After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 548: Abuse, uncle beat Yin Yunxi [1 more]

   In the entertainment industry, she will be restrained, and at most she is only addicted to fighting when she is filming.

  In the evolutionary world, who doesn't know how to use fists?

   Her hands were itching, and when she fell asleep, someone gave a pillow, of course Si Fuqing would not refuse.

With a loud "bang", Xi Fangchi's brain fell into a blank space, and his ears were buzzing.

   He wanted to use the power of the evolutionary, but he was so controlled that he couldn't use it at all.

  The sharp pendant on the wall was inserted into his back, and there was a tear-like pain all over his body.

  Xi Fangchi's thoughts stopped at this moment, his body became cold, and even his blood was cold, and he looked at the girl in front of him with trembling eyes.

   She has a charming smile, and beneath the smile is undisguised brutality and madness and coldness.

   He had no doubt that she would snap his throat in the next second.

   But what happened? !

   Didn't the chief of the bodyguard responsible for protecting Yin Yunxi's safety say that Si Fuqing did not have any evolutionary ability and his bloodline was very low? !

   He is an A-level evolutionary himself. Even if it is not the best group, the bloodline purity is also displayed here.

  Si Fuqing controlled him with one move, and also suppressed his bloodline.

   Doesn't this prove that Si Fuqing's bloodline is above him? !

   What nonsense is that captain of the guard talking about!

  The strong regret swallowed Xi Fangchi's heart, and his voice trembled: "Si, Miss Si, I, I am not..."

   "Isn't it?" Si Fuqing looked at her lightly, "Didn't you come to warn me?"

  Xi Fangchi's heart contracted fiercely, fear was like a cold snake strangling him, he opened his mouth: "I, I..."


   The door of the bar was pushed open.

  Si Fuqing was still pinching her neck, she turned her head.

   "Oh, sorry, it doesn't seem like I came at the right time." Augilia raised a hand politely, "What are you doing? Do you need me to avoid it?"

   "No." Si Fu's lips curled up, "Someone warned me, I warned him, isn't the rule of our evolutionary fists?"

   She released her hand, and with a bang, Xi Fangchi fell to the ground.


   It was the floor that cracked this time.

   But Si Fuqing did not give him a chance to escape, and stepped on his chest with one foot.

  Xi Fangchi almost fainted from the pain.

   "Wow." Augilia glanced at the messy bar and sighed softly, "You are so violent, who dares to warn you with such a lack of eyes?"

   She only went out for ten minutes.

  Augilia took off her sunglasses and hat, and when Xi Fangchi saw her face, her pupils shrank suddenly.

   Platinum curly hair, navy blue eyes, and a devil-like figure.

   Black Swan Augilia!

  The Xi family is also an A-level family, and there is a lot of practice with the evolutionary alliance.

  Evolver World These famous evolutionaries have corresponding titles to show their powerful strength.

   Such as the speed one known as "Lightning".

   But the lightning was in the Free State, and Xi Fangchi could not touch it at all.

  Augilia is famous and a graduate of the inner court of Eternal Academy. …

   If the bloodlines are of the same purity and the evolutionary abilities are also different, then the evolutionary ones from the Eternal Academy will be stronger.

   This is also the reason why the evolutionaries have to go to the Eternal Academy.

  Xi Fangchi's brain was completely unable to think.

   First, Si Fuqing exploded with power far beyond his, and then the acquaintance between her and Augilia was obviously old friends for many years.

  Augilia is in charge of many things in the League of Evolutionaries, and she will always help if you ask her for help, but her temperament is uncertain, and it is difficult for anyone to approach her.

   Even the leader of Chris was unable to communicate with her normally, and he had to fight every now and then.

  Si Fuqing why?

   Xi Fangchi didn't know, he knew he was going to die.

   "I don't know." Si Fuqing lowered his head and glanced at Xi Fangchi, who was pale, "Yin Yunxi's licking dog ran to me and barked."

   "Yin Yunxi?" Augilia nodded, not surprised, "She, tsk, I don't like her."

  Si Fuqing took out a tissue and wiped the blood on his hands: "I recently believed in Buddhism, and someone gave it to you."

  Augilia shrugged: "Okay."

   She lifted Xi Fangchi and called the Evolution Alliance Laboratory with one hand.

  Xi Fangchi was completely panicked. He looked terrified and began to beg for mercy: "Miss Si, Miss Augilia, I was just fascinated for a while and didn't want to hurt anyone! Please let me go!"

   Of course he couldn't say that if Si Fuqing broke Yin Yunxi's mood again, he would kill Si Fuqing without doing anything else.

   This is all too common among evolutionaries, they take it for granted.

   But when Xi Fangchi himself became a fish under the knife, he was instantly scared.

   He regretted very much why he would warn Si Fuqing alone in order to win Yin Yunxi's favor. This is clearly a sheep in a tiger's mouth!

  Augilia drank red wine and ignored him completely.

   The phone rang, Si Fuqing answered the phone, her eyes lit up, "Brother Jiu, have you gone back? Mmmm, I'm going back to Beizhou tomorrow, I want to eat hot pot."

   Her tone was cheerful, and the breath on her body quickly softened.

