After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 531: Continued abuse, Xie Yanqiu's hidden life experience [1 more]

   Chapter 531 Continued abuse, Xie Yanqiu's hidden life experience [1 more]

  This is not Eternal Academy, let alone Freeland.

   is a place that the Holy Light Judgment will not care about.

   She is used to her temperament and has always kept a low profile.

  Yin Beichen and Yin Yaonian told her that she should not be too aggressive.

   doesn't mean that these people can bully her relatives and friends.

   When it’s time to reveal, you must be quick, accurate and resolute.

   When she has the ability to protect them, she will stand in front of them without hesitation.

   When Si Fuqing said this, his tone was calm and casual, as if it was simple enough to just go to have a cup of morning tea.

  Xie Yu's heart shuddered.

   He looked at the steel bar that Si Fuqing handed to him, his fingers slowly tightened, and he let out a breath.

   He was harassed by Kanae Kuchiki in various ways for more than four months.

   In order not to cause trouble to others, he was used to being injured during this time, and he was even more used to hiding in a corner to bandage himself.

  Really, how can there be a person like Si Fuqing? He is always in trouble to come to his door, but every time he thinks of pulling someone else.

  Si Fuqing spoke again: "Do you know what to do?"

  Xie Yu gave a low laugh: "Mr. Si has given me a field exercise just now. Of course I know that I can't live up to Mr. Si's teaching."

  He frowned, turned the steel bar in his hand, and looked at Kanae Kuchiki.

   Afterwards, he followed Si Fuqing's way.

   The sound of "chi" was the sound of the shoulder being penetrated, and Kanae Kuchiki let out a scream.

  Xie Yu's hand paused, he pointed to his shoulder, and said with a smile in his voice, "Do you know how many times I've suffered this kind of injury here? Thirteen times."

   Fortunately, the evolutionary's self-healing speed is faster than that of ordinary people, otherwise his shoulders would have been abolished long ago.

   In the next second, blood splattered, and Kanae Kuchiki screamed again.

   At this moment, she was closer to Xie Yu than ever before, but to her, this handsome face was like an Asura evil ghost.

  Kanae Kuchiki can't imagine that Xie Yuming seems to be such a gentleman, and his methods are so cruel.

   The pain in the limbs swept through the whole body, and all the internal organs rolled violently at this moment.

   Kuchiki Kanae had never been injured to this extent, she kept screaming in pain, rolling on the ground, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

   Yun Fengzhi looked at it and snorted coldly.

  This kid, learn things fast.

   "It hurts?" Si Fuqing bent down slightly and smiled coldly, "You haven't faced the God-killing machine yet, why does it hurt!"

   She has been at the Intercontinental Research Institute for a long time and naturally knows the origin of the machine

   During that period of time, the evolutionary relied on the physical strength and endurance of ordinary people to do evil, and coupled with the ability of the evolutionary, ordinary people could not deal with it.

  The God-killing machine was born in response to the times, and it has become an excellent weapon to restrain the evolutionary.

   It was the invention of the Senate, and later a senator defected and went to the revenge organization to create a higher-level machine.

  God-killing machine can not only perfectly target the weaknesses of the evolutionary people, but also amplify their pain through the genetic loopholes of the evolutionary people.

  Xie Yu was seriously injured and dying, and it took her a breath to hold on until she came.

   One minute later, the consequences would be disastrous.

   "Hold it up." Si Fuqing smiled slightly, "It's not over yet."

   Kuchiki Kanae reacted no matter how stupid she was, and her lips trembled fiercely: " brought me here on purpose!"

   She never thought that in front of Si Fuqing, the two things she was proud of had all failed.

  She of A-level blood was so thoroughly suppressed by Si Fuqing, and the surname Kuchiki was not worth mentioning.

   Even when Kuimu Mingyue faces Si Fuqing, she will be "pleasant", what is she? !

But Kuchiki Kanae still held on to the last bit of hope. She was so angry that her voice came out from between her teeth: "Katsuki Mingyue! You actually helped outsiders to bully me. The elders and the elders know that they will never let you go. !"

   Kuchiki Mingyue yawned slowly, still expressionless: "Boring."

   "Let's go." Si Fuqing stretched his waist, "However she treats you, treat her as she would, don't be soft-hearted."

  Xie Yu put his hands in his pockets, still looking loose: "Follow Teacher Si's teachings."

   Knowing that Xie Yu almost died at the hands of Kuchiki Kanae several times, Yun Fengzhi showed no mercy to her.

   Several people ignored Kana Kuchiki who was still conscious and left the villa.

   Si Fu went to the vending machine next to him and bought a can of iced Coke: "The weather is so nice."

   Kuchiki Mingyue hugged Tiancong Yunjian, glanced at her, and said lightly, "How is your recovery?"

   "A-level." Si Fuqing shook hands, "Tsk, it's too weak."

   Kuchiki Mingyue nodded: "It's too weak."

   The conversation between the two made Yun Fengzhi numb again.

   When can A-level also be called weak?

   Then how can 95% of the evolutionaries live?

   An hour later, Xie Yanqiu finally came over.

   After dealing with the emergency, she didn't even take a breath, and she was still blue and black with exhaustion.

