  Si Fuqing only felt that her skin was a little itchy, so he was about to stand up, but his shoulders were pressed by him.

   "Don't move." Yu Xiheng said lightly, "I'll give you a massage, be careful that the bones are out of place."

   The strength in his hands was just right, neither light nor heavy, perfectly relieving the pain on her body.

  Si Fuqing thought about it and made a suggestion: "Can I lie on my stomach?"

   Yu Xiheng's brows moved, and she said, "Yes."

   She changed positions comfortably and lay down on the sofa.


   Outside the crew.

  Lang Xuan finally arrived, he didn't even have time to wipe the sweat off his head, he immediately found the guide

   "You are—" Director Lu only felt that Lang Xuan was very familiar. After staring at it for a few seconds, he suddenly reacted, "President Yun?!"

  The president of the cloud has even chased after their crew? !

   "Sorry for disturbing you." Lang Xuan took a deep breath before calming down his pounding heartbeat, "Excuse me, is Miss Si here? I want to see her right now."

   He didn't plan to contact Shimen now. After all, the source of the explosion more than four years ago has not been found, and it can only be attributed to an accident.

   It is difficult to guarantee that someone who is not a teacher is moving.

   Lu Dao hurriedly said: "There is something, I'll go call her now, please take a seat here, Mr. Yun."

  Lang Xuan's brows and eyes opened.

   In any case, he was the first person to find a little junior sister, such an achievement is enough for him to boast for a lifetime.

   On every senior brother thinks he is the first to find the little junior sister XD

   Third Senior Sister: Deeply Hidden Power and Fame



   (end of this chapter)

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