After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 555: Your Majesty protects the short, what are you dreaming [2 more]

   Chapter 555 Your Majesty protects the short, what are you dreaming about [2 more]

  Si Fuqing made her look so ugly in front of the freshmen of Quan Xia, she couldn't swallow it.

   In any case, this time it was T18 who hosted the Xia Da military training, and Zero couldn't get involved in the internal affairs of T18.

  Su Mu did not expect Feng Zhaoyi to be so serious.

   He was very puzzled: "Zhaoyi, why do you need to? There are both winners and losers in the competition, not to mention that you brought it up yourself, and your last sneak attack—"

  Sneak attack is indeed a very effective means of fighting against the enemy, but it is not against the enemy, it is just a military training exercise.

  Feng Zhaoyi looked indifferent: "Su Mu, who are you from? You won't be fascinated by her face too, will you?"

   She and Su Mu have been partners for several years, how many times have Su Mu and Si Fuqing met?

  Si Fuqing's ability to buy people's hearts is really strong, she can make Xia Da freshmen applaud her.

  Feng Zhaoyi heard that the entertainment industry believes in Feng Shui, so he changed his life by changing the name of the amulet to increase his popularity.

  Si Fuqing became Top 1 in a year, maybe he used some indiscriminate and unpopular means.

  Feng Zhaoyi is extremely despised.

   But when Su Mu also began to lean towards Si Fuqing, she couldn't bear it anymore.

   "You're tired." Su Mu didn't want to argue with her, "Have a good rest first."

   He pushed the door out and closed the door without looking at Feng Zhaoyi's slightly ugly face.

   The former youth quickly greeted her: "Brother Su Mu, is Sister Zhaoyi okay? The last elbow that the surnamed Si gave her was not light!"

   He felt a pain in his brain just looking at him, not to mention Feng Zhaoyi took that sturdy blow.

  Before this, it was hard for young people to imagine that Si Fuqing looked so thin and tall, and her fighting skills were so amazing.

   With his skills alone, Si Fuqing is comparable to a T18 level 6 agent.

   Level 7 is a threshold. The young man has never been in contact with the people in the headquarters, and naturally he does not know the strength of the T18 core agents.

  Su Mu said lightly: "It's good, and I still have the strength to lose my temper. As for you saying that the other party is ruthless?"

   "If you were attacked, would you be ruthless?"

   The youth was stunned for a moment.

   "Military training is our mission, and no one can bring personal feelings into it." Su Mu shook his head and said, "Go back now."

   Feng Zhaoyi was hospitalized, Su Mu was the leader, and the investigators did not disobey his orders.

   It is common for them to be injured, and even if it is a fatal injury, they are all alone.

   One person fell, and the rest followed.

   This is the constant rule of T18.

  Su Mu also left the hospital, but at the same time, he was puzzled.

   Since the Beizhou bombing incident a while ago, Feng Zhaoyi has become extremely abnormal, and he is still very confused.

   But Su Mu selfishly hopes that Feng Zhaoyi can wake up as soon as possible and become normal. After all, she has only been promoted to level 3 investigator this year, and her strength is still there.

   If this continues, let alone this military training, whether Feng Zhaoyi can stay in T18 is still unknown.

  Su Mu specifically asked the vice-principal for the phone number of Si Fuqing, and went to apologize in person.


the other side.

   "That's it." Feng San said, "Obviously T18 also knew that they were at fault, and didn't bother Miss Si."

   Let him say that this is self-inflicted, and Feng Zhaoyi's little Jiujiu can be seen by everyone.

  If Si Fuqing really had no force, she would be the one who entered the hospital.

  Yu Xiheng listened quietly, her expression did not fluctuate.

   But Feng San could feel the extremely powerful pressure. Just when he was about to be unable to bear it, Yu Xiheng finally spoke up: "Contact Roland."

  Roland is the deputy director of the T18 Intelligence Department and a direct subordinate of the Night Miko.

   In terms of communication, Zero and T18 have a very tacit understanding. As long as it is not an earth-shattering event, a person at the level of the chief will not be dispatched. It is all subordinates who communicate with each other.

   Feng San breathed a sigh of relief and immediately called Roland.

  After the call, he handed the phone to Yu Xiheng.

   "Hello?" An authentic Xida intersection came from the microphone.

   "I asked for a position in charge of Xia Da's military training, not to make her feel wronged." Yu Xiheng said in a cool tone, "Your people are vicious, I need an explanation."

   "Sir?" Roald paused, obviously not knowing what was going on.

The sound of    keyboard tapping came, and after more than ten seconds, he slowly exhaled, suppressing his anger: "Sorry, sir, this is indeed our mistake."

   "No." Yu Xiheng said lightly, "The staff in the branch is too complicated to take care of. No one is perfect, can't, and has no last resort. I can understand that what I want is attitude."

   "Please rest assured Mr. Yu, we will investigate the whole thing thoroughly." Rowland said, "We won't defend her because she is from T18."

  Yu Xiheng hummed, her tone was neither high nor low: "It's better."

   He didn't give the other party a chance to speak again and hung up the phone.