  Si Fuqing then introduced Kuchimu Mingyue: "This is Aunt Xie, does it look like me? We are destined."

   When Kuchiki Mingyue greeted her cordially with the face of a girl with no three, Xie Yanqiu: "..."

   She finally knew why Yun Fengzhi told her that his worldview was broken.

   Hers will also be broken.

  Xie Yanqiu looked at Kuimu Mingyue with some regret: "Alas, why is your age so embarrassing."

   In his early twenties, he could not reach the world or the ground.

   She couldn't help him on a blind date.

  Xie Yu raised his head lazily: "Wise people don't fall in love."

  Xie Yanqiu sneered: "Where is the **** coming from!"

  Xie Yu: "Teacher Si taught me."

  Xie Yanqiu: "Well said."

  Xie Yu: "..."

The    double standard was really played by Ms. Xie.

   Although Xie Yu has resumed his actions, he still needs recuperation.

   Yun Fengzhi booked a hotel and sent Xie Yanqiu and Xie Yu to rest.

   "You Aunt Xie, gives me a familiar feeling." Looking at the backs of the three, Kuchiki Mingyue suddenly said, "I seem to have seen her somewhere, like Liberty Island."

  Si Fuqing narrowed his fox eyes: "Huh?"

The genes of   evolvers are very unstable, and there is no genetic rule at all. It is possible that genes will appear after several generations.

   But there is no evolutionary born in this century.

   She checked the Xie family in Sijiucheng and traced it back to her ancestors, and the Xie family did not have an evolutionary person.

   It turned out that Xie Yanqiu was an A-level evolver, which was indeed a bit strange.

   "Maybe I feel wrong." Kuchiki Mingyue shook his head slightly, "Eternal Academy is about to start, I am going to help as a teaching assistant, are you still planning to come back?"

  As an onmyoji, she also had difficulty explaining what happened to Si Fuqing.

   But so what?

  The development of all things has its own reason and laws.

   She doesn't care about that.

   For her, the unchanging soul is the most important thing.

  Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows: "With my current strength, I can't be beaten by a group if I go in?"

  Deadwood Mingyue replied lightly: "Yes, I have a little self-knowledge, with your ability to attract hatred, group fights are light."

   "Wait for the S-rank to be restored." Si Fuqing narrowed his eyes and whispered, "The S-rank is barely enough."

   She is going back now, just to cause trouble for the brothers and sisters for no reason.

   Kuchiki Mingyue's face was expressionless: "I'm leaving."

   She has to rush back to play games, and doesn't want to hear the extremely Versailles remarks that "S-class is barely enough".


  The Kuchiki family.

  The dead wood is derived from the surname of Dongsang, and the construction style of the mansion is not much different from that of the four yin and yang families of Dongsang.

   As days and nights passed, Kanae Kuchiki's disappearance caught the attention of her family.

  I looked around, but my phone couldn't get through.

   "Where's Kanae?" The middle-aged man rushed out and shouted, "Who saw Kanae?"

   Everyone who heard this shout looked at each other.

  Kanae Kuchiki has always liked to play, and often does not return home at night, what is the fuss about.

   The middle-aged man was sweating profusely, and immediately asked the housekeeper to find it.

   "First, sir." A few minutes later, the housekeeper went back and forth, tremblingly said, "The information about Miss Six is ​​no longer in the database!"

The information database of   The Evolutionary Alliance is a technology from the Intercontinental Research Institute. The biggest advantage is that it is updated in time.

   Once the data of an evolutionary person disappears from the information database, it means that the evolutionary person is dead.

   Of course, there is another possibility.

   That is, someone's computer technology has surpassed the Intercontinental Research Institute, and can directly invade the information database to arbitrarily change and delete data.

   But the Evolutionary Alliance has not had anyone who can do this for so many years.

   The middle-aged man's expression changed, and his voice was stern: "What did you say?!"

   The housekeeper knelt down with a "thump", and his body kept shaking: "Sir, it's true, I can't find any information about the young lady!"

   The middle-aged man couldn't help but took a few steps back and gasped: "Who did it?!"

   Kuchiki Kanae's bloodline is certainly not the top in the evolutionary world, but it is also A-level, and even has the noble surname of "Kuchiki". How dare anyone dare to do something to her?

   "Who has Kanae been in contact with recently?" The middle-aged man's eyes were sharp, "Come on!"

The housekeeper buried his head lower: "Xiao, Miss said that she recently found a good match, her bloodline is above A-level, but she doesn't have any family background, and she is still a star in the entertainment industry, will it be... …”

   "Star?" The middle-aged man slapped the table heavily and sneered, "It's useless even if he is the best actor of Glenn!"

  Which evolutionary of pure and noble blood would drop his status and go to the entertainment circle?

   "Where is this Xie Yu?" The middle-aged man tapped on the table, "He is filming? Where is the crew?"

   Even if Kanae was not killed by Xie Yu, he would definitely have nothing to do with him.

   He's going to take out this bad breath for his daughter.

   "No, it's not just him, but also his family." The middle-aged man spoke again, his voice cold, "It's all going to be dealt with together!"

   If you have no power, you have to be slaughtered by others!

   Good morning~

   Damn! Nothing is more punctual than the Xi'an epidemic



   (end of this chapter)

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