After Lin Tai and Lin Shiqing chatted for a few words, they noticed Su Zhe not far away.

"This is?"

Lin Tai hesitated and looked at Lin Shiqing with questioning eyes.

He noticed the fluctuations of the blood clan from Su Zhe's body.

But it was obvious that Su Zhe was definitely not from the family.

Is it a foreign clan?

Thoughts surged for a moment, and Lin Tai's eyes flickered.

"Uncle Tai, this is Su Zhe, my... blood slave." Lin Shiqing looked at Su Zhe and introduced.

"Blood slave?" Lin Tai looked surprised, "When did you first have a baby? I never heard from your father. Besides, you have just reached adulthood and you have a baby at this time. Have you really thought about it?" ?"

The first embrace is not an easy thing. It requires the vampire to inject their own essence and blood into the human body in order to complete the first embrace.

The amount of essence and blood consumed by the first embrace is not a small amount, and it will even cause a certain degree of regression in strength.

"Uncle Tai, my first love is my own business. I haven't told my father yet, but I will explain it to him after returning to the clan." Lin Shiqing explained.

"You...well, you are too impulsive. Having a baby at such a young age will affect your future potential."

Lin Tai clearly felt that Lin Shiqing's aura was a little sluggish, which should be the sequelae of her first love.

What he didn't know was that Lin Shiqing's weakening aura was caused by the battle with the two Western vampires the night before yesterday, not her first love.

This was also part of the plan. The first embrace had a great impact on the body. If Lin Shiqing was completely fine, then it would be difficult to believe that she had embraced Su Zhe for the first time.

If you want to make something that doesn't exist convincing, you must pay attention to logic and details.

Before coming to Silver Moon Town, Su Zhe had rehearsed the whole thing in his mind countless times. While making up for many loopholes, he also added many new variables.

"Since I am your blood slave, let's go back to the clan with you, but I'm sure your father will be very angry." Lin Tai shook his head and acquiesced to Su Zhe's existence.

In Silver Moon Town, there are two herbal medicine companies, both of which are owned by the Lin family.

Lin Tai is the general manager of one of the herbal medicine companies, Shentai Pharmaceutical.

In addition to being responsible for some herbal medicine business, he is also mainly responsible for collecting the daily blood needed and dealing with some people who get in the way.

Shentai Pharmaceutical's herbal medicine business is just a front. All the top executives of this company are vampires. They work together and do many shady things for the Lin family.

When Lin Tai came over, he drove a Maybach S480, which is the latest model this year. The black body has a golden luster in the sunset.

"We will set off at nine o'clock tonight. It will take a total of two or three hours to return to the clan. During this period, we may encounter some ferocious beasts. I will deal with them. Xiaoqing, you and your blood slaves should follow me closely."

When Su Zhe and Lin Shiqing got into the car and sat down, Lin Tai asked in a deep voice the details of returning to the clan tonight.

Lin Shiqing nodded while listening.

After talking about returning to the tribe, Lin Shiqing couldn't help but ask about the attack by the Western Vampires a few days ago.

"Uncle Tai, my dad said those Western vampires are here again. How is the situation of the family this time?"

Lin Tai was silent for a while after hearing this, and then sighed.

"More than ten clan members died. Those Western Vampire clans are all lunatics. They attacked desperately. We tried our best to stop them, and the clan territory was temporarily defended.

Among the more than ten clan members who died, there was your Aunt Lin Meng. She loved you the most back then and even let her blood slaves take care of you. It has been nearly two hundred years now, right? "

Su Zhe's mind moved.

Uncle Tai's reference to Lin Meng's blood slave should be referring to Ye Hui.

"Uncle Tai, I heard from my dad that Aunt Lin Meng's blood slave, Uncle Ye Hui, who has been taking care of me, will be executed, right?"

"Yes, once the blood master dies, the blood slave must be killed. This is an iron rule that the family has followed for thousands of years."

"No, Uncle Ye Hui has made so many contributions to the family, why should he be killed? This is unfair!" Lin Shiqing said excitedly, "Uncle Tai, please talk to the elders of the family, they will Consider letting Uncle Ye Hui go."

"Xiaoqing, it's not that I don't want to help you. These are the rules. Do you understand what the rules are? No one can break the rules." Lin Tai shook his head, "The family has been like this for thousands of years."

"It's always been like this, right?" Lin Shiqing said word by word.

Lin Tai was speechless for a moment.

"I don't know if it's right or not, but it makes sense to execute the blood slaves. Without the control of the blood master, they are likely to cause chaos. The family also considers their safety."

Lin Shiqing stopped talking. She leaned on her seat, feeling weak for a while.

Su Zhe would not talk too much under such circumstances. He wanted to be an honest 'blood slave' and not be noticed by anyone.

Before you have sufficient strength, acting rashly is seeking death.

He immediately turned his attention to the window and observed the situation in the entire Silver Moon Town.

Among all kinds of people, many are here for tourism.

As a tourist attraction, Silver Moon Town is qualified. There are many B&Bs and landscapes with local customs, as well as specialty restaurants and shops everywhere.

Lin Tai's car was driving on the main road of Yinyue Town. Because it was a weekend and the passenger flow was heavy, the main road was somewhat congested, so that the car kept stopping and going and could not pick up the speed.

Silver Moon Town is not a big place, and at a speed of less than thirty kilometers per hour, Lin Tai's car drove to the edge of the other side in less than half an hour.

They will rest temporarily and wait until nightfall before setting off again.

Night is the home court of the vampires. When the moonlight is shrouded, no matter what kind of ferocious beast it is, it will not pose the slightest threat.

It makes sense for the Lin family to set up their clan in Silver Moon Mountain, where ferocious beasts are infested. No one can easily reach the depths, which saves them a lot of trouble.

Now that online media is so developed, if one day the tribe is broadcast live by an outdoor anchor, things will be difficult to control.

"Let's go get some food first. Walking at night consumes a lot of energy. Xiaoqing, you just finished having sex for the first time and you are in a bad state. Remember to take a good rest for a while." Lin Tai specially warned.

The Lin family built a villa in Silver Moon Town near the mountain entrance as a resting place for the clan members.

Outside this residential area, there is a black steel fence of more than four meters and equipped with an electric grid.

The villa area is covered with locust trees. Looking from the outside in, you can only see a few dark exterior walls.

"Xiaoqing, a group of human slaves with good physiques have recently arrived. Their blood tastes good. If you try it later, you will definitely like it." Lin Tai said with a smile.

Lin Shiqing nodded and then looked at Su Zhe.

That look seems to be saying: No matter how delicious it is, can it be as good as yours?

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