After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 579: Unbelievable, slap the Yin family in the face [2 more]

   Chapter 579 Unbelievable, slap the Yin family in the face [2 more]

  Without any external support.

  The man's legs are slender, his muscles are smooth, and his strength is hidden.

  Feng Zhaoyi's eyes widened suddenly, her pupils shrunk tightly, she stared at the tall and straight man with shock and disbelief on her face.

   Yu Xiheng's legs are okay?

how can that be?

  Everyone in Sijiucheng knows that the ninth master of the Yu family was born disabled. When he was over ten years old, he could not walk at all, and he did not even have the ability to stand up.

  It was also at that time that Mr. Yu gave up this son completely, and turned to start training Yu Yao and other grandchildren.

  Otherwise, as Yu Xiheng, the ladies of the Four Nine Cities would rush to marry him.

   But why did reality hit her hard again?

  How can Yu Xiheng's legs be good? !

   But this wasn't the thing that broke Feng Zhaoyi the most, and she couldn't believe the two words she heard.

  Although she was severely tortured mentally, she was not yet stupid.

   Everything proves that Yu Xiheng is the man she met in Beizhou.

  Feng Zhaoyi suddenly laughed miserably, his face extremely bleak.

   No wonder Si Fuqing was not afraid when she heard that she was going to report like Zero. Her email was clearly a big joke.

   She was played around by Si Fuqing and Yu Xiheng!

  Yu Xiheng didn't say anything, and his eyes never fell on Feng Zhaoyi for half a minute, just two words: "Let's go."

   Feng San hasn't caught up with his thinking: "Ninth Brother, are you leaving now?"

   Yu Xiheng's voice was flat: "Enough."

  Feng San glanced at Feng Zhaoyi, who had completely collapsed, let out a hiss, and left.

  Roland looked horrified.

  It is no wonder that people with zero are better at attacking hearts and minds, and the most terrifying is the lack of blood.

   is just a complement to Chief Margaret.

   But suddenly, Roland thought of a crucial thing.

"Sir, he is miserable." He trembled and said to Yue Jian in a low voice, "Do you remember when Zero wanted to marry us, we chose Chief Margaret, and the other party directly pushed their chief out. already."

   "Although this marriage didn't work out, we both know it."

   It is said that Chief Zero is not good-looking, and even robbed Chief Margaret of the goods, and the marriage went straight.

  Yuemi thought for a while: "Is there any problem with this?"

   "Big problem!" Roland slapped his hand, "Mr. Margaret didn't take a fancy to the chief of Zero, so please get along with Mr. Yu. Mr. Yu is also a high-level executive of Zero, but he can't be higher than the chief."

   "If this is passed back, the leader of Zero will have to wear a small shoe for him. Wouldn't this harm him?"

  Yue Jian thought thoughtfully: "That's the truth."

   After a pause, she hooked her lips and smiled: "Then let Margaret take him to our T18 as soon as possible, so that it doesn't exist."

  Roland scratched his head and muttered, "Why? I think he's smarter than Huo."

   He was deeply worried about the future of the Huo family.

   Yue Jian said slowly, "Let's lean on your face."

   But she must let the little junior sister stick to her heart and not be deceived first.

  Roland was dazed, shocked, and more distressed.

   It was hard for him to imagine that such a rude person, Chief Margaret, even took the path of beauty. He must have suffered a lot of grievances.

   He had to give the chief a snitch.


   On the other side, the Yin family.

  Yin Yunxi is reading a book.

  The door was pushed open at this moment, she raised her head, she was stunned when she saw the person coming, and then she was surprised: "Mom, have you come back from Free Island?"

   "The matter has come to an end." Mrs. Yin walked in and clenched her hand, "Yunxi, you must have a seat in Liberty Continent, the Yin family is still too small after all."

  Yin Yunxi pursed her lower lip and sighed: "Mom, I also want to, but it will take a long time."

  The three giants of Liberty Continent are the Holy Light Judgment Institute, Eternal Academy, and Intercontinental Research Institute, in addition to which are the four major families.

   There are only ten people on the top of the cloud, and they cannot be equal to these forces, but their status is extremely high.

   But they are not within her reach.

   "You're still young, you're early." Mrs. Yin reassured her, "Let's go, let's go to dinner, I want to see what's good about Yi'an that year."

  Today is the weekend, and it is also the time when the children of the Yin family have a dinner together.

  Yi'an will come back every week to get the resources issued by the Yin family.

  According to his sister's words, he is a **** if he doesn't take advantage of it, not to mention this is what he deserves.

   By the way, you can also grab a few meals.

  In order to let the younger generation develop better, the Yin family uses high-quality ingredients, which can allow the evolutionary to replenish energy.

  Since Nian Yi'an showed his absolute strength, his peers were very cautious when they saw him, and no one who didn't have long eyes would go to him to learn from him.

   As for Si Fuqing, who basically doesn't go back to Yin's house, even if someone wants to target her, they can't do anything wrong in Daxia under the watchful eyes of the Supernatural Administration.

   Nian Yi'an was busy cooking, ignoring the frequent glances of others.

   The dining table was unusually silent.

   Suddenly a voice broke the silence.

   is Mrs Yin.

   "Yun Xi, are you going to report to Eternal Academy soon?"

