After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 553: Your Majesty's preference [2 more]

   Chapter 553 Your Majesty's Favorite [2 More]

  Feng Zhaoyi's footsteps stopped suddenly.

   Her face sank with a "swoosh": "Are you following me?"

  Yu Tang gave a wow: "Aunt, you have such a big face, this is my uncle's house, and I came back with a friend to follow you? Why are you so ordinary and so conceited?"

   Feng Zhaoyi's face was ashen.

  Yu Qishan also sank his face: "Miss Feng, I invited Miss Si to come here, what's the matter with you? Since you are leaving, please leave as soon as possible, I no longer welcome you here."

   "Is this your attitude of asking for help?" Feng Zhao smiled angrily, she nodded, "Okay."

  If Yu Qishan chooses her between Si Fuqing and her, she will help him contact the investigator of the Western Continent Branch.

   Now this is completely impossible.

  Feng Zhaoyi walked out with a cold face.


   She suddenly stumbled under her feet, but luckily she steadied her body in time, otherwise she almost fell and a dog gnawed at the mud.

  The anger in Feng Zhaoyi's chest "rubbed" and she suddenly turned her head, but the big iron door of the villa was slammed shut at this moment.

  Feng Zhaoyi squeezed his fingers and smiled sarcastically.

   Will you only be careful in this kind of place?

   If you have the ability, you can really fight with her!

  Feng Zhaoyi took a deep breath, feeling so aggrieved that he was about to explode.

   She left with a livid face.


  Inside the house

  Yu Qishan got up quickly: "Miss Si, seeing a hundred things is better than seeing them once. When I see you today, you really deserve your reputation, hurry up, please take a seat."

   With a smile on his face, he cursed Yu Xiheng in his heart.

   He and Yu Xiheng are brothers, from the same generation, but he is 18 years older than Yu Xiheng.

  Si Fuqing is old enough to be his daughter.

   Yu Qishan felt complicated when he thought that this was his future younger brother and sister.

  Si Fuqing sat down opposite him, nodding slightly: "Is there any urgent matter for Mr. Qi Shan to contact T18?"

"I'm going to do some things in a no-man's land in the Western Continent." Yu Qishan sighed and said, "I need a pass from T18. Among the people I know, only Miss Feng has an intersection with T18, and I also take things to trust people. It's normal to do things, even if they are rejected, but she said it from her mouth as if I was a white prostitute, which made me uncomfortable."

   Feng Zhaoyi's temperament, Mr. Yu even blew into the sky.

   Yu Qishan was quite glad that Yu Xiheng didn't go to the so-called blind date.

   In his opinion, Yu Xiheng is all good except for her broken legs, and Feng Zhaoyi is not worthy of it at all.

   "West Continent." Si Fuqing touched his chin, "My assistant is familiar with West Continent, brother, wait."

  Yu Qishan was stunned: "Huh?"

   After a few seconds, he suddenly reacted, what did this little girl call him? !

   Yuemi's identity has been recognized by Huo Yanxing, but he still doesn't know that she is the witch of the night, one of the three giants of T18.

   Yue Jian simply stopped pretending, and continued to be an assistant on the pretext that Si Fuqing had rescued her.

  Si Fuqing dialed Yuejian's video call. Not surprisingly, Yuejian was chatting with the handsome and abs bartender at the bar.

   She coughed and asked, "Yueyue, who is in charge of the West Continent branch? I have an elder who wants to go over there to do business, and ask him to quickly issue the pass."

   "Western Continent?" Tsukimami thought for a while and said, "It should be that guy Herbert, the pass is a trivial matter, I'll contact him."

  Si Fuqing said a few more words to Yuejian, then ended the call and said to Yu Qishan, "Brother, it's done."

  Yu Qishan was still in a trance, and Sanguan was severely impacted at this moment.

  Miss Si...not just a star?

   He casually contacted the high-level officials of the Western Continent? !

   "Uncle, I've said it a long time ago, if you have something to do, you can find Ninth Uncle and Qingqing." Yu Tang looked proud, "Qingqing and Ninth Uncle are invincible in the world."

   "Oh..." Yu Qishan's throat rolled hard, "That little nine he..."

   When the name "Xiao Jiu" came out, Si Fuqing's back tensed for a moment, almost thinking that her identity was exposed, only half a second later she realized that this was Yu Qishan's nickname for Yu Xiheng.

   "Uncle, Ninth Uncle is a high-level executive of Zero. Last time, Uncle Ninth rescued Qingqing." Yu Tang lowered her voice, "Anyway, we all know people in Zero and T18, so it's not false at all."

With a    "click", Yu Qishan cracked open.

   "Tuk Tuk Tuk-"

   The door was knocked at this moment.

  Yu Qishan came back to his senses and looked at Yu Xiheng who was pushed by Feng San: "Xiao Jiu, you are here too."

   "Big brother left my people behind, so of course I want to come and have a look." He smiled slightly, his eyes passing over her like a dragonfly.

   There is no aggression or aggression, as elegant as he is, but Si Fuqing's heart trembled slightly, with a little hotness.

   She looked at the man's face for a long time and decided to go back to study the Love Heart Sutra quickly, and then get him.

  Yu Qishan couldn't help laughing and laughing: "Xiao Jiu, Miss Si hasn't been here for half an hour, you must be in a hurry."

