After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 550: In pursuit of His Majesty, the town girl will finish! 【1 more】

   As two major groups with abilities beyond ordinary people, Onmyoji and Evolvers have always been well watered, but they will also negotiate.

   Until the appearance of the dead wood and bright moon, the intersection between the onmyoji and the evolutionary became more and more.

  Yin Yunxi did remember the name Sakai Yui.

  Sakai Yui is 32 years old this year, has won six Hera Music Awards, and has sold 240 million albums worldwide

   This data is terrifying in the singer world, and he definitely deserves the title of international diva.

   But Yin Yunxi didn't pay attention to these. No matter how strong the entertainment industry's actual performance was, it was nothing more than a mundane thing. She only knew that Yui Sakai was a very powerful Yin-Yang Celestial Master.

   "She and Si Fuqing didn't have an intersection, so how could she do something casually?" Yin Yunxi frowned even tighter.

   "How come there is no intersection?" Yin Xiangsi smiled, "Si Fuqing is about to make a film by an international director, they will definitely have an intersection, and even if they don't, we can create it."

   Yin Yunxi's eyes moved slightly.

"Sakai Yui will hold a global concert soon." Yin Xiangsi took out a few tickets, "Sister Yunxi, you know what will happen at her concert, Si Fuqing's business resources are so good, she does not Probably not."

  Yin Yunxi finally nodded: "Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. Don't make a fool of yourself and let others find out. If you can succeed, the benefits will be yours."

   Yin Xiangsi showed a bit of joy: "Sister Yunxi, you are waiting for my good news."


   A few days later, the crew of "Girls of the Town".

   To start filming in ten minutes, Si Fuqing was sitting under the umbrella and brewing his emotions.

   "Miss Si, your courier." The staff shouted, "It's so heavy, what did you buy, Miss Si?"

  Si Fuqing walked over, took the package from him, and fell silent for a while.

   There are ten books in the Love Heart Sutra that was bought for 15 yuan?

   You have to see the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon, right?

   She suddenly didn't want to look at it.

   But 15 yuan can't be spent in vain, Si Fuqing carried the book back to the lounge.

   Fengsan saw it, and immediately volunteered: "Miss Si, I'll help you move."

   "Don't come here!" Si Fuqing took a step back vigilantly and hid the book behind him, "You, get out."

  Feng Thirty was at a loss, but she had no choice but to go out.

   Si Fuqing closed the door of the lounge and opened the package.

  《How to Get Him》

  《Man's Heart, Needle in the Sea》

   "One Hundred Ways to Make Him Addicted to You"


   After a few minutes, Si Fuqing hid the books with a blank expression.

   She rubbed her face and confirmed that there was no excess emotion to show, and then went out to set up the scene.

  This is her last scene.

   Tsukimami smeared a lot of plasma on her body and painted a battle-damaged makeup.

   "Come on, let's start." Director Lu held the loudspeaker, "After Mr. Si finishes the scene, we will finish it."

   Everyone cheered.

  Si Fu leaned over the spear in his hand and let out a slow breath.

  In history, Jiang Zhaoyue was killed by thousands of arrows pierced through her heart, and many prop arrows were pasted on her body.

  Jiang Zhaoyue didn't have to die originally, she could retire.

   But the country hates family feud, and it is not shared by the sky.

  These comeback barbarians killed her father and brother, and trampled the land of the North State.

   She couldn't just retire like that.

  The land is desolate, and the ground is full of corpses, which can be said to be a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

  Everyone has been killed, only a slender figure is left.

The    barbarians also suffered heavy losses, and they decided to give up attacking the North State.

   But Jiang Zhaoyue cannot live.

   "Jiang Zhaoyue is here..." Jiang Zhaoyue's body was already full of arrows, she actually stood up slowly again, "Yanmen is here."

   She bit the tip of her tongue, the blood had flooded her throat, the smell of rust spread, and it was difficult to breathe.

   But she still stood up straight, and her back was not bent at all.

   She said, "No retreat."

  More arrows shot towards her, one arrow after another.

   His vision finally became pitch black, and he couldn't see anything.

   At this moment, she glanced towards the south.

   That is Yongan.

  The heart of the empire that shelters the five states of Daxia.

   Mrs. Jiang was still waiting for her at home.

  Unfortunately, she can't go back either.

   She knelt on one knee on the ground, no longer breathing, but still did not fall down.

  Xia Li 693 years, Jiang Zhaoyue was killed in Beizhou, and later he was enfeoffed as a female general of the town and buried in Yongan.

   So far, the Jiang family is loyal and fierce.


  The surroundings were silent.

   Everyone forgot to react.

   Although this scene is the end of the whole play, it is also the biggest ** plot.

   is also a one-man show by Jiang Zhaoyue.

   There isn't much dialogue, it's all about the pulling of the eyes, and the emotions are progressive.

  The so-called "three points of pain, three points of sadness and four points of persistence" are described on the palette, but the actors with strong skills can completely perform.

   Dao Lu shouted "card", but the photographer was still immersed in the performance of Si Fuqing just now, unable to regain his senses.

   He hurriedly said: "Quick, help Teacher Si up."

   Before Sang Yanqing passed, a figure stepped forward before her.

