"Do you remember the first time we met?"

Lin Shiqing was stunned for a moment, as the dark cloudy sky appeared in her mind.

She ordered a cup of coffee in the coffee shop of Binhai University, but was suddenly attracted by a burst of fragrant and fresh blood.

That was her first meeting with Su Zhe.

At that time, Lin Shiqing happened to be choosing a partner for her first adult ceremony.

She had already explored many boys and even girls in the school, but the blood energy on their bodies did not meet the standards.

It's still too difficult after all... Higher blood quality requires not only talent, but also self-discipline.

But among today's young people, there are few who are not indulgent.

And just when Lin Shiqing was disheartened, Su Zhe broke into Lin Shiqing's sight unexpectedly, like an accident.

"Well, I fell in love with you at that time, so I asked you to use WeChat, and later I chatted with you on WeChat.

Just three days after we got to know each other, I invited you to come to my house as a guest, and it remains until now. "

There are so many memories... they have experienced a lot between them.

Perhaps no couple who has been together for a year has experienced as many things and ups and downs as they have in the past few days.

"It was on the day you invited me to your home that I learned that you were a vampire."

Su Zhe made a recollection.

Lin Shiqing's face froze: "It turns out that you already knew...

But since you already know, why are you still here? "

"Because I have a mission."

Su Zhe paused and continued.

"If you suck my blood once, I will complete my mission.

You have always been wondering why I can't absorb all the blood. That's because I have a physique with unlimited blood recovery. This physique can help me quickly restore blood.

As long as you don't suck up all my blood at once, the lost blood will be restored in a short period of time.

In addition, I can also transform into a vampire, as you have seen before, time and time. "

Lin Shiqing looked surprised.

"Although I don't know exactly how you did it, I think your physique is indeed very powerful."

Su Zhe smiled slightly: "Indeed... people's physiques cannot be generalized. My physique is indeed like a miracle."

After talking so much with Lin Shiqing, the main reason is that Su Zhe already trusts Lin Shiqing.

And Lin Shiqing trusted him enough.

However, the mutual trust was not enough for Su Zhe to say what he said now.

There is a deeper reason——

That is, benefit!

He and Lin Shiqing are now bound by interests. No matter what, Lin Shiqing has no reason to be disadvantageous to him.

Su Zhe organized his words and said, "You mentioned before that my blood quality improved very quickly.

The higher the quality of blood, the better it will be for you to break through the realm and improve the purity of your bloodline.

After my analysis, it was the increase in my attributes that led to the improvement in blood quality.

This has formed a cycle——

In the first step, I am sucked by you, and my attributes are increased and the quality of my blood is improved. In the second step, when you suck my blood, your strength and blood purity are improved.

After you sucked my blood in the second step, I got the opportunity to increase my attributes and blood quality. Repeatedly, your and my strength will grow like a snowball. "

Lin Shiqing was silent for a moment. She needed some time to digest such shocking news.

After telling everything, Su Zhe felt much more relaxed.

These words are spoken after careful consideration.

There is indeed a risk in doing so. After all, telling another person your secret has two consequences, either trust or betrayal.

But if it is not explained clearly, many things cannot be reasonably explained at all.

A mysterious human being with a miraculous blood-recovering physique and powerful skills, but what is the reason for all this?

Being burdened with many mysteries will make Lin Shiqing suspicious of Su Zhe.

Lin Shiqing is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. Even though she always looks cold on the outside, Su Zhe knows that her heart is soft and longs for someone to accompany her and give her warmth.

In addition, after confessing, it will also help Su Zhe complete his subsequent tasks.

For example, if there is a bug, try to suck 500 ml of blood and then spit it out to see if you will get the task reward?

And the blood-sucking frequency is higher, for example, allowing Lin Shiqing to speed up digestion and maximize task rewards.

The system prompted him to establish a 'bond' with Lin Shiqing. As long as the system exists, he and Lin Shiqing will be inseparable...

