There are not many guests in the quiet indoor restaurant of Zuoan Western Restaurant, only some slight whispers.

Ye Hui looked at the medium-rare steak in front of him. Some blood had solidified on it, and it looked average.

He didn't know why Baiying brought him to a place like this.

Dizzy... They are all vampires and don't need to eat at all. Even if they eat these steaks, they will spit them out intact.

The desserts such as cakes and cream that Lin Shiqing ate could still be digested, but such meat was simply overwhelmed by the severely degraded digestive system of the vampires.

But seeing Bai Ying calmly cut the steak on the plate in half, then forked a piece, put it in her mouth and chewed it, Ye Hui unexpectedly felt that she was enjoying the process.

In the afternoon, after finishing the company's affairs, she originally planned to go home, but Bai Ying suddenly suggested that she come to a Western restaurant to sit down and have something to eat.

In this way, Ye Hui was taken to the Left Bank Western Restaurant with some confusion.

"I don't understand. You and I can't digest this steak at all. Why do you still order it?" Ye Hui finally couldn't help but ask.

Bai Ying smiled upon hearing this.

"Actually, I have always felt that eating is a very happy thing. Even though I have become a vampire, it does not mean that I have to give up eating."

"But you will still spit it out." Ye Hui said.

"You're right, but after eating, people can't just go in and out." Bai Ying retorted nonchalantly.

Ye Hui frowned when he heard this: "But humans must eat. They eat to obtain energy. You can't get any energy from these foods, you will only spit them out."

"Well, so what?" Bai Ying asked, "What is the core of your question?"

After thinking for a moment, Ye Hui organized his words: "I want to ask you, what is the meaning of your eating?"

Bai Ying breathed a sigh of relief and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"It's another weird thing about meaning, but there's not so much meaning to be found in the world. I only eat for fun."


"Eating is just to please yourself. According to what you say, there is no point in living. We all have to die anyway."


Ye Hui felt that he could not defeat Bai Ying on this argument, so he changed his angle.

"Why do you still like to eat after becoming a vampire?"

In the early days of becoming a vampire, Ye Hui also tried eating food.

He unexpectedly felt that his appetite had dropped to zero.

Just like when humans see human blood, they generally have no appetite.

Races have changed, and eating habits have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

"This question is interesting. Indeed, among the vampires I know, I seem to be the only one who likes to eat human food.

Maybe I didn't completely become a vampire, or maybe there were some mutations?

When I was still a human, I loved eating, and this hobby continued after I became a vampire. "Bai Ying said thoughtfully.

"Isn't it hard to spit out that food?"

Ye Hui then asked.

He had eaten human food once, but he vomited it out not long after.

The process of vomiting was difficult to describe, and the pain was so profound that Ye Hui never ate any human food for hundreds of years.

"What should I say, as long as you get used to it, everything is like this.

If you try to eat for the first time, you will definitely get used to it and spit it out. "

Bai Ying looked at Ye Hui in front of her. He had sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He was a uniquely handsome man in ancient times. After putting on a suit, he looked extraordinary and charming.

But at this time, his hand was a little restless, changing its position from time to time, whether it was placed on the table or hanging down.

"It's like you are not used to contacting me now, so you act very awkward." Bai Ying shrugged.


"You are always nervous when talking to me. It feels like you are afraid of making mistakes."

Ye Hui frowned slightly.

The woman in front of me is a bit scary, she feels like she can read minds...

He was afraid of making mistakes and lowering his image in front of Bai Ying.

After all, it was Lin Shaohua who introduced him. He valued this so-called 'blind date' and wanted to leave a good impression on Bai Ying.

"Do you know why I brought you here today?" Bai Ying suddenly changed the subject.


"Look around here. They are all in pairs. Left Bank Western Restaurant is a must-visit place for many couples.

Ye Hui, I want to ask you, do you want to have further contact with me? "

Ye Hui was a little confused by Bai Ying's words.

So caught off guard.

In this relationship, Baiying has always been in an offensive posture.

This made Ye Hui feel warm and at the same time often felt overwhelmed.

Looking at Bai Ying——

She was dressed very beautifully today, her silver-white earrings flickered slightly under the candlelight, her eyes were soft and watery, and her light red lipstick was cute and playful.

"I think so." Ye Hui replied.

"If you think about it, we should have more contact in the future to enhance our relationship. We have to practice the feeling of falling in love.

Look at what the couples around you are doing, having a candlelight dinner on a weekend night and listening to the live piano in the hall, this is the taste of love. Bai Ying said with a smile, her eyes looked like crescent moons.

"Okay, of course."

Bai Ying shook her head when she heard this.

"You are too tense, your voice is stiff, as if I am forcing you to answer.

The assistant named Zhou Xueming in the company is very relaxed when you are with her. Have you noticed? "

Ye Hui was stunned.

"This is the power of habit. If you get used to me being by your side, my emotions, and my personality, you will relax." Bai Ying said softly.

"That assistant named Zhou Xueming has been with you for many years. After I have known you for the same amount of time, you will get used to me.

Come and watch a movie with me. I bought the tickets. Let’s find a hotel to stay outside tonight. "

"Huh? Is it too fast?"

Before Ye Hui finished speaking, Bai Ying took his arm and pulled him up.

"Just come with me, I'll arrange everything from now on."

The clouds were overcast and it started to rain moderately. Ye Hui didn't bring an umbrella. He decided to take off his coat to protect Bai Ying from the rain and walked to the parking lot.

Taking off his coat, he stood up like an eaves.

Under the 'eaves', Bai Ying hid in. Ye Hui and she trotted forward, and soon arrived at the parking lot.

Bai Ying didn't get any raindrops on her body, but on the other hand, Ye Hui, half of his body was already soaked.

Bai Ying felt warm in her heart. It seemed that Ye Hui was not the kind of guy who didn't understand amorous feelings at all. He was still very useful at critical moments.

"You are so wet... In this case, let's not go to the movie today and go directly to the hotel I booked." Bai Ying thought for a moment and then said.

"It's okay, this little rain is nothing." Ye Hui said nonchalantly.

"Be good and be obedient. It's uncomfortable to have rain on your body, I know." Bai Ying showed a gentle smile, "I also wanted to thank you just now for helping me protect me from the wind and rain. I'm very touched."

She immediately stood up on tiptoes and kissed Ye Hui on the face.

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