   After the call ended, Augilia glanced at it: "Boyfriend?."

  Si Fuqing said, "Not yet."

  Augilia nodded and hooked her lips: "Then what will happen in the future? Chris will be very sad. Although I have fought with him for so many years, I still hope he finds true love."

  Si Fuqing thought for a while and said, "I think he looks good, in my aesthetic point of view."

   Hearing this, Augilia became interested: "This is the first time I've heard someone who looks like your aesthetic point, how good does it have to be?"

  Si Fuqing took out the mirror and handed it to her: "I look as good-looking as me in men's clothes."

  Augilia: "..."

   She had never seen such a narcissistic person.

  Si Fuqing finished his last sip of Coke and stood up: "I'll go first."

"where to?"

   "Go back to Yin's house." Si Fuqing took two cans of Coke, and she blinked, "I am a person who likes courteous exchanges."


  Xi Fangchi went to Si Fuqing for trouble, and Yin Yunxi also listened to the captain of the guard.

   She didn't need to do anything or say anything, someone went to vent her anger, which made her feel a lot better. …

   Her connections in the evolutionary world can never be compared with Si Fuqing.

  Yin Yunxi opened the book and made comments while reading.


  The door was kicked open at this moment.

  Yin Yunxi frowned.

   She is the safest place in the Yin family, and is guarded by guards. Who dares to break in?

  Yin Yunxi hadn't gotten up to look when a strong wind hit.

   In the next second, she fell to the ground and was slapped on the face.

  Yin Yunxi was blinded by the beating, her head was buzzing and she didn't react at all.

   She raised her head and saw Yin Yaonian looking at her coldly: "Who asked you to trouble Qingqing?"

  Yin Yunxi's heart tightened: "Uncle Yaonian, what are you talking about? I've been staying at home and haven't gone out at all."

   At the same time, she scolded inwardly, Xi Fangchi was too useless, and even directly alarmed Yin Yaonian.

   One waste.

  Yin Yunxi held the table, she closed her eyes, and said lightly, "Uncle Yao Nian, although you are my elder, you are indiscriminate—"


   She was also slapped on the left side of her face and fell to the ground again.

   "I'm asking you who caused you trouble." Yin Yaonian's voice was cold, "Stop talking nonsense!"

  Yin Yunxi was shocked and angry: "You dare to hit me?!"

   "Who told you to bully my sister?" Follow Nian Yi'an snorted coldly, "What happened to you? Can't you beat Jin Gui?"

  Yin Yunxi didn't expect the two of them to be so arrogant, and they dared to do something to her in the Yin family: "You, you..."

   "If you dare to trouble Qingqing again, you will know the consequences." Yin Yaonian glanced coldly at Yin Yunxi, "I'an, protect your sister, and don't let things that don't have long eyes appear in front of her."

  Yan Yi An immediately responded.

   The father and son went out.

   Yin Yunxi was so angry that tears fell, and she was shaking all over.

   Yin Yaonian and Nian Yi'an were both there, so she really couldn't do anything to Si Fuqing.

   She could only endure.

  In matters within the Yin family, it is impossible for other families and evolutionary alliances to interfere.

   "Miss." The head guard hurried forward and helped Yin Yunxi up, "Miss, are you alright?"

   "Miss?" Yin Yunxi sneered softly, "I'm not the eldest, but Si Fuqing."

   The captain of the guard was startled and knelt down suddenly.

   "Look at how big she is." Yin Yunxi's eyes were red, her fingernails were pinching her palm, and she said in a low voice, "Because I have a good uncle and brother, do you have any skills?"

  Only by men.

  Yin Yunxi is very disgusting.

   The captain of the guard did not dare to speak.

  Yin Yunxi worked hard to calm down the emotions in her heart, her eyes resentful.

   "Miss, the leader of the alliance is back." The captain of the guard glanced at the message and said respectfully, "Please come and take a look."

  Yin Yunxi took a deep breath: "Wait a while."

   The slap print on her face is very clear, she can't just go out like this.


   On the other side, in the yard.

   "Sister Qingqing, Dad beat her into a pig's head." Nian Yi'an described Yin Yunxi's appearance, "Fortunately you're fine, or I'll let her know what real speed is."

   He has endured Yin Yunxi for a long time, and today he finally let out a bad breath.

  It doesn't matter if he is bullied, Si Fuqing can't.

   "Qingqing, if this kind of thing happens in the future, tell your uncle." Yin Yaonian's voice was cold, "you don't need to do it, uncle will take care of them."

   "Uncle is so nice." Si Fuqing raised his eyebrows and pushed a few boxes of medicine over, "The new medicine my friend gave me, if you don't have enough uncle, ask me for it, there are more."

  Yin Yaonian's hands trembled, but this time he couldn't hold back: "Qingqing, who is your friend?"

   Where did so many medicines come from?

   Isn't this really robbing the entire evolutionary alliance?

  There are only a handful of characters in the Evolution Alliance.

   "Huh?" Si Fuqing held his chin, "You all call her Black Swan."

   looked at the time, and found that Yinghuang has been over for a year, time flies really fast qwq.

   The end of the month is coming, and the baby with a monthly pass will give Qingqing a wave of wow~

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