"Wait a minute, I think I have a new idea."

Su Zhe interrupted Lin Shiqing, with a mysterious look on his face.

If you suck blood and then spit it out, the reward will be withdrawn.

Then, if you swipe the number of lottery draws, you should draw the lottery first before vomiting blood. If the reward is good, keep it. If it is not good, you will vomit blood and start again.

Does this allow you to get 100% of the best rewards?

Thinking of this, Su Zhe's eyes lit up.

After telling Lin Shiqing about this method, Lin Shiqing was also very excited.

The two then began a new round of experiments.


Twenty minutes later, Su Zhe drew two secondary prizes but didn't get anything good, so he asked Lin Shiqing to spit out all the blood.

This is very tiring for Lin Shiqing...

But she was still very cooperative. After all, if Su Zhe could become stronger, she would also benefit a lot.

Just when Su Zhe was about to do it for the third time.

The system prompt sounded in my ears——

【Ding! It has been detected that the host has failed too many times. Please note that if the host fails the task more than twice in the future, 50% of the host's all attribute points will be deducted.

Please host to avoid failure to avoid lowering attribute points! 】

Okay, this method won't work either...

It seems that this bug is really not that easy to fix.

Pretty boy Su Zhe was speechless.


Afterwards, Lin Shiqing started sucking blood normally.

If you can't fix the bug, just complete the task...

Su Zhe thought carefully that he would need to be sucked blood countless times in his future life. Although the pain was always uncomfortable, he still had to try to accept it.

It's like those days when girls come every month and can't eat ice cream, which is very uncomfortable.

Rather than resisting something that must be experienced, it is better to choose to accept it and even enjoy it.

After overcoming the psychological barrier to pain, Su Zhe could even selectively ignore the stinging pain of radioactivity on his neck.

The blood on his neck was sucked bit by bit by Lin Shiqing, but elegant piano music was playing in Su Zhe's mind.

The notes flowed illusively one by one, and he felt comfortable smelling the fragrance of Lin Shiqing.

When the focus is not on the pain, all the pain will become shallow.

Six minutes later, Lin Shiqing was done, ending the short-lasting blood sucking.

Just like what happened nearly ten times before, she wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, then slowly turned over and lay next to Su Zhe.

There is a crystal ceiling lamp on the ceiling, surrounded by carefully carved patterns. Well, it is very beautiful.

Su Zhe thought to himself.

The two of them were silent, Lin Shiqing slowly digested the blood she had just sucked, and showed a satisfied smile.

Clearing his mind, Su Zhe began to think about something.

The reward for completing the blood-sucking just now has been distributed. His lost attribute points have been recovered, as well as a chance to draw a lottery.

There are still about ten points left before his average attribute value reaches 50 points, and he will have the opportunity to open the second level prize pool.

Lin Shiqing told him that her digestion capacity is about 500 ml/2-3 days.

Sometimes after engaging in some physically demanding activities, she would suck in more blood to make up for the lack of physical strength.

However, it takes time to convert the sucked blood into physical strength and energy. This is why Lin Shiqing fell into a deep sleep after sucking a large amount of Su Zhe's blood.

Based on this calculation, Lin Shiqing could suck blood once every two days at the earliest.

This also means that Su Zhe can obtain 15 all attribute points and 15 lottery opportunities in a month.

After several previous lottery experiences, Su Zhe found that the lottery is very efficient in obtaining attribute points, often 5 or 10 points, but sometimes he is unlucky and only gets 1 point.

The probability of having extremely bad luck is as high as having excellent luck. Su Zhe is not worried that he will not get the worst reward every time.

He decided to take a middle value. Assuming that one lottery could obtain five or more attribute points, then 15 lottery opportunities a month would bring about a 75-point increase in all attributes.

This assumption is based on the fact that there is no "European Emperor". If he gets a critical hit and gets 10 or 20 attribute points at once, his strength will also take a leap.

