After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 569: The aggressiveness of the attack shocked the whole network [1 more]

   For the elders of the Feng family, the Yu family is not worth paying attention to.

   In the past 1,500 years, many families have risen and fallen, and the history of the Yu family is only a hundred years old.

   He will check the Yu family because of Yu Xiheng.

   This investigation is incredible, he almost wanted to go directly to Yu's house and overthrow the family.

  What is the contribution of the Emperor Yin?

   Without him to turn the tide, the five states of Daxia have long been occupied by foreigners, and maybe they are still in the midst of war.

  Yu family, how can anyone treat their children like this?

   Still want to come to the sea sacrifice ceremony?

  Don't even think about it!

  The housekeeper naturally followed his order and didn't ask more: "Understood, I'll get rid of the Yu family now."

  The Feng family elder was still very angry, and slammed the table: "If you dare to appear in front of Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will definitely teach them how to behave!"

As soon as the    voice fell, there was a "click", and the marble table cracked directly.

   Butler: "..."

   He deeply suspected that the Great Elder was taken away after a trip to the Thousand Army Alliance.


  After the shooting in the morning, during the break, Si Fuqing dug out the Love Heart Sutra and began to watch it.

   She has read three books, and all the books are her comments.

   Indeed, she has never studied physics so seriously.

  Sang Yanqing saw that he was very engaged in reading and handed a glass of lemon sparkling water very intimately: "Where did you learn?"

   "There are still seven or eight books." Si Fuqing was eager to try, "When I finish it, I will take it down in one fell swoop, Sister Sang, look at it."

  Sang Yanqing coughed lightly and encouraged her: "Come on."

   She sighed in her heart, poor girl, she didn't know she was caught in a trap.

   Sure enough, high-end hunters often appear in the form of prey.

   On the other hand, Sang Yanqing was very happy.

  Si Fuqing has already successfully transformed after the filming of "Crossing the Devil". He is a powerful actor, and falling in love will not affect anything.

   But for top-notch love, the whole network is paralyzed, it is light, she can finally be ready to make a public relations plan that she has prepared for a long time.

   Qu Lingyun strives for perfection in filming, and because it is a big movie shot, even if the actors make no mistakes in the process of acting, he will ask each shot to be shot three times, and finally select the most perfect frame.

  The assistant director has worked with him for many years and is used to his approach.

  Tired is a bit tired, but this movie is a blockbuster that will hit next year's Grameen Awards.

  The assistant director walked over to Si Fuqing and smiled: "Mr. Si, Director Qu just praised you for your expressiveness and your good sense of the camera. I didn't expect you to make a movie for the first time.

  Si Fuqing blinked: "I'm good at it, of course it's easier than filming a TV series."

   The assistant director was stunned for a moment. He was about to say something, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by a rapid roar.


   is an air defense siren.

The assistant director    was taken aback: "What happened? Air raid? Invasion?"

  Si Fu squinted his eyes: "I'll go take a look."

   "Don't say no to Teacher Si!" The assistant director hurriedly grabbed her arm, "If there is an air strike, we have to hide."

   "It's not an air strike." Sang Yanqing suddenly said, "It's a prop sent by the Principality of Muston to the crew, I'm afraid it's misunderstood."

   She took out her phone and showed it to others.

  Someone has already taken photos on Weibo, and there are eight planes in the sky escorting the submarine and arriving in the Arctic waters.

   This kind of battle is also forgotten. The most outrageous thing is that there is a banner hanging under each plane.

The combination of    is one sentence——

   I wish the "Light" crew a great success!

   Black characters on a red background, very clear.

  Si Fuqing: "..."

   Her fists hardened.

  Should she be thankful that she didn't use a white bottom?

   Or it would be a funeral.

   Is this what only money merchants can do?

are you crazy!

   The assistant director and other staff were dumbfounded.

  Only Yue Jian laughed so hard that she immediately took out her mobile phone and saved the pictures and videos online.

   said to himself while saving: "Well, it's all a handle, let me keep a few more backups."

   When the time comes to welcome the younger sister back to the top of the cloud, she will make a collection of these pictures and videos and put them out for everyone to enjoy.

  Let Lao Liu experience what it feels like to die in society.

   Such a big action made the network paralyzed.

  The programmer urgently fixed it for ten minutes.

   Netizens were also stunned.

  【I was sleeping late and was woken up by the sound of the alarm. It scared me to death. I was ready to go into battle to kill the enemy. 】

  【? ? ? Good guy, Qu Lingyun is too awesome, he can also borrow nuclear submarines! It's my shortsightedness to have the Principality of Muston personally wish the crew a victory. 】

  【Big deal! Big money! 】

   [Director Qu should still rely on Yunlan's face. Back then, Yunlan was always welcome wherever he went. Hey, when will the big devil be able to come back to film. 】

  【I have a dream, that one day Qingqing baby and Yunda Demon King can play against each other! I hope Qu Dao can fulfill my dream. 】

  【Me too! 】

  Si Fuqing thought about it very seriously. In the movie "Light", she played multiple roles by herself, so she was playing against herself, right?

   is also very good.

