After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 575: The right hand of God [3 more]

   Chapter 575 God's Right Hand [3 More]

   Two pictures are attached below.

   One is Ledson's design sketch, with two words outlined with a pen——

   Help lean.

   On the other side is Si Fuqing's manuscript. The manuscript completes the remaining parts, making the whole design more smooth and perfect.

   Even if the sketch can be faked, the lines cannot be faked.

  Ledson couldn't explain why his blueprints included Si Fuqing's name.

   Netizens were also shocked.

  【Damn it, big flip! It turned out that Ledson plagiarized Si Fuqing? 】

  【My grandma can do embroidery, I have learned embroidery stitches, many stitches are not even known to the natives of Daxia, how can Ladson know so much? Or open a video tutorial to teach us. 】

  【It’s too far-fetched, how could it be possible to copy Si Fuqing’s works because Ledson is so famous? I don't believe it anyway. 】

  【Lick Ledson like this, quit Daxia. 】

  【No one cares that this design drawing was drawn by Si Fuqing eight years ago? ? ? 】

   "What's going on?" Vice President LN was shocked and angry, "Isn't this your blueprint? Why does she have the original in her hand?"

  Ledson was also sweating profusely, and was surprised: "This is impossible! I don't know her at all!"

   If it wasn't for a report letter sent to his private mailbox, he would never have had any interaction with Si Fuqing.

   He didn't take Si Fuqing seriously, he just wanted to use this to increase the popularity. After all, he lacked inspiration and hadn't come up with new works for half a year.

   "Think about it carefully!" Vice President LN shouted out, "Where did you copy it from?"

  Ledson racked his brains, and suddenly, for some unknown reason, he suddenly lost all strength and fell to the ground.

   His face was pale and his body was shaking: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

   He finally remembered that these design drawings were accidentally seen when he went to Lan for an interview eight years ago.

   At that time, he was astonished, and quickly wrote down a few of the design drawings.

   After waiting for six years, he found that Lan had not made these pictures public, so he assuredly handed them over to LN for production.

   The design drawings with too many elements of Daxia were discarded, but he still posted them online.

  It took so long that Ledson literally forgot that he copied it.

   But he copied Lan, how could it be Si Fuqing?

While   Ledson panicked, he was puzzled.

   "Vice President!" The manager of the PR department called out again, "Xijiangyue is a brand of Lan! Lan also spoke up!"

   Vice President's expression changed again: "Lan? Let me see!"

[@兰V: Xijiangyue is a brand under Lan. It was originally planned to be officially announced at this year’s international show, but unexpectedly there was a villain. Mr. Lan and Gu severely condemned the behavior of LN and Ledson Sharaf, and Will take the legal route! 】

   The vice president's eyes darkened.

Isn't   Xijiangyue just a very small domestic product of Xia?

  Ledson's face paled.

   Even if he was really plagiarized, if he knew that Xi Jiangyue belonged to Lan, he would not directly accuse the other party of plagiarism in front of the public.

  When it comes to ready-to-wear design, Lan says second, but no one dares to say first.

  Especially the right hand of God, holding up half of the sky.

   There is no brand that can compare with Lan, and ten LNs are not enough.

  【Fuck! At the time, I was thinking that my wife had gathered the three giants of Oracle, RM, and Yunshang, and it was only one Lan. It turned out that Lan was the first one? 】

  【What can I say other than saying that Si Fuqing is awesome? 】

  【Please, who can tell me why there are so many female stars? 】

While the    mousses were elated and ran to tell each other, they also collapsed.

   They had to beware of the ready-to-wear design company pulling Si Fuqing out of the circle.

  Passers-by only saw that they were very cool as fans, and no one could ever understand their difficulties.

  Si Fuqing didn't know the despair of the musi, she was talking to Gu Wenzhu: "Teacher, I'm fine, the matter has been resolved, but how did he copy it?"

  Gu Wenzhu frowned and said, "You came to send your drafts at the time, and Ledson just came to Lan for an interview. I guess it was at that time that I was negligent and let him see your drafts."

   "Teacher, it has nothing to do with you." Si Fuqing squinted, "It seems that he must have copied a lot of pictures."

   "That's right." Gu Wenzhu said in a deep voice, "I'll send you all his design drawings over the past few years, you can take a look."

