After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 521: There are ten boxes of medicine at hand, "Girls of the Town" [2 more

  Chapter 521 Ten Boxes of Medicine at Hand, "Girls of the Town" [2 more]

   Whether it is the name of Augilia or the surname of Lotbar, they are well-known existences in the evolutionary world.

   Not to mention the simultaneous appearance, the impact is huge.

   The butler's hand shook, and the box was about to fall from the air.

   His expression changed, and he immediately reached out to fish, but it was too late.

   But just as the box was about to fall to the ground, it was held up firmly by one hand.

   is one-handed.

   The butler's body froze, he raised his head in a daze, and saw the girl put the box on her shoulders with ease, her thoughts stopped for a moment.

   "Be careful." Si Fuqing said, "It's glassware inside, it will break."

   "Miss Si, I'm sorry." The housekeeper stammered, "I-I'm just too excited, I'm really sorry, I'll help you deliver it."

   "Excited?" Si Fuqing glanced at the courier information column and sighed, "You can recognize this dog crawling, so it's hard for you. I'll send her a copybook later."

   Butler: "???"

  Who is the dog crawling character?

   "No need to send it, I can do it myself." Si Fuqing turned around, his gait was also very light, and he quickly entered the hall.

  The housekeeper is still a little confused.

   He confirmed that he was not mistaken, and the sending address on the courier slip was indeed sent from the Alliance of Evolutionaries.

  Yin Yunxi frowned when she saw that the housekeeper had been stunned, "Butler?"

   "Ah, Miss Yunxi." The housekeeper took back his thoughts and wiped his sweat, "Does Miss Yunxi know that Miss Augilia is in the Evolution Alliance recently?"

   "She?" Yin Yunxi shook her head, "I don't know, why do you ask that?"

   She has nothing to do with Augilia, and also knows that this black swan is very unique and can never speak, even the young leader Chris can't do anything about it.

   The housekeeper opened his mouth: "Miss Si's courier—"

   He was interrupted by Yin Yunxi before he could finish his words. She said gently: "Her courier is hers, I don't want to know, butler, you have to arrange a place for them, it's really hard work."

  The housekeeper wanted to say, "This is what he should do, it's not hard work," Yin Yunxi had already turned and left.

   He also heard that when Si Fuqing returned to Yin's house in the afternoon, he had ten guns and ten rings.

  The recoil of the gun is so great that even the evolutionary will hurt the wrist when training.

  Si Fuqing fired ten shots casually, but didn't even move his wrist, is he weak?

   The butler muttered.

  Yin Yunxi was obviously concerned about Si Fuqing, but he always felt that there was something wrong with her words, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't say it.

   He scratched his head and took the servant to clean up the yard.


  The mansion of the Yin family is very large, and the courtyard where Yin Beichen and Yin Yaonian lived at that time still retain their original appearance.

   And she was arranged to Yin Beichen's room.

   There are no high-tech products in the room, which is better than tranquility.

"Auntie, these three boxes are for you." Si Fuqing took out all the medicines that Augilia sent her, "These three boxes are for Uncle, these three boxes are for Yi'an, and the other box is who you are looking at. Okay, let's send it out."

  Yin Beichen was a little surprised: "Qingqing, this is..."

  Nian Yi'an compared the bottle containing the potion and blurted out: "Isn't this an S-class drug from the Alliance of Evolutionaries?"

   "Yeah." Ye Zhenmian also looked at it, "It's exactly the same, and there's a number."

  The Yin family got five boxes, and Si Fuqing had ten boxes here.

  Yin Yunxi has an extra share, but only five more.

   Ke Si Fuqing gave them so much at will, but a box contained thirty new medicines.


  Nian Yi'an exhaled slowly: "Sister, where did you get it from? entered the Evolution Alliance?"

   "Hey, am I that violent?" Si Fuqing glanced at him, "This was sent to me by my netizen."

  Nian Yi'an's eyes were empty, and her voice was full of despair: "Sister, are you sure this is really a netizen?"

   "Yeah." Si Fuqing touched his chin, "It's just a little violent. When the medicine is given next time, I'll ask her to be gentle."

   Year Yi'an: "..."

   Even Yin Yaonian, who was used to fighting and killing, said, "..."

   They began to think silently about what kind of mysterious group Si Fuqing's netizens were.

   It seems that in this world, there is nothing that these netizens cannot do.

   "These new medicines are really good." Yin Yaonian broke the silence, "Yian, you can use one every day to improve your body."

   Nian Yi'an nodded.

  Since it was given to him by Sister Qingqing, he would still drink it no matter how hard it was!


  Si Fuqing didn't stop at Yinjiaduo, and flew back to Beizhou the next day.

   Her itinerary is always uncertain, and the paparazzi can't catch up with her people.

