After Being Spotted By The Vampire School Beauty, I Got Numb

-62- ‘Miejie Shitai’ Means Compromise

As soon as Su Zhe entered the classroom, he saw Zhang Zilin.

Zhang Zilin is a familiar friend of his in the class.

In college, even if you are a major, you are not necessarily familiar with it.

More can only be described as casual acquaintances.

There are many classmates from all over the world. Su Zhe has taken classes with them for several semesters, but he still doesn't know their names.

Zhang Zilin is a bit fat and likes to play an open world game called Yuanshen.

In addition to playing Yuanshen, he also likes to watch anime.

It’s full of various buffs.

All in all, he is a somewhat two-dimensional otaku.

Several times before, Su Zhe wanted to invite him to participate in some multi-person activities, but he refused.

According to him, how can these three-dimensional girls be as fragrant as his two-dimensional wife?

Sure enough, Su Zhe walked behind Zhang Zilin and saw that this guy was indeed playing with his soul.

Although he has already reached the "grassroots stage" and the content of the current version has basically graduated, he still enjoys the daily commissions.

"Still playing, is this game really that fun?"

To be honest, Su Zhe didn't quite understand.

Maybe he himself is not the audience for this kind of game.

Hearing Su Zhe's voice, Zhang Zilin was startled and turned around quickly.

"Su Zhe! You are finally back!"

After being away for half a month, Zhang Zilin felt that Su Zhe had become more handsome for some reason.

His posture is also more muscular, and his muscles seem to be bigger.

Is this an illusion?

"Haha, long time no see!"

Su Zhe sat down next to Zhang Zilin.

"I thought you failed. You haven't come to class for so long."

Su Zhe glanced helplessly at Zhang Zilin.

"Can't you hope for me to be better?"

"Okay, okay, then I guess you were picked up by a rich woman and you saved yourself decades of detours, so it doesn't matter whether you come to school or not. Am I right?"

Su Zhe was stunned.

Zhang Zilin actually guessed it right!

Although I didn't completely guess it right.

"Damn it, you are not really right!" Zhang Zilin said in surprise, hugging Su Zhe's arm, "My good brother, you have achieved enlightenment by yourself, don't forget me!"

"You kid, stop making blind guesses. I'm dating a vampire these days." Su Zhe said in a deep voice.

"Tch, you might as well say you went to cultivate immortality." Zhang Zilin sneered.

"Forget it if you don't believe it." Su Zhe shrugged.

The world is like this, sometimes if you tell the truth, no one will believe it.

Zhang Zilin continued to look at the phone screen and played with his soul.

Seeing how obsessed he was, Su Zhe couldn't help but ask, "Is this game really fun?"

"I think it's quite fun anyway."

Zhang Zilin answered while tapping the screen.

"By the way, there's something." Zhang Zilin said suddenly.


Su Zhe looked at Zhang Zilin warily.

Every time something is said, it is definitely not good.

"Could it be borrowing money?" Su Zhe guessed.

As long as there is something, ninety-nine percent of the time it is borrowing money.

"Yes." Zhang Zilin said with a sad look on his face, "My luck is really bad this time. I have had several guarantees in a row, and my living expenses for this month have basically been covered.

You can't just ignore me, help me. "

Zhang Zilin said pitifully.

"You are so good. You actually spent all your living expenses just to draw cards. I really admire you.

I'll lend you 1,000, is that enough? "

Although Su Zhe now has a lot of money, his brother is still settling the accounts. He cannot be like that kind of nouveau riche who just throws a bunch of money to others.

Before that, Zhang Zilin often borrowed money from Su Zhe, but he always borrowed money and repaid it.

Therefore, when Zhang Zilin opens his mouth, Su Zhe will lend it to him without hesitation.

"Thank you, Brother Zhe, you are my god."

After receiving the money, Zhang Zilin picked up his phone again and immersed himself in the world of Yuanshen.

There was still some time before class started, so Su Zhe had nothing to do and opened the school forum.

