The heavy snow turned the land between the tribes into a vast white world... The fruits and monsters that can be seen everywhere have disappeared, let alone the future, even now, everyone's food It is already difficult to guarantee.

At present, almost all the orcs have gathered near the furry tribe, each of them has built a simple residence, taking care of each other, barely supporting everyone to try to survive this disaster.

For the Theocracy and the Demon King's Territory further south, during this disaster, the temperature is no different from normal winter days... But for the Beastman Kingdom, or the Principality further north, the temperature is much higher than normal. It is even colder in winter.

And the most deadly thing is not the cold, but the sudden cold that forced the orcs of the Slippery tribe to trigger hibernation, and the heavy snow that was not common in the orc country.

Snow covers many things, and food is one of them.

The only one who can be called lucky, or who can find some comfort in the disaster is... the planting industry in the Beastman Kingdom is not big, and there will be no so-called autumn harvest, so as long as this disaster is over, Then the next normal winter will be better.

This is different from the human kingdom.


"It's time for us to go back... the three survivors, please recite."


The search and rescue teams responsible for searching and rescuing those missing in the heavy snow naturally take turns... The orcs of the furry tribe, whether they are dog orcs, including birds, will participate in the rescue and take turns to rescue .

As for why people from the Slippery Tribe don't go... It's not good to give away heads.

"The last area of ​​the headquarters of the slippery tribe has been rescued, and the next few scattered tribes around... 咻~"

A rabbit-like orc female who looked very young, sniffing her nose while talking... As a female orc, and a rabbit orc, she felt uncomfortable in such weather as no surprise.

To put it simply, it is... a cold.

After all, she is the kind of person whose mana in her body is relatively scarce, so it can only be said that she is better than knowing nothing... If she was a human being, she might have been frozen to death long ago.

However, she still participated in the operation of the rescue team.

Although it was very cold, although other teams did experience situations where members unexpectedly failed to return, but if they were lucky... more comrades who should have died in the snow could survive.

This is the meaning of the existence of the rescue team, and it can even be said... Report to the group to keep warm and help each other; this is the reason for the existence of the kingdom of orcs, and it is also a deep-rooted concept between tribes and tribes, orcs and orcs.

"Rupiter, how are you doing?"

Beside the rabbit orc, a big orc with dog ears asked her this... because the rabbit orc named Rubit was not in a particularly good state from the beginning.

In this regard, Rubit shook her head decisively. Although she didn't feel very comfortable, it didn't reach the point where it could be called [unable to support it]. She responded: "I didn't..."

Before she could say the word [thing], her legs and feet were so cold that she lost consciousness, she kicked a certain bump hidden in the heavy snow... a small half of a mini tree trunk was hidden by a layer of snow, and it was frozen hard .


Very simply, Rubit fell into the snow, leaving a human-shaped pit in the calf-high snow...Of course, compared to the ordinary [human figure], there are traces of a pair of rabbit ears on this snow pit.

Seeing this, except for the three members of the rescue team who were carrying the unconscious orc on their backs, all the other members looked at this side. She got up before the others were ready to come to help her, and she didn't look too embarrassed... The snow on the ground is relatively dry.

It's not wet, it doesn't stick to the clothes badly, and wet the clothes - it's white and soft, just like balls of cotton. If it's in a normal winter day, the children in the tribe will probably like it very much, right?

But in this case, it's really unlikable.

"Are you okay?"

"Bah~ it's okay... let's go on..."

Gently spit out the saliva mixed with the melted snow in her mouth, Rubite said so, she raised her head and looked at the flying snow all over the sky... I don't know when this snow will stop, [Disaster] The name of Er] is really appropriate.

Then, in Rubit's vision, two black spots flew towards them from the sky.

In this kind of weather, there are actually birds... No! That's not a bird!

Rubit, who suddenly realized that they were two humanoid creatures, just wanted to say something to remind everyone, the two figures had already arrived in front of the search and rescue team, and landed steadily from the sky.

The visitor is so easy to recognize... Shall I go? ! Isn't that Ira?

Before they could figure it out, why did Yila, who had just completed a feat that no one has ever done before and no one to come after, come to the Beastman Kingdom at this time, and Yila had already explained her intentions——

"I'm Ira, Ira Alcaras, and I'm on my way to the extreme north to investigate this disaster. I heard that this disaster has caused you a lot of trouble. Passing by... see See if the land of the orcs needs help."

Ira said so...


Need help? This kind of question is almost unnecessary to ask...

Yes, we need help badly, whether it's food or shelter, whether it's the freezing cold or lost relatives, these are the difficult problems that the Orc Search and Rescue Team wants to blurt out.

But to a certain extent, here represents the beastman country, and it is not good to owe Iraq a favor, not because it is not good to owe a favor, but to represent the beastman country.

Or maybe Ira has other plans... Then the best choice is to go back to the tribe to discuss it before making a decision.

But no matter what, no matter what, there is no room for some things to take their time... Every minute and every second that passes may be the gap between life and death for a person or family buried in the heavy snow.

This is the end of the matter, and they must gladly accept any help.

"Can...can you help us, search the nearby snowdrifts, are there any members of our tribe buried here? It doesn't refer to the vicinity, but the vicinity of the slippery tribe."

Regarding the rabbit orc's request, Ira and Ernie looked at each other...


Coincidentally, this is the [only] thing they are going to do when they come to the Beastman Country to help.

"Jaier (the surname of a human woman, she was called by the previous three characters), it's up to you."

Ernie said so.


Vereesa: "What agreement did you reach with her? Why don't I know?"

Human woman: "..."

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