   Yu Tang whispered: "This is called possessiveness."

  Yu Qishan didn't hear it, but Yu Xiheng heard it clearly, he glanced at Yu Tang, his eyes were flat but extremely powerful.

  Yu Tang stood up and pulled Yu Qishan: "Uncle, I have a few oral exam questions to ask you, come and show me."

   Feng San and Canyon also went to the kitchen wisely, only Si Fuqing and Yu Xiheng were left in the living room.

  Si Fuqing glanced at him and finally said, "You are a big bad guy."

   Yu Xiheng was stunned for a while: "Why is it broken?"

   "You took my name."


   "In the Oracle." Si Fuqing said, "My name is NINE, your name is Jiu."

   Yu Xiheng was silent for a moment: "Take whatever you want, I'll go back and change it."

   He just took it according to his ranking in the Yu family.

   is also very coincidental, he was ranked ninth in his previous life, and he is still in this life.

  Nine was a great number, and he liked it very much.

   "Forget it." Si Fuqing held his chin, "It won't be possible to change the name."

   Yu Xiheng raised her eyebrows.

   Her temper is indeed uncertain, but in his opinion she is very smart and cute.

   He wanted her to be genuinely happy.

  Yu Xiheng propped her head up and suddenly said, "Are you still playing your little game?"

  Si Fuqing hummed: "Fun, I have raised him."

   Her mood dropped a little.

   History is a torrent that doesn’t stop for anyone.

   She was lucky enough to travel back to the Great Xia Dynasty, but couldn't let time stop.

   She knew that soon she would have to see the death of Emperor Yin with her own eyes, but she couldn't do anything.

   Hearing this, Yu Xiheng was noncommittal and smiled: "Then he has worked hard."


   "You need to cook for yourself to find something to eat."


  Si Fuqing looked at him for a few seconds, then picked up the pillow and slammed it on it.

   ridicules her cooking skills, it's abominable!

At the entrance of the kitchen, Canyon took a peek at the movement in the living room, and his voice was very low: "San'er, Ninth brother was eaten by Miss Si. If we are deducted from wages in the future, we can hug Miss Si's thigh. already."

  Feng San gave him a disdainful look: "Can you still get paid under Miss Si?"

   Canyoning: "..."

   It’s really a heart-wrenching thing.


   The next day, military training officially began.

  Si Fuqing, as the chief instructor, does not directly participate in the team training.

   Men and women are trained separately and are taken away by their respective instructors.

  Today's training includes military boxing, dagger technique, grappling fighting, etc. There are also those who specialize in kicking and walking.

   During the training break, Si Fuqing also sat cross-legged under the shade, chatted with the students, and answered their questions patiently.

   "When will the girl generals of Zhenguo arrive? Director Lu and the others are still editing, and you will be able to see it on National Day soon."

   "Director Qu's new film, I will play one role and play several roles, there is a bright side and a dark side..."

The    whistle sounded at this time.

   "Okay, let's go to training." Si Fuqing patted the ashes on his body, "If there is any discomfort in your body, don't force it, and report it immediately."

  The students were a little reluctant, but they all stood up immediately.

   On the rostrum, Feng Zhaoyi squinted his eyes: "All gather at the rostrum."

   This order made the instructors a little confused, let alone the students.

   But Feng Zhaoyi spoke, and they lined up quickly to set off.

   "I just watched the grappling technique you trained, and the movements were not in place." Feng Zhaoyi said lightly, "The movements were not in place, and it was me who was injured. Next, I will give you a real grappling practice."

   When this sentence came out, the students were all excited.

  Feng Zhaoyi suddenly turned his head, and his voice spread throughout the playground: "Instructor Si, let's demonstrate to the students?"

   She really wanted to know why Si Fuqing was in charge of this military training with her.

   Without the strength that truly belongs to you, you cannot survive in this world of the weak.

  Feng Zhaoyi took off his hat, rolled up his sleeves, his eyes flashed, and he was aggressive: "What do you think of the teacher?"

  The students have different expressions.

   "Is she sick? From the day of the military training mobilization meeting, I found out that she has been targeting Qingqing baby."

   "I saw her profile from the vice-principal. She is almost 30 years old this year. Why do you bully us Qingqing?"

  The students were talking at length. They were looking forward to the real grappling technique but were still worried about Si Fuqing.

  Si Fuqing's fighting scenes have nothing to say, no special effects, no substitutes, and they have become a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

   It is precisely because of her that in the past few months, the directors and the crew have also increased their requirements for actors, and it seems that they are gradually returning to the era of "replacement if you can't fight" 20 or 30 years ago.

   This makes many traffic stars complain.

   Ke Feng Zhaoyi is a T18 investigator, and his skills are first-class. After systematic training, the real martial arts stars may not be able to compare.

  The playground fell silent, and the young man frowned: "Zhaoyi, you—"

   Feng Zhaoyi did not hear his warning.

  Si Fuqing's fox eyes rolled up, she raised her hand and took off her hat: "Okay."

   Waiting for you for a long time.

   Si Fuqing: There is no door to hell, you go

   You have one vote, I have one vote, let the surnamed Feng know what a real fist is!

   The monthly ticket draw ends at the end of the month, see you tomorrow~



   (end of this chapter)

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