He will have to show his cards sooner or later, so why not make everything clear now?

If there was no system, he would only be sucked a certain amount of blood on the night he dated Lin Shiqing, and nothing else would happen.

"You just said you can become a vampire, can you show it to me?

I'm very curious about how a human can become a vampire at will. This is so contrary to common sense. "

After a long silence, Lin Shiqing asked.

Su Zhe nodded and immediately activated the skill.

The next moment, a faint crimson covered Su Zhe's body like a gauze.

Pupils turn red, fangs grow, and heart stops beating.

The time now is eight o'clock in the morning, the curtains of the ward are tightly closed, and the room is relatively dark.

In such a dim environment, the crimson color on Su Zhe's body flickered slightly, confusing and strange.

If you look closely, you can see that the crimson on his body is exactly the same as the crimson on Lin Shiqing and the two Western vampires last night.

"It really smells like a vampire!"

Lin Shiqing said in disbelief.

"My mental strength has not fully recovered, and the previous attempts have used up the blood-red energy in my body, so it is a bit difficult to use this skill suddenly." Su Zhe explained.

After a day of recovery, the blood-red energy in Su Zhe's body had only recovered one-third.

With such a slow recovery speed, he will definitely not waste blood energy casually in the future.

After witnessing Su Zhe becoming a vampire, Lin Shiqing was a little shaken.

She was silent for a long time, her thoughts confused.

Are you dreaming?

I remember the last time I was so shocked was when I was bleeding Su Zhe.

She released a large basin full of Su Zhe's blood, but Su Zhe was still safe and sound, and her world view almost collapsed.

Su Zhe suddenly remembered that he still had some things he needed to ask Lin Shiqing.

After he used the 'Transform into a Vampire' skill yesterday, he has never learned how to control the blood energy.

He wanted to ask Lin Shiqing if there was any skill involved.

How can one manipulate the blood energy, condense it, gather it into energy balls at will, or heal wounds, etc.

A qualified vampire must learn how to use blood energy, which is what Su Zhe will work on later.

"Lin Shiqing, I have one thing to ask you. Do you know how to control this blood-red energy?

Although I can now transform into a vampire, I have never been able to manipulate the blood energy as I wish. "

Su Zhe suddenly asked.

Lin Shiqing looked at Su Zhe with complicated eyes, and then replied: "The blood energy you mentioned should refer to blood energy.

This strange energy is one of the vampire's main means of attack. The most commonly used method is to condense blood energy into energy balls and throw them to cause damage.

In addition, blood energy also has a very good effect on healing wounds. For example, after I sucked your blood before, part of the blood energy will cover your wound, and your wound will heal quickly.

As for how to control blood energy...actually, I don't know how to say it.

This should be something you need to explore by yourself. I remember when the first trace of blood energy was born in my body, I naturally knew how to control it, like a subconscious action.

But after Uncle Ye comes back, you can ask him. He is in a similar situation to you. He has also changed from a human to a vampire. He should have some experience on how to manipulate blood energy. "

Su Zhe felt a little regretful when he didn't get any tips from Lin Shiqing.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Just like a baby sucking milk, it is an instinct, an instinct imprinted in genes.

The blood race has been passed down for thousands of years, and manipulating blood energy has become an instinct for them.

As a human being, if you want to control blood energy, it will definitely take a while to get used to it.

It seems that there is still a long way to go to completely control blood energy.

However, according to Su Zhe's speculation, after trying at most two more times, he would be able to initially control the blood energy.

As long as you get started, the rest will be easy.

"I have a question. If you can switch back and forth between humans and vampires, will you also have thousands of years of life like the vampires?"

Su Zhe was stunned. He really didn't know how to answer this question.

"I don't know either. Maybe we'll have an answer after a few decades." Su Zhe shook his head.

Regarding God's gift and the inexplicable system, Su Zhe had limited information.

But according to his inference, as his strength grows, he should be able to know more information.

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