In the silent basement, the sound of ticking, ticking, like dripping liquid kept echoing.

It was very dark here, and there was a smell of blood in the air.

In the deepest part, there was a prison-like space, surrounded by an iron fence.

The fence covers the upper and lower parts, dividing the space.

As if afraid of the people in the prison escaping, there are many iron thorn strips on it.

In the prison, an iron frame stood with a figure tied to it.

"You know very well that bloodletting cannot kill me..."

Su Zhe raised his head slightly, his face was haggard, and he looked at the beautiful figure in front of him.

"I don't want to kill you...I want you to remember that the only person you have to love is me."

Lin Shiqing raised her head and stroked Su Zhe's cheek with her slender hands like catkins.

"When did I stop loving you?"

Su Zhe's voice was faint and weak, like a gnat.

There was a wound on his neck, which was still bleeding.

Fortunately, it was a vein and the bleeding rate was not too fast.

The bright red blood flowed down his neck, soaked Su Zhe's clothes, and finally gathered and dripped on the ground.

The ground at this time was already covered with blood.

A lot of blood has coagulated, and you can feel the stickiness when you step on it, which is creepy.

"You answered Xu Rou's call the day before yesterday and didn't tell me."

Lin Shiqing seemed to be suppressing her anger, her voice trembling slightly.

“You had a phone call with her for more than a minute and hid the call record.

If I hadn't installed surveillance cameras at home, I wouldn't have known that you were secretly contacting your ex-girlfriend behind my back! "

Su Zhe's face showed a tired look.

Whose wife installs surveillance cameras at home to monitor her husband 360 degrees without blind spots?

I'm afraid it's just Lin Shiqing.

If it hadn't been for this incident, Su Zhe wouldn't have discovered that there was surveillance at home.

He really couldn't believe that Lin Shiqing had reached such a crazy point behind her back.

“I have explained it many times that because she was suffering from AIDS and had no money, she was at the end of her rope, so she wanted to borrow money from me.

I didn't agree, so she kept begging... Finally I hung up the phone and put her on the blacklist.

Just like this, if you have seen the surveillance, you should also know that what I said is true. "


Lin Shiqing shook her head and took a few steps back, her slender figure staggering a little.

"After Xu Rou asked you, you hesitated for one second and three hundred and seventy-one milliseconds.

The hesitation during this period of time is enough to prove that you still have sympathy and old feelings for her. "

"...It's just more than a second, does this mean I don't love you?

I was just thinking subconsciously, not hesitating.

Who can 100% not have any time to think? "

Su Zhe's words seemed to affect the wound on his neck, causing the blood to flow faster.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock, tick tock...

The river where the blood gathered suddenly started to flow faster.

"You hesitate, which means you are not firm.

Not being firm means that I am not the only one in your heart. "

Lin Shiqing shook her head, her eyes turned gray.

"You should have refused immediately and hung up the phone...but you didn't."

Hearing Lin Shiqing's voice that contained despair and disappointment, Su Zhe didn't know how to explain it.

He had tried every means to explain, but Lin Shiqing still refused to give up.

Finally, he was even taken to the basement and imprisoned.

Unknown how many days and nights passed, Su Zhe felt that his consciousness was about to blur.

He is an extraordinary person and not a vampire. How could he not get a drop of water or a grain of rice into his body?

"You're not talking, are you... It doesn't matter, I brought Xu Rou here so you can see her."

Lin Shiqing walked to the entrance of the prison and took out a wooden box.

Then she opened the package and took out the contents.

Su Zhe's eyes stopped.

He stared blankly at the thing in Lin Shiqing's hand not far away.

It was a bloody head.

There is no doubt that this head belongs to Xu Rou.

Xu Rou's eyes widened, and those eyes were already stained with a lifeless aura of death.

What was fixed on her face was the panic at the last second of her life.

"Tell me, is she beautiful, or am I?"

Lin Shiqing looked straight at Su Zhe.

"Of course it's you... Xu Rou is not as good-looking as you at all!"

Su Zhe replied immediately.


Lin Shiqing's expression softened a little, "You won't feel bad if I kill her, right?"

Su Zhe endured the extreme nausea and said in a hoarse voice: "No...she should die. I have wanted to kill her for a long time."

Hearing Su Zhe's words, Lin Shiqing's face showed a hint of joy.

" this true?"

Lin Shiqing blinked and threw Xu Rou's head on the ground.

The head rolled down to the corner like a ball.

"It turns out that you have wanted to kill her for a long time."

Lin Shiqing's eyes showed doting again.

She took a few deep breaths.

"Husband, actually you can do anything, as long as you put me first in your heart, don't think about other women...

I don’t want you to like other women, I just want you to like me..."

"I definitely only like you...ahem."

Before Su Zhe could finish speaking, he coughed twice and coughed up some blood foam.

"But if I spare you casually like this, I don't think you will remember it, right?"

Lin Shiqing pursed her lips, looking thoughtful.

"I will definitely remember this, this is the last time."

Su Zhe looked at Lin Shiqing with a sincere expression.

"Can you let me go...I can't hold on anymore."

"Then you have to promise me that you will never say a word to any other woman again, not even a word!"

Lin Shiqing's voice became very cold and stern, and she looked at Su Zhe fiercely.

The sharp sound reverberated, making the prison tremble.

Su Zhe nodded quickly.