There are many sections on the school's forum, and students from our school like to post on them.

What he didn't expect was that he actually saw his photo on a post.

In the photo, he is standing next to the big G, and in the front right is Lin Shiqing holding a black umbrella.

It was that scene in the morning.

With this photo, I'm afraid many people will start gossiping again.

But this was also within Su Zhe's expectation.

After all, Lin Shiqing was the school beauty, and he had a relatively close relationship with her, so it was normal to have some gossip.

"By the way, Su Zhe, this is the first period of Master Miejie's class. It's absolutely miserable for you. After skipping so many classes, she will definitely give you a good beating." Zhang Zilin said with some sympathy.

Su Zhe was noncommittal upon hearing this.

Senior Mathematics teacher Zhu Mengying was the teacher who called him before, but he finally hung up.

At that time, Zhu Mengying was hung up on the phone and she was so angry that she stormed off.

Among the teachers, she had the biggest temper, so she was jokingly called the Master of Extinction by her students.

Su Zhe didn't care. Ye Hui should have already said hello to the school. He wouldn't worry about what Zhu Mengying would do to him.

He said he was not panic at all, and even looked forward to it.

I'm afraid there aren't many people in the whole school who can toughen the teacher, right?

Jingle Bell.

The school bell rang and Zhu Mengying walked into the classroom.

When she saw Su Zhe at the back of the classroom, her pupils began to tremble.

The scene when the department head came to see her a week ago quickly appeared in her mind.

The dean of the department told her not to embarrass Su Zhe. Su Zhe was related to the school's largest director. If she wanted to find trouble with Su Zhe, even he wouldn't be able to save Zhu Mengying.

Zhu Mengying was completely dumbfounded. As an older teacher, she had seniors and juniors. Losing her job would have a huge impact on her life.

She had no choice but to endure it!

Sighing in her heart, Zhu Mengying lowered her head and pretended not to see Su Zhe.

Unable to get the sand out of her eyes, she finally bowed her head.

"Next, let's talk about the general solution of the second-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients, and the steps to solve the equation similar to y''+ay'+by=0..."

Zhang Zilin was particularly shocked when he saw that Zhu Mengying did not find anything to do with Su Zhe and started teaching directly.

"I'll go, what's going on, you're okay!" Zhang Zilin looked at Su Zhe as if he had seen a ghost.

"Low-key, low-key." The corners of Su Zhe's mouth turned up slightly, but he didn't explain.

"I don't believe it. She probably won't bother you until after class." Zhang Zilin didn't believe it. "Maybe she didn't notice you either."

"Hey, you're still so stubborn." Su Zhe smiled and shook his head, confident.

Zhu Mengying's teaching ability is average. As an old teacher, she has been unable to adapt to the development of the times over the years. Her teaching methods are also a bit old. Her lectures are extremely boring. Listening to her class is very helpful for sleeping.

Su Zhe slept very well last night, and he was still a vampire. He shouldn't have felt sleepy at first, but at this moment, he was still groggy and almost fell asleep.

High math is really boring.

However, with the improvement of his attributes, his learning efficiency is now much higher.

Just listen to a few sentences and you will completely understand a knowledge point.

Su Zhe couldn't help but think that if he went back to high school to prepare for the college entrance examination, with the learning ability given by his current mental strength, it would not be difficult for him to go to Peking University and Tsinghua University.

In class, most students are playing with their mobile phones.

In addition, there are many couples sitting together, holding hands from time to time, and talking quietly together.

Zhu Mengying usually turns a blind eye to such situations.

She will only scold students unless they go too far and their actions are too obvious.

There are too many students in a lecture theater. If we insist on getting the best of them, I am afraid we will have to spend more than half of each class on discipline.

That was really tiring.

Although Zhu Mengying is strict, she is not stupid.

The most she can do is check attendance, and at the same time catch some people who are too blatantly playing with their mobile phones to serve as a warning to others.

Just passable on the surface.

Su Zhe really went too far before, openly provoking her and hanging up her phone, which made her so angry.

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