   But for a top class like her, there will be a station lady squatting at the airport that she often goes to.

  The girl was very lucky and squatted to her idol.

   It's just that Si Fuqing was walking around, the girl was chasing after her while carrying the camera: "Qingbao! Qingbao, please slow down!"

  Si Fuqing stopped and raised his eyebrows: "I can't even run, don't be a station sister, we don't need it, go back and exercise well, be good."

   She took out a photo book, patted the girl's head, put on her sunglasses and left.

  The girl stood on the spot with the camera, her brain crashed.

   After an unknown amount of time, she gradually regained her senses. She took out her mobile phone tremblingly and took a picture of Si Fuqing's photo of her, and sent it to Chaohua.

  【I don’t want to go back to exercise either, but she not only gave me a photobook, but also made me behave? 】

   A group of mousses scolded her for showing off and being shameless.

  The girl didn't care at all and happily took the autographed photo and left.

   "I want to be your fan." Sang Yanqing looked back at the girl who jumped three feet tall, "No wonder when you are a happy fan, I have never seen any of your colleagues with a photo album."

   "It's definitely true fans who have caught up with the crew." Si Fuqing said lazily, "Easy to change your heart, and this kind of love will last long."

  Sang Yanqing agreed: "Don't you know, I've seen several stars scold fans behind their backs, and that's ugly."

   "Sooner or later the house will collapse." Si Fuqing stretched, "I'll sleep a while, call me when the crew arrives."

  Sang Yanqing nodded and took out a pair of earplugs for her.

  Si Fuqing put on a blindfold, leaned against the car window and quickly fell into a deep sleep.


   The crew of "Girls of the Town" is extremely confidential. One third of the filming has now been completed, but apart from all the official tidbits, no Reuters has revealed it so far.

   After all, the filming location where the crew is located is not accessible to everyone, and the environment is extremely harsh, so entertainment reporters can’t avoid it.

   But this does not affect the popularity of "Girls in the Country" before it was broadcast. Many big Vs in the industry have predicted that Si Fuqing will become an international grand slam with this TV series and enter the film circle.

  Tong Luoyun was as restless as an ant on a hot pan, she kept walking back and forth in place: "Is there really no news?"

   "I heard some news." The agent nodded and said, "It seems that Si Fuqing recruited two amateur actors to play Jiang Xuanjin and his childhood sweetheart. The screenwriter also expanded Jiang Xuanjin's role."

Even Tong Luoyun couldn't help being surprised: "Jiang Xuanjin? Is she crazy?"

   Jiang Xuanjin, who is that?

   That is the young general who has the most fans in history except for Emperor Yin.

   Jiang Xuanjin's girlfriend fans are not even lower than the current male tops, and there are countless online fans.

   Arranging a love scene for Jiang Xuanjin is no different from finding a way out.

  's agent said: "It's not sure yet, but some people do see amateurs joining the group, with good looks and temperament."

   "Break out." Tong Luoyun snorted coldly, "If it's true, this show is waiting to hit, if it's fake, it's better to try it out."

   But Tong Luoyun knows that although she has won all the domestic post-view awards, she can't add up to her boss Fuqing's nine-day award nomination.

   If Si Fuqing really won the Grand Slam with "The Lady of the Country", then she really stepped on her head.

   Especially since Si Fuqing's manager was Sang Yanqing, Tong Luoyun couldn't take this breath.

  The agent understands: "I mean the same."

   "Let the historical fans fight with her group of fans." Tong Luoyun casually said, "Let's just watch the show."

   The agent quickly contacted the marketing account and began to reveal the plot of "The Girl of the Town".

  The marketing account will naturally not miss this good opportunity to hit KPI, and they will be linked together.

   Soon, the entry #jiangxuanjin, emotional drama# rushed to the hot search.

   After the netizens clicked in, they also confirmed whether it was the military commander in white in history.

  [Today's revelations]: According to the staff, "Girls of the Town" expanded Jiang Xuanjin's role and arranged a childhood sweetheart for her. There was a romantic relationship between the two. What is the story? Stay tuned!

   This short sentence is enough to anger the historical fans who love Jiang Xuanjin very much.

  【Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree! 】

【are you crazy! Don't insult historical figures, Jiang Xuanjin is dedicated to Daxia, does he have to turn him into a common man? If there are no emotional dramas, the current screenwriters will not be able to write scripts? Is it necessary to add another Jiang Xuanjin, who is actually not dead, and retired with childhood sweethearts? Dog blood! 】

  【Add love to Jiang Xuanjin? Is the screenwriter crazy or is Si Fuqing floating after being nominated for the Jiutian Award? What, you have met Jiang Xuanjin himself, and he told you that he still likes someone? 】

   (end of this chapter)

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