Don't worry about washing clothes for now. The most important thing now is to try drinking your own blood to see if it can help you improve your strength.

Su Zhe brought the tall glass in front of his eyes, but couldn't help but frown.

"Qingbao, look, does this blood tend to become a little cloudy?"

Qingbao is the nickname Su Zhe recently gave to Lin Shiqing.

It's also a nickname.

In fact, Su Zhe thought about the name Lin Shiqing for a long time. At first he thought Shiqing was fine, but later he felt that it was too ordinary.

So in a flash of inspiration, he decided to call Lin Shiqing his love treasure.

Lin Shiqing found this nickname very disgusting at first and was not very accepting of it, but as Su Zhe called it more often, she gradually got used to it.

"Let me see."

Lin Shiqing came over and took the glass from Su Zhe's hand.

The crystal clear liquid was actually mixed with some impurities.

"It really is!"

There are not many impurities, but they are constantly being produced.

Frowning, Lin Shiqing asked: "Could it be that if the blood is exposed to the air, the blood will become turbid? Will it also gradually produce impurities?"

Su Zhe was stunned when he heard this, and then couldn't help but agree: "It's really possible."

Originally, when Lin Shiqing sucked blood, she drank it immediately and did not transfer it to the container.

When Lin Shiqing first had doubts about Su Zhe's physique, she just put his blood into a large basin without observing it.

It can be said that this is the first time that Su Zhe and Lin Shiqing have observed the condition of Su Zhe's blood outside the body.

"I can feel that the taste of the blood is gradually getting worse, which means that the quality of the blood is declining." Lin Shiqing said slowly.

"I feel the same way." Su Zhe nodded, "Then I'll drink it quickly."

Su Zhe picked up the glass and drank it in one gulp.

Su Zhe had a strange feeling after drinking his own blood for the first time.

The blood with a faint residual warmth flows from the throat into the stomach, but the effect is still online.

This undoubtedly opened up an idea for Su Zhe.

Bleed yourself in the human form, and then let yourself in the vampire form suck the blood.

Good guy, what a perpetual motion machine!

But one thing needs to be noted. When he is in the vampire form, like Lin Shiqing, he will also have time to digest.

The maximum capacity of the stomach is approximately five to six hundred milliliters, and the digestion time is approximately three days.

Like ordinary vampires, he cannot drink too much blood.

There must be a balance between your own blood and the blood you suck.

Su Zhe also discovered a very interesting point.

The vampire form and the human form are completely independent. If one of the forms is injured, the wound will disappear immediately after changing to the other form.

The status will be completely restored.

This means that Su Zhe has double physical strength and double life. If one of the forms suffers fatal damage, he can activate the skill and switch to the other form.

But if both forms receive fatal injuries, it would be a disaster.

"How is it? How do you feel?" Lin Shiqing asked curiously, "This is the first time I have seen a vampire drink my own blood."

"It doesn't count as my own blood... In fact, the blood I drank was essentially human blood." Su Zhe explained.

"Can your blood improve you? Has there been any change in strength and blood purity?" Lin Shiqing continued to ask.

"I felt it. I can digest my blood, but it doesn't improve me much." Su Zhe said hesitantly.

The blood in the body is gradually being digested, and then turns into strands of red blood energy.

"I know, if my blood is absorbed and drank now, the improvement in strength will be great, and it will also be the purest and most perfect.

But if it is stored in the outside world for a period of time, even for a second, the blood will lose its activity and greatly reduce the quality of the blood.

To sum up, my blood can only be sucked and drank now. It is completely impossible to store it outside the body. "

Su Zhe finally had a deeper understanding of his system.

Lin Shiqing couldn't help but sigh after hearing Su Zhe's words.

"Looks like your idea is shattered."

Su Zhe smiled: "That's okay. As long as there are enough draws, my realm will improve quickly. It's no shame if this idea fails."

Lin Shiqing ignited her fighting spirit: "That's good.

I suddenly remembered just now that a lot of precious and powerful blood essence cannot come into contact with the air.

There have been records about this in some ancient books. Once the precious blood essence comes into contact with the air, the quality will be greatly reduced. "

Lin Shiqing's words inspired Su Zhe, which gave a reasonable explanation to the current situation.

"By the way, you didn't have to do my laundry, now is the time."

The experiment has been completed, and Su Zhe plans to change into his blood-stained clothes.

Lin Shiqing nodded: "Okay, this is my first time washing clothes for you. I will definitely wash them well."

"Just put it in the washing machine, don't wash it by hand." Su Zhe reminded, "Even if you don't have a fully automatic washing machine at home, it's still very convenient."

Lin Shiqing shook her head when she heard this: "Don't do that. In that case, you can wash it yourself, why do I need to help you wash it?

It was mentioned in the short video last night that you have to wash your boyfriend's clothes with your own hands. This is what a girlfriend must do. Is this a rule? "

Su Zhe had a black question mark on his face.

"Wait, you mentioned short videos? Let me see the video you made last night."

Lin Shiqing took out the pink mobile phone case Guozi 14 pro max Dark Night Purple 1tb from her pocket, opened it and showed Su Zhe the video she watched last night.

"This is the video."

Su Zhe took Lin Shiqing's mobile phone.

Blogger: Girls should abide by female virtues

The text of the video is as follows: Girls should talk less and do more. No matter what their husbands say, they should always say yes, good, and right.

Don't fight back when you're hit, don't retaliate when scolded, be submissive, and absolutely support your husband's decision.

From today on, insist on washing your husband’s clothes by hand. This is what every girl should do! If you don't do this, how can you prove that you love your husband?

The world is big, but my husband is the biggest!

Su Zhe had a dark look on his face.

What kind of feudal dross is this? !

When you click on the blogger's homepage, you'll find junk videos that poison the minds of contemporary girls.

He doesn't think it's a good thing to promote the superiority of men and the inferiority of women. Men and women should be equal.

"Qingbao, please don't read this blogger in the future. This blogger's views are wrong at all. He is full of bad ideas, promotes the superiority of men and the inferiority of women, and incites gender opposition." Su Zhe said speechlessly.

In this day and age... how should I put it, as long as it involves gender opposition, there is a steady stream of traffic.

Adhering to the concept that black and red are also popular and traffic is king, many bloggers have begun to produce such videos that trigger gender opposition.

It is true that traffic is high, and it is also true that bloggers who do anything to gain traffic are useless.

"Ah?" Lin Shiqing looked surprised, "Hazy, I thought hand-washing your boyfriend's clothes was a custom among human lovers to express love. It seems I misunderstood..."

As vampires and humans are from different ethnic groups, there will be some differences in customs.

Lin Shiqing was deceived by that blogger.

"...Since there is a washing machine at home, you can just use the washing machine to wash it for me. Hand washing is a waste of time and energy.

If we have that time, we might as well sit together and chat and play games. "

"Really?" Lin Shiqing's eyes flickered and she said in surprise.

Why is this child a little dull...

Well, it is true that a woman in love has zero IQ.

"Of course. If you have to wash it by hand, why do you need a washing machine?" Su Zhe nodded.

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