"No, definitely not..."

Last time, he himself was asked for directions on the road, and it happened that the other person was a woman.

Lin Shiqing secretly kidnapped the woman, killed her in front of Su Zhe, and used her as garden waste.

It was only then that Su Zhe realized Lin Shiqing's yandere personality.

That kind of personality was so terrifying that it almost swallowed him up completely.

But Su Zhe didn't dare to leave Lin Shiqing.

He believed that once he left, Lin Shiqing would chase him to the ends of the earth.

What's more, Su Zhe had no chance to escape.

Lin Shiqing was stronger than him, and she would wear a pair of handcuffs with him every night when she went to bed.

When going to the toilet, Lin Shiqing followed him closely.

Lin Shiqing now no longer allows him to leave her sight and must keep an eye on him all the time.

Su Zhe was most relaxed every night when his blood was being sucked by Lin Shiqing.

Because at that time, Lin Shiqing would fall asleep in the joy of blood-sucking.

Su Zhe finally no longer had to face Lin Shiqing's suffocating gaze.

Lin Shiqing was out with her parents when she received Xu Rou's call.

Su Zhe was locked at home.

That was his best chance to escape, but Lin Shiqing set up multiple surveillance cameras outside the door just to prevent him from escaping.

Those surveillance cameras would also automatically alarm. Once Su Zhe tried to break the window or door to escape, Lin Shiqing would know immediately.

After Su Zhe answered Xu Rou's call, he was very scared and worried about Lin Shiqing's overthinking.

So he cleared the call records and pretended as if nothing had happened.

As a result, Su Zhe never expected that Lin Shiqing would secretly install surveillance cameras at home!

As a result, Lin Shiqing was furious, his neck was cut open, and he was imprisoned in an underground prison.

Staring into Su Zhe's eyes, Lin Shiqing seemed to sense the former's sincerity.

"Next time something like this happens..."

"It's impossible to show up. If it happens again, I'm willing to bear all the punishment!"

Su Zhe said immediately.

Lin Shiqing's gaze turned around and looked at Su Zhe's limbs.

"Next time this happens, I will cut you into a stick... and you will never leave me.

Don't worry, I will always take care of you. Who makes you my favorite person?

I will stay with you well. "

Listening to Lin Shiqing's extremely cold voice.

Su Zhe's body trembled, and his heart was filled with endless fear.

He lowered his head.

"I understand...Situations like this will never happen again."

Hearing Su Zhe's promise, Lin Shiqing's expression immediately became happy.

She loosened the rope that bound Su Zhe.

And a red light appeared in his hand, healing the injury on Su Zhe's neck.

Lin Shiqing hugged Su Zhe forcefully, as if she wanted to melt her body into him.

She said with joy: "Husband, I love you forever!"

"Wife, I love you too..."

Su Zhe rested his head on Lin Shiqing's shoulder and spoke as sincerely as possible.

But that look in his eyes was particularly hollow and numb, and had long since lost any sparkle.


"Let me go, was I really so sickly and scary back then?"

In the dazzling Supreme Temple, Lin Shiqing said with a look of astonishment as she looked at the scene emerging from the light curtain in front of her.

"Who says it's not?

After I became the Supreme God, I also integrated the memories of my previous life.

This memory of being imprisoned really gave me a psychological shadow! "

Su Zhe said still a little scared.

The two supreme gods had nothing to do, and when they talked about the past, they inevitably talked about their past lives.

That is the week when Lin Shiqing became the reincarnation person and Su Zhe became the companion.

It's just that the final outcome of that week's episode was a failure.

Su Zhe's one-week project was actually a failure.

Although He became the supreme God, He lost the one he loved.

After returning to the beginning through the Book of Reversal, a perfect second week began.

Now, he has married Lin Shiqing and lived happily for more than a thousand years.

They just celebrated their 1314th wedding anniversary yesterday.

Today's Blue Star is completely different.

There are countless high-end technologies, and there seems to be a trend of mechanical advancement.

Perhaps human beings can still rely on themselves to find the third path of technology becoming gods.

However, this is not something Su Zhe needs to consider.

His most ardent wish now is to give birth to the child of their love with Lin Shiqing as soon as possible.

But what makes them helpless is that the Supreme God is too powerful and it is difficult to give birth to new life...

After 1314 years of hard work, there was still no harvest.

However, once the children of the two supreme gods are born, they will bring with them a powerful main godhead.

You can choose to fuse this main godhead the day after tomorrow.

Su Zhe planned to let his child be born on Blue Star. After all, there were too many familiar people and things there.

"keep it up!"

Su Zhe hugged Lin Shiqing next to him and walked into the bedroom in the corner of the temple.

Lin Shiqing blushed, hugged Su Zhe's neck, and planted strawberries on his neck.

All the people of the Gods would never think of it.

The terrifying Hades who existed under the darkest divine power was actually held in Su Zhe's arms like a little sweet wife.


[The second extra chapter is here. In addition, the author's new book has been uploaded. You can add it to your bookshelf. It is expected to be stably updated in the future. You can add bookshelf to maintain it first, and then read it later when it becomes fatter.

Click on the author's homepage, and you can see the author's new book "Discover the Baisi School Beauty is a Killer, and Then Become the Master". It also has a single heroine. This time the heroine is more cute and cute. The combat power is not very high, but it is more daily. That feeling]

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