  Si Fuqing had not yet escaped from the play, when suddenly he was embraced by a pair of arms.

The    arm held her tightly, even trembling slightly.

   She was stunned for a moment, then reacted slowly: "Ninth Brother?"

   "Sorry." Yu Xiheng paused and said in a low voice, "You act very well, it seems real."

   He went one step earlier than Jiang Zhaoyue, and when he came to this 1,500-year-old descendant, he checked the history books, and only then did he know that Jiang Zhaoyue died in the battle so early.

   Those who are kings are probably the least likely to see such a thing.

   The moment of shock brought him back to the battlefield where the war was raging. This was an injury he couldn't bear.

"I'm fine." Si Fuqing wiped the blood from his face and pulled out the props and arrows on his body, "I'm an actor, of course I want the audience to be there, and it's fake. , look at me jumping up and down..."

  Yu Xiheng closed her eyes and said in a cool tone, "I believe this is your original intention. If you dare to do this, the year-end bonus will be deducted."

  Si Fuqing: "..."

  Wait, why is she reprimanded for acting?

   Although she said that she had chatted many times with Jiang Zhaoyue when she was a child, maybe Jiang Zhaoyue was indeed influenced by her.

   But no one else knows about this kind of thing.

  Si Fuqing grabbed a prop arrow and hit him: "Black-hearted monster, rascal, you slandered me!"

  She doesn't pursue him anymore!

  Yu Xiheng grabbed her hand and sighed softly: "There's too much blood, go wash it first."

  Si Fuqing pulled out the remaining arrows, stood up, and turned his head: "I don't care about you."

   Yu Xiheng took out a tissue, wiped the blood off her face, and said lightly, "I hope the girl and I will have a good fight."

   His movements are gentle and graceful.

  Si Fuqing looked at his face and changed his attention for a second.

   She should pursue him anyway.

   Third Senior Sister is right, she looks so good-looking, it is also pleasing to the eyes.

   The screenwriter jumped up and shouted at her: "Mr. Si, come to finish the photo shoot!"

   "Come." Si Fuqing walked over.


   "Girls of the Town" was officially completed, and the director of the road prepared a banquet in the evening.

  Si Fuqing's fox eyes are bright: "Ninth brother, I want to drink today."

   Yu Xiheng frowned and smiled: "Okay, I'll go get ready"

  Si Fuqing watched him leave and stood still.

   In front of his subordinates, Yu Xiheng has always been unsmiling. Feng San and Canyon often complained that his aura was too strong, and every time he reported a work assignment, he wanted to get away immediately.

   She often made him laugh.

   He smiled lightly and had extremely powerful strength.

   It's just that her laughter has never moved her heart so much before.

  Si Fuqing looked at Yue Jian faintly: "Third Senior Sister, if I was really kidnapped..."

   "Xiao Jiu." Yue Jian held her shoulders and sighed deeply, "Stop, have you forgotten how Senior Sister taught you?"

   Si Fu sighed: "If I were an emperor, I would definitely be a stupefied emperor."

  Yue Jian said casually: "Then let your beauty fight for you."

   "That makes sense." Si Fuqing thought for a while and nodded in agreement, "Then I'll try it next."

   Tsukimami shrugged.


  Here, the crew went in and out to prepare for the grand finale banquet tonight.

   "Director Lu." The assistant director shouted, "Someone is looking for it."

   The road guide looked up.

  Feng Zhaoyi came in behind the assistant director, her expression was indifferent, and there was an inherent alienation and arrogance in her eyes.

   Director Lu recognized Feng Zhaoyi, and he immediately got up: "Hello, hello, I haven't thanked you for saving us last time."

   He didn't know what happened in the valley, but in the end, he saw Feng Zhaoyi and Zero's people coming out together, thinking about the rescue work.

  Feng Zhaoyi didn't answer the road guide very much, and went straight to the point: "Where is Si Fuqing?"

   Director Lu was taken aback: "Mr. Si, she is..."

   "It's inside, right?" Feng Zhaoyi hummed and walked in.

   "Hey!" Director Lu didn't stop him and stomped his feet, "What does she mean?"

   There is no doubt that Feng Zhaoyi is a beautiful woman, but Lu Dao felt very uncomfortable.

   The assistant director scratched his head: "Director Lu, don't worry, even if something happens, it's not Teacher Si."

  Road guide: "..."

   makes sense.

  Indoors, Yue Jian went out, and only Si Fuqing was there.

   She holds Xiaobai in one hand and is brushing his fur.

   Xiaobai cried out resentfully.

   It is not only not eaten, but also kneaded as a pillow.

  The dog owner is a badass.

   "Miss Si Fu Qingsi, right?" Feng Zhaoyi gave her a light look, "I'm looking for you."

   "Look for me?" Si Fuqing nodded and opened a can of Coke.

   "Miss Si, I know that you are very good. You can be the top performer in the entertainment industry in just one year, and you also won the first place in the international entrance examination. You have countless fans. I can't compare this."

  Si Fuqing fox narrowed his eyes: "So?"

"I saw Zero's officer came to save you." Feng Zhaoyi looked at her and said indifferently, "Whether you can accept the fact or not, I have to tell you that you are not from the same world. I want you to quit."

  ------off topic------

  Good morning~

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