There was an old atmosphere in the underground secret room. Su Zhe was surrounded by a cabinet on his right hand.

In the center of the room, there is a coffin and a bed.

On the left is a chair and table.

There was a dusty lever on the table. Lin Shiqing stepped forward and pulled it directly.

Click, click...

The sound of continuous gear rotation sounded, and Su Zhe felt as if he was in the heart of a giant steel beast, surrounded by precise mechanical structures that made sounds as they moved.

At the entrance of the villa, Mithril Ground Thorns are ready to attack. As long as the enemy steps on the nearby pressure plate, they will eject and take away the enemy's life.

From every corner of the room, well-installed mithril arrows and crossbows were quietly poked out.

In addition to these cold weapons, there are also some modern thermal weapons, laser rays have been turned on, and hairspring grids...

Cold weapons made of mithril can maximize damage.

After a sharp blade made of mithril scratches a vampire, the wound cannot be healed within a short period of time, and the surrounding skin will gradually fester.

Thermal weapons are a complement to cold weapons. After all, they are still carbon-based organisms, and the damage caused by thermal weapons is also considerable.

But the premise is that these organs can hit.

The mechanisms in the villa are hidden in the darkness, waiting for opportunities to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy.

"This is the defense system of the villa, but the enemies this time are a bit too strong. I'm afraid it's impossible to stop them." Lin Shiqing's face was a little gloomy.

"You mentioned to me the realm of the vampires last time. Are those enemies stronger than you? Level four?" Su Zhe guessed.

Lin Shiqing shook her head: "It would be better if they were at the fourth level. They are at least the sixth level and are more powerful than Uncle Ye."

Su Zhe couldn't help but become solemn after hearing this.

The situation seemed to be much worse than he thought.

"Be careful, even though he is just a weak Eastern vampire, you can't be careless.

Remember that time in Guangcheng? There was actually an arrow and crossbow mechanism made by Mithril, which almost caused me serious injury. "

Kasha and Kevin were already standing at the door of the villa, and they were much more serious because of their previous lessons.

Kevin narrowed his eyes slightly, then stretched out his right hand, and a ball of blood-red energy gradually condensed in the palm of his hand.

"Let's just explode. In the East, this is called 'one force defeats all laws'. In the face of absolute power, any trick is just a cloud."

"You are becoming more and more Oriental in your speech. I really doubt whether you can speak Italian." Kasha said speechlessly.

"To be honest, many languages ​​and cultures in the East are indeed very interesting. Sometimes, I feel that my previous view of the East was too narrow."

The blood-red energy ball in Kevin's hand was about the size of a football. He flicked his arm and the energy ball exploded at the gate.


The door was blown open, and broken steel fragments were scattered everywhere.

Crimson flame-like energy dissipated in mid-air, gradually disappearing like a bright firework.

"Look at the exposed mithril thorns on the ground. This mechanism should not be underestimated."

After the bombing just now, the ground thorns that originally served as defense mechanisms turned out and were very messy.

"It's okay to fool some inexperienced people with this trick, but to me, it's already a child's trick." Kevin said disdainfully, and then walked into the villa.

His steps were bold and steady, and he carefully observed his surroundings. Even the slightest disturbance could not escape his perception.

Kai'Sa followed closely behind, and with the cooperation of the two, the so-called defense system did not play much role in the end.

Whether it was the ferocious mithril crossbow or the laser thermal weapon, they were all destroyed by Kevin's energy ball.

Explosions continued, and the entire villa became desolate.

"The fluctuation of the Eastern vampire is underground and should be nearby." Kevin called out to Kasha.

"I feel it too." Kasha nodded.

There was a lot of noise between the two, but Kevin had already made enough preparations.

The residents of the surrounding villas have all been hypnotized by him, and there is no conscious human being within an eight-kilometer radius.

He will not let the situation expand and attract the attention of the authorities or even more people.

Imagine that a nearby resident noticed something unusual and called the police. Then the police came here. Things would become very complicated by then.

They can kill those policemen, but that will definitely cause a lot of trouble. You know, they still have to live in a human city. Once they are targeted by the police, it will be difficult to live an easy life.

Of course, Lin Shiqing couldn't be stupid and call the police for help.

Using human legal security systems to restrain vampires is a joke in itself.

On the one hand, even if ordinary policemen hold guns, they are no match for Kevin and Kasha.

In the face of the powerful sixth-level vampires, only by dispatching a large number of troops or the top combat power among humans, "extraordinary beings", can they be subdued.

Kevin began to bombard the floor of the villa, and the raging blood-red energy balls were about to turn the place into ruins.

Collapsed floors, scattered wood chips, and reinforced concrete exploded piece by piece.

The soil has begun to turn, and it won't be long before they discover the underground chamber.

Feeling the turmoil, Lin Shiqing's face became more and more solemn.

Although the underground secret room is very strong and tightly wrapped with hard steel, under such an offensive, it is only a matter of time before it breaks.

"Lin Shiqing, I have a way that may help us overcome this difficulty." Su Zhe stood up, his eyes shining with a ray of light in the dark secret room.

"What solution?" Lin Shiqing was stunned.

She has reached the end of her rope and has even planned to write her last words...

She didn't know what Su Zhe, as a human being, could do, and she had no hope.

"I have a skill, which is a special ability to pause time, but I don't know if this skill will work on those Western vampires.

Rather than sit here and wait for death, why not go out and try to break the situation. "

Su Zhe then showed Lin Shiqing the 'Time Stop' skill, which is currently his most powerful skill.

In order to save mental energy, he only turned it on for a moment.

The next moment, Lin Shiqing felt as if there was an invisible fishing net wrapping her tightly, so that she could not move her fingers.

Kevin and Kasha, who were above the ground, also noticed something unusual.

They were also affected by the 'Time Stop' skill just now.

"Did you have a feeling that we were 'stuck' just now?" Kevin asked doubtfully, "At that moment, I felt like I couldn't move my whole body."

"Really! I had the same feeling just now. I thought it was my illusion." Kasha nodded in agreement.

"Forget it, it shouldn't be a big deal. I have a hunch that we will find that Eastern vampire soon."

Kevin didn't take what happened just to heart and continued to throw the blood-red energy ball in his hand.

The huge impact caused by the explosion caused the soil underground to fly, forming a large pit.

Kasha and Kevin get busy together.

After the two men continued bombing, they finally saw a flash of silver, which was the outer wall of the underground secret room!

Kevin's face lit up with joy: "It's right here."

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