   But Senior Brother Six's actions made her really unbearable.

   She called Raphael and gritted her teeth: "His Royal Highness, didn't you agree to send it quietly? And what about the words under the plane?"

  Raphael is very strange: "Isn't this a row of noodles for you? I heard that people in Daxia like red, so I chose red."

  Si Fuqing smiled, very ruthless: "Go away."

   Raphael, who was hung up again, still didn't understand what he did wrong.


the other side.

   Occult Service Headquarters.

  Xie Yanqiu received five clothes from Si Fuqing.

   But Xie Yu has watched his mother stay in front of the mirror for three hours, and is still reluctantly turning back and forth.

  Xie Yu had a headache and was weak: "Mom, it's just clothes."

   "This is not just clothes, this is specially designed for me by the 'right hand of God'." Xie Yanqiu snorted coldly, "Look at Qingqing, and then look at you."

  Xie Yu said that he was used to his position at home.

   "The main seat." At this time, the deputy knocked on the door and said respectfully, "There is an A-level incident in Xicheng, and someone has been sent to suppress it. Please come to the main seat."

  Xie Yanqiu packed his clothes: "Stinky boy, go, you have to learn to start handling emergencies, and you will protect Daxia in the future, you know?"

  Xie Yu accepted the casual look on his face and followed Xie Yanqiu out.

  The two soon arrived in the West City, and a building was destroyed, but fortunately there were no casualties.

   "The main seat." Immediately, the captain of the guard stepped forward, "The energy-running evolutionary has been controlled."

   "Well." With a wave of Xie Yanqiu's hand, the air flow surged, directly lifting the Evolver Void that was **** on the ground.

   Airflow control.

   Beside, a middle-aged man saw this, his pupils could not help shrinking.

   His gaze fell on Xie Yanqiu's cuff, frowned, and stepped forward: "Is it the person in charge of the Supernatural Administration?"

   "That's right." Xie Yanqiu motioned his deputy to take out the tablet and called up an electronic document, "You all need to sign your name here."

  The middle-aged man hesitated for a while, but left a name.

   "If there is anything else in the future, I will contact you." Xie Yanqiu said, "If there is nothing else, you can leave."

   The middle-aged man pursed his lower lip and glanced at Xie Yanqiu again before leaving with his companions.

  Xie Yu whispered: "Mom, those people just now seem to be evolutionary too."

  Xie Yanqiu said lightly: "Of course I saw it, so I asked them to leave a message. If they dare to do something in Daxia, we can track it down as quickly as possible."

  Xie Yu Fox narrowed his eyes, thoughtful.

   "Let's go, I have to pack up and go to Nanzhou after I go back." Xie Yanqiu pushed Xie Yu, "Don't let Qingqing wait."


   Two days later, Fengjia.

The    sea sacrificial ceremony is about to be held, the Feng family mansion has also been arranged, and the guards are waiting.

  Feng Zhaoyi went out to pick up Yu's family.

   Even if she was unwilling, she knew that the officer of Zero was definitely not someone she could get, so she turned her attention back to Yu Xiheng.

   At least Yu Xiheng's looks fit her aesthetic, and her face is not bad.

   "Thank you, Miss Feng." Mr. Yu said with a smile, "If Miss Hefeng becomes a family in the future, the Yu family will definitely not treat Miss Feng badly."

  If it wasn't for Feng Zhaoyi, the Yu family would not be able to participate in this sea sacrifice ceremony, and it would be even less able to make friends with the children of aristocratic families at the sea sacrifice ceremony.

  Feng Zhaoyi hummed lightly.

"First of all, we don't mean to marry into your Yu family." Beside her, Mrs. Feng said indifferently, "It was he who joined Zafeng's family, and there will be no children in the future, because we mean If you don’t want to give birth, the most important thing is that some of your miscellaneous relatives don’t want to have a relationship with us.”

   These conditions were not harsh for Mr. Yu, but they made him embarrassed.

   Ke Ren was under the eaves and had to bow his head.

   Mr. Yu still smiled: "Of course, Ah Jiu and Miss Feng are of course the one who climbed high, and Miss Feng must be the main one in everything."

  Feng Zhaoyi enjoyed the popularity very much and showed a little smile.

   Mrs. Feng is still picking things out: "Our Yiyi has a bad temper. If he dares to make Yiyi angry at that time, things will never end. Since it's a babysitter, we have to listen to our wishes for everything."

   Mr. Yu also agreed one by one.

   "Enrolling?" Behind him, a lazy voice sounded, "What a majesty."

   Mr. Yu's footsteps stopped, and he was a little worried.

   He turned around, and when he saw the face of the person coming, he was stunned: "Si...Miss Si?"

   This is the first time Mr. Yu has seen Si Fuqing.

   Some time ago, no matter how many people he sent, he couldn't see Si Fuqing.

  Feng Zhaoyi's smile froze in an instant, her expression was also very cold, and she frowned: "Why are you here?"

   Feng's house is the place where Si Fuqing can come?

  Why are you so haunted?

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