   After receiving the design drawings, Si Fuqing quickly compared and compared that Ledson had copied five design drawings, all of which were drafts she had not published.

   But luckily she has backups.

   The phone rang again, and Si Fuqing picked it up: "Ninth brother."

   His voice was unhurried: "Need help?"

   "No, I can solve it." Si Fuqing's tone became cheerful, "We can make an appointment for dinner."

   Hearing this, Yu Xiheng gave a low smile: "Okay, I'll pick you up later."

   "Sister Sang." Si Fu leaned up and pushed open the door of the lounge, "Hold a press conference, Director Qu, please contact IFTV, I only need five minutes."

  Sang Yanqing and Qu Lingyun did not ask why, and immediately went to action.

   Soon, the invited media came to the "Light" crew and turned on the camera for live broadcast.

  Si Fuqing is their performance appraisal, and they can't wait to see how long the press conference can last.

"Hello everyone, I'm Si Fuqing." Si Fuqing smiled slightly at the camera, "I'm sorry to take up everyone's time, I'm very grateful to Mr. Lederson for letting me find out that he copied the design drawings I drew and played with when I was a child. , and found that Mr. Ladson had copied more than one."

   "My name comes from 'Fulfillment of the Building', why did Mr. Lederson design these two words?"

  The camera moves to the side, and the computer screen is a new comparison chart.

  Each picture also has the word "supporting leaning".

   Some entertainment reporters exclaimed and whispered to each other.

"Mr. Lederson has been asked three times before, and I have a fourth question here." Si Fuqing clasped his hands, his brows were calm and indifferent from beginning to end, "Did he plagiarize for too long and have not been discovered? , so you already think these designs are your own?"


   The five-minute press conference directly pushed Ledson to the bottom.

   The five pictures that Si Fuqing took out are all of Lederson's famous works.

   has completely shocked the entire fashion design industry!

   No one thought that things would come to this point.

   [Good guy, Ledson is really specific enough, he even copied so much when he caught Qingqing a goat. 】

  【I died of laughter, but the plagiarist jumped out to accuse the original creator, the big joke of the year. 】

  【Congratulations to Si Fuqing for adding another name on his way to clear the entertainment circle! Thank you Mr. Ledson for his selfless dedication! 】

  The evidence is in front of us, and any public relations tactics of LN are useless.

   Besides, what they provoked was Qu Lingyun and Lan, and there was absolutely no room for manoeuvre.

  LN immediately announced the dismissal of Ledson and apologized to the public, in order to clear the relationship and stabilize the shaky stock.

   Plagiarism is a taboo in the design world, and Ledson will not be hired by any design company in the future, and he will face huge compensation, ten times his deposit.

   He finally panicked.

  Ledson even began to wonder if the email was deliberately baiting him, otherwise how could he have landed in this situation?

  In his anger, he exhausted all the swear words in his life, and returned them all to the sender.

   If the sender's ip address is not encrypted, he will not let this person go!

   Desperate, Lederson could only go to Lan's headquarters and implore Lan to withdraw the lawsuit.

  Gu Wenzhu just came out of the elevator, and he was going to fly to the Daxia Empire to visit Si Fuqing's class.

   As for Qu Lingyun, this idiot, he didn't want to see it at all.

   is simply mindless.

"Mr. Gu!" Ledson's eyes lit up, he hurriedly stopped Gu Wenzhu, with a pleading look on his face, and his posture was very low, "For the sake of your pointing me, it is half of me. Teacher, please don't worry about it, okay?"

"I was wrong about this, I apologize, I didn't mean to plagiarize, maybe I was too impressed when I saw these design drawings, so I didn't know it when I drew it, it really wasn't intentional , I'm just learning, yes, learning, as long as you forgive me, I'm willing to work for Lan without pay!"

  Si Fuqing can only be regarded as Lan's spokesperson, as long as Lan doesn't care, Si Fuqing can't make any waves.

   "Just a spokesperson?" Gu Wenzhu saw what Ledson was thinking, he stopped and sneered, "You dare to copy the design of the right hand of God, do you think it will be finished?"

   plagiarized to his precious apprentice, no end!

   About the nickname of the right hand of God——

   Fans: Domineering and handsome

   Gu Wenzhu: My disciple's name is good

   Tilting: Silly X of the second middle school:)

   See you tomorrow~~



   (end of this chapter)

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