   Everyone else's eyes were focused on Yin Yunxi

  Yin Yunxi naturally knew what Mrs. Yin meant, she said modestly, "I am a student of the preparatory class, and I have already passed the assessment. When the time comes, I will help the tutor to assess the freshmen."

"It's still our Yunxi who is very good, passed the assessment of the Eternal Academy early, and has a good relationship with several deans of the Intercontinental Research Institute." Mrs. Yin smiled, "In the future, Yunxi is going to study in the inner courtyard, what do you have? You can ask her for advice wherever you can't."

   Hearing these words, the boys and girls all showed envious expressions.

  No one knows the teaching method of the Eternal Academy, only that all the teaching and assessment of the Eternal Academy are conducted in the holographic game "Eternal".

  A holographic game, but it can bring out the real items inside, which is really amazing.

   Correspondingly, the enhanced strength can also be retained.

   This is also why the students who have been trained by the Eternal Academy, even if they are not evolutionaries, are far more powerful than others.

   But the Eternal Academy is very difficult to enter. Foreigners from Liberty Continent must have a letter of recommendation, which has already cut many people off.

  Yin Yunxi was able to get the recommendation letter because she saved a lifelong honorary professor of Eternal Academy.

   "Our generation is better with Yun Xi." The elder showed a smile, "Others must learn more from Yun Xi, and they have to get the admission letter from Eternal Academy to prove themselves."

  The resources of the Yin family are all tilted towards Nian Yi'an, and he is very unpleasant.

  Yin Yaonian put the chopsticks on the table with a "pop", glanced away, and said coldly, "Enough?"

Mrs. Yin was not afraid, her smile did not change, and she continued: "I heard that Yi'an went to Xia Da? The college entrance examination in the Xia Empire is so difficult, so he studied very well, but this child is an evolutionary after all. It has to be cultivated in the way of the evolutionary."

   "What can Xia Dana teach him? In this case, it's better to let Ian follow Yunxi, so that he can learn something even if he is not a student of Eternal Academy, don't wait..."

   At this point, Mrs. Yin did not say any more.

   Click till now.

   But the words inside and outside are full of ridicule and yin and yang.

   In the early years, Mrs. Yin felt this breath in her heart.

   At that time, the tragedy of the Yin family had not happened yet, Yin Beichen and Yin Yaonian were still the most dazzling geniuses, and the light of the rest of the Yin family was obscured by the two brothers.

   of course also includes Madam Yin's husband.

   And finally, times have changed and everything has been turned upside down.

  Her daughter was the first genius of the Yin family and was able to enter the Eternal Academy. The descendants of Yin Beichen and Yin Yaonian were far inferior to Yin Yunxi.

   No matter how strong Yin Yaonian was, he still missed the opportunity to study at Eternal Academy.

   As long as Yin Yunxi can enter the inner courtyard and graduate successfully, no one in the Yin family will be able to shake her position.

   "Don't bother this aunt." Nian Yi'an smiled, "I will go to Eternal Academy to study, and my sister will also help me. I don't have the hobby of recognizing others as my sister."

   Mrs. Yin couldn't keep her smile any longer: "How do you talk?"

   "Speak with your fists." Nian Yi'an waved his hand, "Why, isn't this how evolutionaries speak?"


  The whole table fell silent.

  In the generation of the Yin family, although Yin Yunxi has the highest bloodline, she really has no fighting ability.

   And Nian Yi An has developed a balanced development in speed, defense and strength, and can be said to be a standard hexagonal fighter.

   Mrs. Yin couldn't laugh at all: "I'an, you are joking, we are all in the same family, and the fists are used outside."

   Nian Yi'an looked at her strangely: "Who is your family? Is it because you have a big face?"

   Mrs. Yin was extremely embarrassed, her face turned blue and white.

  Yin Yunxi squeezed the chopsticks and said in a low voice, "Mom, don't say anything."

  Si Fuqing's family is very unreasonable, she has seen it before.

   Mrs. Yin did not stop and continued to talk loudly.

"Jingle Bell--"

   The phone ringtone interrupted her voice.

   Mrs. Yin frowned, a little unhappy.

  Yin Yaonian has always been too lazy to talk nonsense with the Yin family, so he chose to answer the phone.

   This phone was sent to him by Si Fuqing just now. It is the latest smartphone on the cloud this year.

  Yin Yaonian is really not good at using these high-tech products. He is not familiar with the new call page, so he accidentally clicked on the speakerphone.

   The call is picked up.

"Hello, are you Nian Yi'an's parent?" In the microphone, the other party spoke a string of fluent Liberty Continent language in an authentic tone, "This is the inner courtyard of the Eternal Academy, we have already checked the information of Nian Yi'an. Now, it is confirmed that he has the qualification to enter the inner courtyard directly, but further examination is required."

"The academy learned that he has just been admitted to Xia University this year, so we don't require him to stay in the academy all the time, but we need him to complete the due coursework within the stipulated time. Will he have time to come to the Eternal Academy to take the assessment at the end of this month? Time We can negotiate."

   After I wrote this, I remembered it again. The Emperor Ying also cut off the copy of Norton University _(:з"∠)_

   See you tomorrow~



   (end of this chapter)

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