In addition, he will be able to open the second-level prize pool immediately. The prizes in the second-level prize pool will definitely be much richer than those in the first-level prize pool.

Maybe you can get even more attribute points.

In addition to attribute points, Su Zhe also hopes to extract some other skills.

The addition of skills to personal strength is obviously very powerful.

But you still need to be strong to make iron. In last night's battle with the Western Vampires, if Su Zhe's mental attribute points were higher, the 'time stop' time imposed on them would be longer, and everything would be more calm.

He will not be mentally exhausted and his hair will become snow-white.

Attribute points are the foundation of everything. If you only have powerful skills without attribute points as support, it will be a rootless tree with limited effects.

Jingle Bell.

The ringtone of the mobile phone broke the silence of the night.

Lin Shiqing stood up and picked up her mobile phone from the bedside table.

It turned out to be Uncle Ye's phone number.

"Hey, Uncle Ye, are you okay over there in the clan?" Lin Shiqing said excitedly.

Since I can receive the call, it should be safe over there.

"I'm dad, Xiaoqing. Is there anything wrong with you? I see you made a lot of phone calls. Alas, a lot of things happened in the clan these days, and I never had time to turn on my phone."

"Dad, how could it be you? What happened to the clan?" Lin Shiqing suddenly had an ominous premonition.

“Those bastards in the west killed many people, but we survived and we won.

Now that the clan is safe, I'm thinking you can come back as soon as possible.

In addition, Ye Hui might... be executed. "

"What?" Lin Shiqing's expression suddenly changed, "Why did you kill Uncle Ye? He couldn't have done anything bad!"

"He didn't do anything bad. In this battle, he did his best and helped the family kill several Western vampires, which is a great contribution.

But you know that once the blood master dies, the blood slave will be executed.

Lin Meng died in this battle, so Ye Hui also lost the Blood Lord's control over him.

Without restraint, the family could not guarantee that he would not do something outrageous. Killing him was for the safety of the family. "

Lin Shiqing's body began to tremble. She bit her lips and said word by word: "I don't agree. Uncle Ye shouldn't be killed. He has always been very good to me."

"But it is the family's iron rule to kill blood slaves who have lost their blood master. I..."

"Dad, please save Uncle Ye, I beg you." Lin Shiqing's voice was mixed with a faint cry.

"Alas, Ye Hui is safe for the time being. He is trapped in the blood prison. You should come back first and talk about it later.

By the way, Ye Hui also said that you captured a human being. Remember to bring that human to the family. Ye Hui said that his blood seems to be of high quality and the clan members will like it. "

After a pause, Lin Shaohua continued: "I still have some things to deal with. You should remember that there will be someone to pick you up on the way back to the clan."

Toot, toot.

The call was hung up.

Lin Shiqing's eyes were confused for a while as she tried hard to digest the complicated information from her father's mouth just now.

The room was very quiet, and Su Zhe heard all the conversation clearly.

He was secretly frightened, but he didn't expect that his clan's side would also be attacked by the Western Vampires.

What a bunch of desperate guys.

He also sympathized with Ye Hui a little, but before sympathizing with Ye Hui, he should sympathize with himself more.

If he went to the tribe as a human being, he would undoubtedly be under house arrest forever and become a blood-making machine with no freedom.

But he couldn't just leave. He was already bound to Lin Shiqing.


Su Zhe looked at the 'Vampire Transformation' skill in his skill bar in his mind.

If he pretends to be embraced by Lin Shiqing for the first time, then even if he returns to the tribe with her, he will not be sucked by other vampires.

As long as you become a vampire, no one will doubt the authenticity of this matter.

I also thought about other methods, but without exception, they all had many loopholes and were not feasible.

The best way is to become a vampire, pretend to be Lin Shiqing's blood slave, and return to the clan together.

At the same time, he can also initially integrate into the world of the vampires and learn more about this magical group.

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