   Yu Xiheng tilted her head: "Qingqing is still in Xia Da?"

   "Yes." Feng San said, "Teacher Xia Dayu is looking for her."

   Yu Xiheng closed her eyes: "Well, when she's done, I'll pick her up."

   He never hides his protection of her.

   His people, he naturally has to protect them.

   Fengsan nodded and sent a message to Yuejian.

   After knowing that Tsukimi was a T18, Feng San was always a little nervous and very cautious.

   When Tsukimi received the text message, he also received a call from Roland.

   "Sir!" Roland grimaced, "When will you come back? I can't carry it all day, otherwise you let the chief come, I really can't stand the pressure on Zero."

   "High-level to high-level, I'm just a little chicken."

  Yue Jian raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Bald, don't belittle yourself, I believe you can support the overall situation, didn't you do a good job this time?"

   "I can't hold it anymore!" Roland vomited three liters of blood, "Also, sir, I'm not Balder, I'm Roland, we don't look alike at all!"

  Roland was a little crazy.

   He is not a popular face, why can't the chief remember him?

  Roland was very sad.

  Yue met and said: "Sorry, the name is actually just a code name, you don't have to care so much, if you like it, I will let them call you the witch of the night."

  Roland: "..."

   Not necessarily.

   "Sir, when will Lady Margaret be back?" Roland couldn't help asking, "I can pack her a Coke for a year!"

   As long as he can get out of this extremely stressful environment, he can't stand it for a second!

   Yuemi raised his eyebrows: "If you're lucky, look up at the mall, and you should see her right away."

  Roland: "???"

   He was hung up in confusion and still didn't understand how fast "immediately" was.


   At the same time, Xia Da,

   Mr. Li went to the General Sports Association. After getting a few permit documents, he ran back excitedly.

   After he conveyed his meaning to Si Fuqing, he refused the land.

   "Student Si, I'm serious." Teacher Li was anxious, "With your level, you can participate in boxing, and judo and karate are definitely not a problem."

  Si Fuqing pondered for a moment: "But I haven't practiced any of these sports, I've only played tennis."

   She must admit that when she heard about the huge prize money issued by the international Olympics, she was already moved.

   Teacher Li's eyes lit up: "Tennis doesn't matter, then you can play a game with me."

   There happens to be tennis in the physical education course of Xia University, and he will too.

  Si Fuqing nodded: "Okay."

   Mr. Li immediately asked people to borrow equipment from the equipment room and handed Si Fuqing a tennis racket.

   "Come on, classmate Si." Teacher Li stood on the field, "You let go, don't be nervous,"

five minutes later--

   Mr. Li stood there, looking at the tennis racket with a hole in his hand, and fell into a long silence.

   "Mr. Li, I'm sorry." Si Fuqing put his hands together, "It's been a long time since I hit, and I couldn't control the intensity. I've got the feeling now, let's do it again."

   "No no no!" Teacher Li hurriedly said, "Enough, enough!"

   Fighting again, he was afraid that his arm would be broken here.

   Teacher Li took a deep breath: "I'm sorry, classmate Si, I misunderstood, you can join the tennis team, you played so well."

   "Okay?" Si Fuqing was really surprised, "Impossible, I'm a bad player, admittedly."

Teacher Li:"……?"

   "I learned tennis from someone." Si Fuqing was also very sad, "I played with him after I finished learning, and he said that I played too badly, and I should not play sports in the future, it would be shameful."

   Teacher Li was furious: "Who! Who is so ignorant? If you say it, I will definitely find him to judge! Isn't this taking you into a ditch?"

   is simply a misunderstanding!

  Si Fuqing: "..."

   Her eldest brother.

   "Forget it. Today is the first day, and we will come to Japan for a long time." Teacher Li did not force her, "Student Si, you must think about it carefully, I have been waiting for you!"

   He wants to show Professor Xu and Professor Chen what is textbook-style robbing.

   He will surely succeed!


   The next day.

  Feng Zhaoyi was finally able to get out of bed. She didn't listen to the doctor's advice, she went through the discharge procedures directly, and then took a taxi to Xia University.

  The freshmen are still in military training.

  Feng Zhaoyi saw Si Fuqing in the center at a glance, her complexion sank, and instead of rushing to the playground, she went to the principal's office.

   "Principal, I have always respected Xia Da." Feng Zhaoyi said lightly, "But when something like this happened, I need Xia Da to give me an attitude."

   "Si Fuqing and I, Xia Da can only have one."

   Hearing this sentence, Principal Xia's hand stopped, and he said slowly: "In that case, Miss Feng, you can go."

  Feng Zhaoyi's expression changed: "Principal, why?!"

"You let Da Xia choose between you and classmate Si? What use do you have for Da Xia?" The principal of Da Xia looked indifferent and surprised, "I also really want to know, what kind of confidence do you have to say such a thing? "

   Blue sky and daytime, what are you dreaming about?

   President of Xia University: MVP is in hand

   The main purpose of sports competition is to draw out the big brother, I like the big brother qvq the most

   Continue to ask for votes at the end of the month! !



   (end of this chapter)

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